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 Message Boards » » what's the best prescription painkiller? Page [1] 2, Next  
All American
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I need something to kill pain from an injured tendon/muscle, and advil and such just isn't covering it anymore.
I just need this temporarily... will the Doc prescribe me something like that?

6/10/2008 5:31:44 PM

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6/10/2008 5:32:08 PM

All American
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6/10/2008 5:32:24 PM

Mr Scrumples
61466 Posts
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the answer is no.

6/10/2008 5:32:53 PM

All American
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6/10/2008 5:33:04 PM

All American
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under what circumstances will a dr. prescribe the medication? I have no intention of abusing the medicine... I just need to be able to function normally for the next couple of weeks.

6/10/2008 5:34:27 PM

All American
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but seriously, you're not going to get anything better than vicodin or maybe some percocet if you are very lucky

6/10/2008 5:35:49 PM

All American
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opiates cause severe constipation.

6/10/2008 5:36:46 PM

Mr Scrumples
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theyll most likely prescribe you an upped dose of ibuprofen.

6/10/2008 5:37:13 PM

All American
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well those are the only two i really know of and was thinking about asking for. i'm not one of you pillhead type people.

6/10/2008 5:37:19 PM

All American
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not in everybody

smath you might try getting some ultram. its in the same drug class as advil, so its non-narcotic, and it won't put you out on your ass like opiates. you did say you wanted to function and not sleep on your couch for 2 weeks, right?

6/10/2008 5:38:23 PM

All American
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yeah... do the other ones knock you out?

i've been taking handfulls of advil but i don't want to take too much of the stuff because i value my liver somewhat.

6/10/2008 5:39:20 PM

All American
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you'll probably get tylenol 3 with codeine

tell them you're having trouble sleeping and you might get vicodin, nothing better for that though

6/10/2008 5:40:53 PM

All American
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[Edited on June 10, 2008 at 5:51 PM. Reason : vicodin]

6/10/2008 5:49:49 PM

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sometimes i wonder if i'm the last american citizen left that doesn't take any pills

6/10/2008 6:06:23 PM

All American
687 Posts
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Tylenol-3 would actually be a good idea, with the anti-inflammatories in it, to actually help the injured muscle.
Is there any reason you can't just get the docs to prescribe something for the tendon, or go to physical therapy? I mean, if you already know what the problem is, it should be easy to actually fix not just try to ignore the pain, right?

6/10/2008 6:07:48 PM

All American
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there are no anti-inflamatories in tylenol 3

6/10/2008 6:22:40 PM

All American
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well it goes away after about a week anyway. the pain is just annoying while i try to walk on it.

and yes, i've been watching house like a fiend on DVD the last few weeks.

6/10/2008 9:16:37 PM

32613 Posts
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yeah, hydrocodone or oxycodone is all youre gonna get at best.. and probably not

[Edited on June 10, 2008 at 9:18 PM. Reason : but the "best" is probably hydromorphone or fentanyl, fyi]

6/10/2008 9:18:12 PM

All American
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etorphine FTW!

6/10/2008 9:22:11 PM

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i think we're talking about ones that don't kill elephants


6/10/2008 9:22:39 PM

Starting Lineup
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They'll probably give you a prescription anti-inflammatory, such as a strong dose of ibuprofen. If you're lucky, they'll give you a stronger one such as naproxen, or if you're really lucky, you'll get something like ketorolac.

6/10/2008 9:25:21 PM

All American
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i assume you have considered trying to fix the underlying source of your pain, right? also have you tried any non-medical therapies like a brace or something? unfortunately you're gonna have a hard time walking into a random docs office and getting Rx pain meds...

6/10/2008 9:32:40 PM

All American
10527 Posts
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nm, hes right, i totally forgot about
Quote :

[Edited on June 10, 2008 at 9:39 PM. Reason : dilaudid is really good though]

6/10/2008 9:35:02 PM

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6/10/2008 9:36:56 PM

All American
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6/10/2008 9:38:23 PM

Double Entendre
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percocet for me. I don't know for you.

6/10/2008 9:38:28 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i assume you have considered trying to fix the underlying source of your pain, right? also have you tried any non-medical therapies like a brace or something? unfortunately you're gonna have a hard time walking into a random docs office and getting Rx pain meds..."

well, it usually goes away in about a week... i've had it happen before. been documented.

6/10/2008 9:39:32 PM

All American
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morphone than you can handle!

6/10/2008 9:48:10 PM

All American
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6/10/2008 9:51:51 PM

All American
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if you're able to function normally while on fentanyl or dilaudid, you must have a seriously high tolerance

6/10/2008 9:54:30 PM

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evan you so funny

6/10/2008 9:59:56 PM

All American
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^^i can, but i've been at it a while in high doses. pca's of dilaudid dropping 2mg every 8 minutes+getting hit with 4mg shots of morphone+ 2 percs every 2 hours doesn't hardly phase me anymore. hell, i'm still going through 5-10 oxycodones and 50-60 percocets a week right now. i took 20 at one time a couple of weeks ago just to see what would happen. i just got a little drowsy, functioned fine otherwise.

i see no reason your doctor wouldn't give you a scrip for like 10 pills. vicoden or hydrocodone would probably be sufficient, but go for percocet or straight oxycodone if you really want it stamped out.

6/22/2008 4:15:51 AM

All American
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if you dont act like an addict and just tell them that hydrocodone hasn't completely relieved the pain (regardless of your prescription history), then they would most likely prescribe an oxy/apap combo, but other than that there really aren't that many options for self-administered pain relief. . .

oh and for everyone reading this, DONT DRINK ON TYLENOL (ACETAMINOPHEN) IT IS NOT HEALTHY.

so try and get plain oxycodone 5's.

6/22/2008 4:21:24 AM

All American
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Quote :
"i've been taking handfulls of advil but i don't want to take too much of the stuff because i value my liver somewhat."

your liver is fine, but your kidneys and stomach might be hating you right now.

dont give yourself an ulcer taking more ibuprofen than necessesary.

taking more than 800mg(script strength) advil every 8hrs isnt going to manage the pain any better... just means you have to wait longer in between doses.

when i dislocated my patella all my ortho prescribed was naproxen for the inflammation. Get the inflammation under control with ice and nsaids, rehab the tendon, wear a brace etc

thats about the best you can hope for really

6/22/2008 5:01:36 AM

All American
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Why don't you go to the doctor and find out?

6/22/2008 9:43:02 AM

All American
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6/22/2008 11:58:57 AM

All American
1347 Posts
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dont get hooked on narcotics - try ultram if possible (i have spinal stenosis and bulging discs and i take ultram once every few weeks if my back starts hurting) - my husband got shot in his knee years ago and started to have a lot of pain and they started him on vicodin and percocet - then he was on fentanyl patches for 3 years, ended up with gastroparesis (sp?) and now his stomach is fucked due to narcotics and doctors cant even put him to sleep for surgeries because hes been on them so long - stay as far away as possible from them! they turn you into a different person and ive known so many who have gotten hooked on them and cant get off (maybe not everyone, but just dont even try it) - also vicodin and percocet make me sick (i only took them when i had surgery done for my endometriosis and i took 1 of each (at different times) to see which would help and fuck that, i threw up everywhere)

[Edited on June 22, 2008 at 12:10 PM. Reason : ]

6/22/2008 12:07:24 PM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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Quote :
"my husband got shot in his knee years ago"

so what???

i thought that only happened in the movies...

6/22/2008 12:13:55 PM

All American
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not saying its a big deal because its not, just saying that was the reason why he was "hurting"

6/22/2008 12:15:38 PM

45912 Posts
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I smell bullshit in this thread. a lot of fucking bullshit

6/22/2008 12:30:04 PM

All American
34244 Posts
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topical ibuprofen is great for people who have any kind of stomach upset from the pill form.

6/22/2008 12:35:10 PM

All American
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Fentanyl Patches...erm Actiq suckers

6/22/2008 12:42:07 PM

All American
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Actiq is even worse considering its quicker than the patches, my husband had those also - god definetly stay away from them

ive gotten so i despise pain killers - they bring this world down

6/22/2008 12:45:18 PM

All American
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6/22/2008 12:46:56 PM

All American
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^ sorry...yeah I saw many a drug addict when I used to work in the pharmacy.

6/22/2008 12:48:18 PM

All American
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and i dont see anyone getting fentanyl, dilaudid, or actiq unless they're almost dying or going to a pain clinic - no im not an expert at this, but we went through a year of finding someone to prescribe something other than percocet (considering they stopped workin after he took them for 8+ years) - thank god hes not taking that shit anymore

6/22/2008 12:54:46 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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Quote :
"ultram. its in the same drug class as advil, so its non-narcotic,"


6/22/2008 1:11:47 PM

32613 Posts
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ultram sucks cock

6/22/2008 1:23:44 PM

All American
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I'll give you that much. I didn't get shit from it...well, except for it making me puke my god damn brains out at work.

6/22/2008 2:04:20 PM

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