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 Message Boards » » THEY GAVE THE DUDE A BEEPER Page [1]  
All American
24387 Posts
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got my government beeper today at work

and to answer your question: No, beepers are not produced anymore, the feds just stock pilled them when they were made, which was circa 1990

6/10/2008 5:50:03 PM

70298 Posts
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are beepers produced anymore?

6/10/2008 5:52:46 PM

2940 Posts
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money well spent by the feds. what a great investment, as always.

6/10/2008 5:53:20 PM

All American
24387 Posts
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the government doesn't spend money on anything

they steal the shit


6/10/2008 6:01:19 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
11612 Posts
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^ I would be better funded if that were true.

6/10/2008 6:09:48 PM

All American
3481 Posts
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thats mine

6/10/2008 6:18:32 PM

balls deep
89892 Posts
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did you get a job as a government drug dealer or something?

p.s., my new job gave me a laptop

6/10/2008 6:20:21 PM

All American
9126 Posts
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I miss my beeper

6/10/2008 6:47:17 PM

All American
522 Posts
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I'm glad I got rid of the beeper from my last job.

I got hooked up at my new job. Laptop. Docking station. 19" LCD. Razr phone.

Unfortunately they can reach me any time now.

Better than my last job though, much less on-call and my coworkers are competent so I can tell them how to fix stuff over the phone and they can actually figure it out themselves.

6/10/2008 7:43:09 PM

41759 Posts
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I miss my beeper

6/10/2008 7:44:53 PM

All American
4476 Posts
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i dont understand why they are still used so much in the medical profession. surely by now they could just distribute cell phones, to save that unnecessary step of having to go find a phone once you've been paged. i guess it's one of those old school things that no one wants to change.

6/10/2008 8:05:24 PM

All American
14538 Posts
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its my understanding that people in the medical field receive a certain code in the page... they dont have to call for each page

6/10/2008 8:08:11 PM

56200 Posts
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a docking station!! NO WAY!

6/10/2008 8:09:52 PM

32613 Posts
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seems like text messaging could be used on cell phones just fine imo

6/10/2008 8:10:21 PM

All American
4476 Posts
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Quote :
"its my understanding that people in the medical field receive a certain code in the page... they dont have to call for each page"

some have text pagers, but that's even more limited than a cell phone's texting capabilities (i.e. it's one way, only allows 240 characters, etc.). as far as i'm aware, paging is still straight out of 1975:

1) dial the pager # of the person you're trying to get a hold of
2) wait for a voice prompt to finish and sound the beep
3) type in the callback number (and if you want "tag" the page with an asterisk followed by your pager #)
4) hit "#"
5) wait by the phone for them to get the page, get to a phone, and call you back

now if that ain't some fucking archaic shit, i don't know what is

6/10/2008 8:16:52 PM

56200 Posts
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I remember this poor kid in HS, James Woodley, he would sit in the back of class sewing his own hats and shit... one time he made a beeper out of cardboard to look cool going down the hallway, someone set it on fire hahah

6/10/2008 8:18:35 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » THEY GAVE THE DUDE A BEEPER Page [1]  
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