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 Message Boards » » whats up with all these tornados? Page [1]  
All American
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whats up, is this global warming?
tornados, wildfires, smoke, flood, cyclones, erfquakes, record heat, what more can i say

them global warming haters are running out of excuses, i'd like to hear their point of view now...

6/12/2008 9:05:57 PM

balls deep
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yeah....most of us just call this summertime

6/12/2008 9:06:41 PM

All American
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6/12/2008 9:06:46 PM

Tom Joad
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i think this picture should explain it all

6/12/2008 9:07:16 PM

All American
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its God's way of saying he hates queers

or something like that

6/12/2008 9:07:24 PM

All American
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i dont remember this happening last summer, or anyother summer

6/12/2008 9:07:33 PM

All American
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i turn on larry king and he's going back and forth between 4 reporters all covering different disasters, so im like wtf, this aint normal

6/12/2008 9:08:17 PM

All American
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6/12/2008 9:09:52 PM

Tom Joad
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wouldn't be the craziest thing to ever happen

[Edited on June 12, 2008 at 9:10 PM. Reason : link not tags]

6/12/2008 9:10:11 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i dont remember this happening last summer, or anyother summer


So global warming wasnt happening last summer? LOL

Think about it

6/12/2008 9:14:43 PM

All American
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i meant to say global climate change, and its constantly changing

6/12/2008 9:15:30 PM

Tom Joad
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i doubt many people remember the disasters of aught seven, either

Quote :
"Now my story begins in Nineteen-dickety-two. We had to say "dickety" because the Kaiser had stolen the word "twenty". I chased that rascal to get it back, but gave up after dickety-six miles."

6/12/2008 9:16:14 PM

All American
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Quote :
"constantly changing"

Yes, almost random like.

I remember when the hurricanes were going to be worse every year after Katrina bc of global warming. Then they werent... then THAT was bc of global warming. By that reasoning global warming gave me the runs yesterday too. Damn SUVs.

6/12/2008 9:21:33 PM

All American
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well one thing has remained true, the earth has been getting warmer
what that will do is still largely a mystery
but it is melting the polar caps & changing climates all over the world
as far is predicting this or that is a tricky business though

what im wondering is how people still deny that it exist, thats liek saying the sun goes around earth

6/12/2008 9:28:46 PM

All American
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I wont deny that the trend is a warming trend. I wont argue agaisnt needs to reduce pollution. What i have a problem is when people group EVERYTHING under the banner of global warming. Gore and others predicted increased hurricane activities... nothing.. Now it makes everything random.. Hard to be wrong with that. LOL

You might be too young to recall the ICE AGE we caused back in the early 80s. haha

6/12/2008 9:39:50 PM

All American
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global climate change has always existed and always will.

6/12/2008 9:41:44 PM

All American
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yep, with or without SUVs or taxes.

6/12/2008 9:43:39 PM

All American
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^^^i wasnt in that camp,

yes some people make predictions based on hype, some on facts
i think the facts suggest pollution is severely damaging the earth
look at china and india, they're screwing up their environment

where the global warming camp went wrong is in trying to make predictions in a complex system like weather,
they should have just stuck to analyzing data and trying to find the cause of the warming trend

but its good that the haters are finally comming around, but i still would like to hear an apology from each and every one of you
especially your leader rush Limbaugh

[Edited on June 12, 2008 at 9:43 PM. Reason : ^^]

6/12/2008 9:43:43 PM

All American
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hater? For what wanting more facts about it? I said Im all for reducing pollution.. who isnt. But I have serious doubts about our ability to seriously alter global climate.

Look at the trends for global temps. What caused previous increases or decreases? in your opinion.

6/12/2008 9:48:02 PM

All American
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never underestimate humanities ability to mess things up, regardless I don't think we are having more major weather events I think we just hear about more of them.

We need a chart....

^ other cycles in temperature took centuries/millennia to happen, the current change is happening within two centuries.

[Edited on June 12, 2008 at 9:53 PM. Reason : ...]

6/12/2008 9:51:36 PM

All American
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obviously there is a natural change that occurs, just like the four seasons, i'd assume the earth goes through periods of cold, hot or fair weather which is what makes discriminating between man made change and natural changes hard

but when you look at the evidence you should, whether you know for sure or not, assume that it is man made, because either way you'd be screwed if you do nothing but if you change you have a chance at fixing the problem

6/12/2008 9:52:23 PM

All American
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I do believe we have had the most deaths by tornado this year in the US. You would expect to see more deaths over the year if the number of tornados stays consistant and the population increases. Only makes sense.

6/12/2008 9:54:13 PM

All American
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by that logic, everyone should be made to go to church lafta. Better safe than sorry right.

6/12/2008 9:55:25 PM

All American
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There are just more people being affected by these natural disasters. Plus fires are common in many ecosystems. Down towards the beach there are Longleaf pine forests that need the fire to regulate competition against the pines. Erfquakes would have nothing to do with global warming. I'm all about less gas guzzling and sustainability though b/c it will fuck with my health and well being.

6/12/2008 9:59:49 PM

All American
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^^why not.

6/12/2008 10:06:02 PM

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