evlbuxmbetty All American 3633 Posts user info edit post |
Metal Gear Solid 4
plz to tell me why this game is so much cooler than hanging out with me on a saturday night
thx 6/15/2008 12:53:37 AM
blah All American 4532 Posts user info edit post |
because you're on tww 6/15/2008 12:54:44 AM
Walls1441 All American 10000 Posts user info edit post |
Camouflage. 6/15/2008 12:54:45 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
the person that said they were playing it is homosexual...if we are referring to the same post that is 6/15/2008 12:55:09 AM
NC86 All American 9134 Posts user info edit post |
you need to post pics
but im probably guessing you wouldnt have put out or he's just tired of fucking you
[Edited on June 15, 2008 at 12:57 AM. Reason : x] 6/15/2008 12:57:03 AM
raiden All American 10506 Posts user info edit post |
because you are 81. 6/15/2008 1:02:35 AM
evlbuxmbetty All American 3633 Posts user info edit post |
true... my shit is not as fun to play with  6/15/2008 1:04:59 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
evilbuxombeauty why do you hate me so much? 6/15/2008 1:07:56 AM
evlbuxmbetty All American 3633 Posts user info edit post |
i c wat u did there
i do not hate dnL  6/15/2008 1:10:43 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
oh good...for some reason i thought u hated me...just realized its "betty" and not "beauty"(although i'm still not convinced)  6/15/2008 1:13:01 AM
evlbuxmbetty All American 3633 Posts user info edit post |
let me ask a more specific question
say you had ended "the" relationship a few months prior to MGS 4 coming out
then recently called up your ex and said you wanted to get back together
she gives you some time to see if she wants to chance dating your pathetic ass again
you act like a jackass for a few weeks and you have the opportunity to make it up to her on a lonely saturday night
but when she calls to come over, you tell her you would rather play MGS...
u should prob just kill urself no? 6/15/2008 1:23:22 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
honestly if i were you i'd be like "damn, dnl would give me so much attn...i could have that boy on a chain and he'd do my every command" 6/15/2008 1:24:33 AM
NCSUGimp All American 24387 Posts user info edit post |
is your snooch all dried up or does it still work?
he could be gay
or you could be fat 6/15/2008 1:24:45 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
if you are a bit chubby i will still do you btw...i am really hard up for some coug....if you want me to jerk off before we bwn so i last longer thats fine 6/15/2008 1:27:25 AM
evlbuxmbetty All American 3633 Posts user info edit post |
vag is not dry
he is not gay
im not fat
... i could be in chembob's thick chicks thread  6/15/2008 1:41:15 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
ok so be honest with me...wolfweb persona aside...what would i have to do to possibly get good enough with you to bwn? like other than be charming etc cause i can already do that 6/15/2008 1:42:37 AM
evlbuxmbetty All American 3633 Posts user info edit post |
not be on tww
... oops 6/15/2008 1:48:04 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
i would treat you like a princess 
6/15/2008 2:08:05 AM
evlbuxmbetty All American 3633 Posts user info edit post |
and following current trends you must be a complete douchebag who ignores me and does not appreciate a good woman
but i'll consider the princess bit 6/15/2008 2:10:33 AM
JK All American 6839 Posts user info edit post |
I've heard it's pretty good.
However, I've never played it, and I have no idea who you are.
so I can't make a good call here. 6/15/2008 2:14:42 AM
The Dude All American 6502 Posts user info edit post |
post pics and we will decide whether you or MGS4 was a better choice
btw I just got MGS4 and the game is amazing....you have some tough competition 6/15/2008 2:25:17 AM
evlbuxmbetty All American 3633 Posts user info edit post |

... wat?
6/15/2008 2:29:51 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
current trends? woman i've seen many a trend in my 23 years and aint none of those bitches been that great 6/15/2008 2:31:11 AM
ShinAntonio Zinc Saucier 18949 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "when she calls to come over, you tell her you would rather play MGS" |
I would've lied and said I had a headache instead of saying I'm playing MGS. And the game is awesome. Even if you're an amazing lay (assuming you two have had sex), he's seen your act before. MGS is all new. 6/15/2008 2:31:28 AM
raiden All American 10506 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "let me ask a more specific question
say you had ended "the" relationship a few months prior to MGS 4 coming out
then recently called up your ex and said you wanted to get back together
she gives you some time to see if she wants to chance dating your pathetic ass again
you act like a jackass for a few weeks and you have the opportunity to make it up to her on a lonely saturday night
but when she calls to come over, you tell her you would rather play MGS...
u should prob just kill urself no?
" |
probably not. ya'll were split up anyway, so there wasn't much emotional/physical/relationship type investment anyway. Also, considering that, it also depends on when you called him, maybe he already had plans and didn't want to reveal them to you, so he went with the "playing MGS4" line, or maybe he really was looking forward to it, planned out his day for it, and is actually playing it now. who knows. I just think there's probably some background that could have helped more, but then again, it just depends.
Personally, unless I felt you were crazy or dangerous or something, I would prefer female company over video games, but that's just me.
just take a look at the big picture, and then figure it out; is he just blowing you off? is he being the asshole (b/c that's what chicks want)? or did he simply just not want to hang out? (it could really be that simple. 6/15/2008 2:32:18 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
shin antonio i dont know if you are "really" gay i just kinda got that vibe over the years(no homo)....i apoligize if you are not but you are who i was referring to in that one post 6/15/2008 2:33:28 AM
evlbuxmbetty All American 3633 Posts user info edit post |
i think it is quite simple...
he took me out for dinner and told me to call him after i got done with my other plans for the evening
he loves MGS, i knew he would cream his pants the moment he got it in the mail but i havent seen him much this week and he told me to call him so i thought he wanted to hang out
i think he got bored waiting on me and settled into playing the game 6/15/2008 2:36:18 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
ok no offense but
you date a fuckin video game nerd...get a clue... 6/15/2008 2:36:56 AM
evlbuxmbetty All American 3633 Posts user info edit post |
lol, i kno, he is pretty much a genius who is socially inept
i should not expect so much
bad betty  6/15/2008 2:38:03 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
honestly if you want to know the truth i always pictured you as a wtchywmn type person in real life
[Edited on June 15, 2008 at 2:39 AM. Reason : either that or a cddweller] 6/15/2008 2:38:53 AM
mawle427 All American 22137 Posts user info edit post |
fuck all this... you waited too long to call him, and he decided to play the game... call him tomorrow before he gets started and maybe you will get the response you want.
you are not the most awesome thing on the planet. 6/15/2008 2:51:32 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
shes prolly an only child or some shit 6/15/2008 2:53:47 AM
mawle427 All American 22137 Posts user info edit post |
also, if you are a chick and can't make the booty call happen... well then you might want to up your fellatio game a bit, because you are doing something wrong. 6/15/2008 2:55:24 AM
KeB All American 9828 Posts user info edit post |
if you can not figure out a way to draw a guy away from a video game then you are not doing something right.
he is just waiting for the right guy to come along that can.
PS I really hope he reads this.
[Edited on June 15, 2008 at 3:01 AM. Reason : ^or i guess exactly what he said] 6/15/2008 3:01:23 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
hmmm...video game over pussy...i come to 2 conclusions
a) shes a virgin b) he'd rather play a video game over getting with bxm  6/15/2008 3:02:30 AM
mawle427 All American 22137 Posts user info edit post |
i love how everyone is saying that this dude has homosexual leanings because he doesn't wanna fuck with this chick instead of continuing to play the game.
maybe this chick just ain't that cool. 6/15/2008 3:02:42 AM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
maybe she's just been at his house 16 nights in a row and he's tired of her annoying voice 6/15/2008 3:03:53 AM
raiden All American 10506 Posts user info edit post |
maybe she doesn't suck dick. 6/15/2008 3:04:32 AM
mawle427 All American 22137 Posts user info edit post |
maybe dude just wants to have a beer, play some video games, and relax... as opposed to having to tend to some broad all night. 6/15/2008 3:05:08 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
i like how everyone but dnl and jackleg are saying this guy has homosexual leanings? 6/15/2008 3:05:14 AM
mawle427 All American 22137 Posts user info edit post |
i am neither dnl or jackleg.
i just wanted to point that out. 6/15/2008 3:06:38 AM
evlbuxmbetty All American 3633 Posts user info edit post |
i like how im obviously a huge griping bitch that he cant stand and doesnt want to fuck
[/thread] 6/15/2008 3:07:20 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
yo you could be option a for all i know and hes just tired of whatever hes getting now 6/15/2008 3:07:53 AM
hershculez All American 8483 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "btw I just got MGS4 and the game is amazing....you have some tough competition" |
when are you ever going to buy a video game, mexican? 6/15/2008 3:08:17 AM
mawle427 All American 22137 Posts user info edit post |
i like how she hears the possibilities that are in opposition to this dude being in the wrong and immediately goes into defense.
I mean, if you have a good head game, aren't annoying, and are attractive, then nothing we have said should affect you. 6/15/2008 3:11:51 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
seriously.....i mean as a woman how hard is it to convince a dude to come to bed..i mean really 6/15/2008 3:12:36 AM
mawle427 All American 22137 Posts user info edit post |
i used to date a girl that, when i was doing something, such as playing video games, when she wanted to fuck... well she would just start sucking the cock.... that pretty much convinced me. 6/15/2008 3:15:46 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
shit ******** said that ****** would suck his dick while he studied and if he stopped studying she would stop sucking his dick...needless to say he got good grades that semester....i would love a broad like that...keeps u motivated on good things and sucks your dick for it...all women should be like that 6/15/2008 3:32:35 AM
mawle427 All American 22137 Posts user info edit post |
not all... otherwise it wouldn't be special 6/15/2008 3:38:35 AM
raiden All American 10506 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "yikes
i like how im obviously a huge griping bitch that he cant stand and doesnt want to fuck" |
nah, take it with a grain of salt, it is tdub after all. plus you asked for possibilities, and that's what's happenin. 6/15/2008 3:40:49 AM