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 Message Boards » » WTF Rules at your place of work. Page [1] 2, Next  
All American
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Put together your list here.

1-Once the children wash their hands they may not touch anything until they touch their food. Meaning once they wash their hands they must have us their counselor a-pull out their chair for them, b-push their chair in for them once they sit down, c-get their lunch box for them, d-open their lunch box for them, e-open their food containers for them. Then change our gloves and move to the next child.

2-When cleaning the tables we may only use each paper towel once. We may not use the same paper towel on another table because we will dirty the next table.

3-After a child uses the bathroom and washes their hands, we much then sanitize the sink.

4- 1 counselor to 15 kids is in ratio, but 2 counselors to 30 kids is out of ratio.

5- Children must go outside every day. This includes days that there are thunderstorms, ice storms, tornados, hurricanes, and this goes on.

6- There must be a box of tissues within 10 steps of every child.

7- We are only allowed to ask the kids open ended questions.

These rules seriously makes me wonder how I ever survived childhood.

Y'all add your rules at your work that make you go "what the fuck?"

[Edited on June 16, 2008 at 8:22 PM. Reason : ]

6/16/2008 8:18:02 PM

37709 Posts
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6/16/2008 8:20:09 PM

63151 Posts
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boo hoo

dont like it?


6/16/2008 8:20:48 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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Even though work can be done remotely from home you must come and work in the office.

6/16/2008 8:22:11 PM

147487 Posts
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summercamps blow

6/16/2008 8:23:02 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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Now that I think about it

I don't think we have any rules here

The only one I can think of is no talking during someone's backswing during the putting and chipping challenges

6/16/2008 8:24:50 PM

All American
12512 Posts
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I am gonna beat the shit out of my kids just to make up for the BS spoiling they get at school

6/16/2008 8:24:59 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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I would rather talk about the fucked up rules at your place of work. I mean, I understand that they have those rules because parents are retarded and have an irrational fear of germs, but come on. Humans are social creatures and have an immune system in place that does a pretty good job, if you give it a chance to work.

6/16/2008 8:25:15 PM

no u
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don't shoot the employees in the eyes with nerf guns

6/16/2008 8:25:36 PM

All American
35321 Posts
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The thing that gets me is that these rules aren't just for school aged kids, these rules are for infants too. Yes infants must go outside every day.

6/16/2008 8:27:01 PM

All American
63547 Posts
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we'll see
tomorrow is my first day

6/16/2008 8:27:52 PM

All American
27701 Posts
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some of the rules you listed are actually mandates from the board of health :\

6/16/2008 9:13:09 PM

All American
22728 Posts
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so you have to ask infants open-ended questions?

6/16/2008 9:15:21 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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Apparently she works at a camp for bubble children.

6/16/2008 9:15:27 PM

All American
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Yes, we have to ask infants open ended questions. We have to let them play outside in the rain.

Oh also, another rule.

If an 8 year old child requires to have a diaper changed we have to do that.

6/16/2008 9:19:30 PM

Status Name
11321 Posts
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Dress code says I'm supposed to be wearing long sleeve shirts to work. Screw that, it's 90° outside. I'll argue with the manager first.

6/16/2008 9:20:16 PM

All American
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6/16/2008 9:21:10 PM

Status Name
11321 Posts
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^yeah i need a real job

6/16/2008 9:22:31 PM

37709 Posts
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When I delivered for Lowe's we drove big ~14' box trucks, and whenever you back one of them up the passenger is supposed to get out and spot the driver.

No one ever did unless absolutely necessary...of course that's how we backed up onto some woman's hood who got right on our bumper when sitting at a stop sign at the highway.

6/16/2008 9:28:11 PM

All American
43429 Posts
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if given a lot of time i could come up with a long list, but here's what I think of off the bat.

-NO internet usage. There's a "public kiosk" that we can use if we need to look something up. We are also allowed to access the internet on our designated lunch break, though ironically enough we're NOT allowed to eat food at our desks.

-like I said, not allowed to eat at our desks. What am I, 7?

-a mandatory 7:30 meeting every Tuesday morning that I am not paid for. Thats right, mandatory meeting, don't get paid.

(yes i'm looking to leave my company)

6/16/2008 9:32:02 PM

All American
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You can't kick kids out of the classroom, even if they're being verbally or physically abusive.

6/16/2008 9:41:56 PM

All American
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it's not really a stupid rule, but i wish i could put a little block "S" on the back of my hard hat and we're not allowed to

6/16/2008 9:43:19 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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Jesus Christ at rule #1, 3, 6, and 7.

I would never work at a camp like that. I did a day camp last summer at a fairly exclusive country club, and we didn't have anything like that protecting those spoiled rich kids.

6/16/2008 9:49:16 PM

All American
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6/16/2008 9:59:34 PM

begonias is my boo
22491 Posts
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i was a pre-school teacher for almost a year in CARY and we were not nearly this anal.

wtf is this place?

6/16/2008 10:09:51 PM

All American
3633 Posts
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if one gets loose, you must kill it before it gets outside

6/16/2008 10:12:09 PM

All American
3893 Posts
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Rule #1: Do not allow the kids to develop immune systems.

The only WTF rule I have at work is we have to mute our computers if we watch porn

6/16/2008 10:13:22 PM

Sup, Brahms
23935 Posts
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i'm only allowed to use 1 headphone when listening to music, but that's about the craziest rule.

6/16/2008 10:14:55 PM

All American
1319 Posts
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mine are pretty normal, don't sleep with anybody you are teaching, be professional, show up for work.

6/16/2008 10:15:48 PM

All American
8522 Posts
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Quote :
"Do not allow the kids to develop immune systems.

Yeah, they say measures like the ones you're taking are the reason so many kids are deathly allergic to peanuts etc.

6/16/2008 10:21:39 PM

All American
34479 Posts
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Quote :
"-a mandatory 7:30 meeting every Tuesday morning that I am not paid for. Thats right, mandatory meeting, don't get paid.

That has to be illegal isn't it?

6/16/2008 10:32:41 PM

Trauma Specialist
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Most of the rules I make have to do with how boats, people, and equipment is to be handled. Most of the ones I don't are mandated by the Forest Service. One that I don't understand and the ranger stopped enforcing a year or two ago was that the lead guide on each trip had to carry a "55' rope not in a bag" in addition to the throwrope that all guides carry. I can understand having an extra length of rope... but having it not in a bag made them easy to lose at best and very dangerous at worst.

6/16/2008 10:36:42 PM

All American
12428 Posts
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stay hydrated, don't break anything and don't hurt yourself. Pretty good rules for me. BTW, i work for a moving company

6/16/2008 10:40:59 PM

All American
1382 Posts
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dont carry a gun in the office. its fine outside of the office, but not inside.

6/16/2008 10:53:03 PM

All American
5503 Posts
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Quote :
"If an 8 year old child requires to have a diaper changed we have to do that."

You've got to be joking or are these special kids?

My whole job is a WTF. I don't even know where to begin.

6/16/2008 11:02:23 PM

Universal Magnetic!
18976 Posts
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don't vpn personal traffic out to a verified secure proxy

6/16/2008 11:18:30 PM

76471 Posts
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I honestly cannot think of a single rule at either job that's 'wtf'-worthy.

And the ones I don't like? I get away with disregarding all but one or two of them. At one job, the boss I deal with most is like 'meh, whatever' towards little shit like that. At the other...she's short-staffed, terribly so, and so we staff have the upper hand, really. She's not gonna fire us over trivial little shit.

6/16/2008 11:20:04 PM

All American
4428 Posts
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My husband is the maintenance manager at two apartment complexes that are ran by the same company (same job, just he does maintenance for both complexes). He works m-w-f at complex A and tu-th at complex b.

-If he has a shit ton to do at complex A but nothing to do at complex b, he is still required to go to complex b on tuesdays and thursdays and just sit there and do nothing.

-Also he has a $600/year budget at complex A, but basically has an unlimited budget at complex b.

6/16/2008 11:28:01 PM

All American
4300 Posts
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1. no mom jokes
2. no pedophile jokes

6/16/2008 11:35:42 PM

All American
6307 Posts
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Don't throw balls if anyone is on the air

6/16/2008 11:44:32 PM

All American
9870 Posts
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i can watch porn but there can't be anyone behind me and the sound can't be on.

6/16/2008 11:48:09 PM

All American
2390 Posts
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^^^^ $600/yr budget for an apartment complex. No wonder some places are such shit holes.

[Edited on June 16, 2008 at 11:51 PM. Reason : -]

6/16/2008 11:51:15 PM

All American
15134 Posts
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Quote :
"7- We are only allowed to ask the kids open ended questions.

is it like Seinfeld.

6/16/2008 11:54:13 PM

All American
12212 Posts
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jesus those are some bizarre rules
I actually lol'd at only being able to ask them open ended questions.

6/16/2008 11:59:06 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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I'm not even entirely sure how you would always ask an open question. I guess, "What would you like to drink?" instead of "Would you like anything to drink?" sort of crap?

6/17/2008 5:14:34 AM

252 Posts
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Quote :
"mine are pretty normal, don't sleep with anybody you are teaching, be professional, show up for work."

6/17/2008 5:48:31 AM

All American
5286 Posts
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working with teens with social anxiety and we can't take them to public swimming pools even with a life guard present

movie theaters are definitely off the list of things we can't do too

i don't think medicaid knows teens don't go anywhere but those 2 places and spend the rest of their time on computers/phones/tv

imho these parents need to step up to the plate and slap their kids in the face with a reality check

your kid does not have ADHD
he's fat
he's anti-social
he's got horrible hygiene
you give him unlimited PSP time and fund games
you give him unlimited food
you work from home and ignore him

what the fuck do you think is going to happen

6/17/2008 6:52:47 AM

The Dude
All American
6502 Posts
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Biggest WTF rules at my work:

1) I can't drink beer during my lunchbreak
2) I can't drink beer during meetings

and worst of all

3) I can't drink beer at my desk

6/17/2008 7:19:31 AM

All American
8522 Posts
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I think one of the biggest BS rule at any workplace is drug tests.

Who cares what you do with your free time as long as you work hard, are intelligent, and don't steal from the company?

6/17/2008 7:30:12 AM

The Dude
All American
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^Depends where you work. You could easily come to work high without anyone knowing. I don't want the operators here at the nuclear power plant I work at coming in high.

6/17/2008 7:32:38 AM

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