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6/17/2008 11:26:10 AM

19447 Posts
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I reeeeeeeeeeeeeally need to go to the dentist.

6/17/2008 11:26:49 AM

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6/17/2008 11:26:56 AM

70298 Posts
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yeah I don't think I had been in about 2 years

6/17/2008 11:27:06 AM

22518 Posts
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^ 18 months for me

i need to go

6/17/2008 11:27:46 AM

19447 Posts
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I don't even remember the last time I went, but I think it's been about that long for me too. I did finally call a dentist a month or two ago, but apparently the person who handled new patient info was on her lunch break. I was told she would call me back when she returned ... it must be a really long lunch.

6/17/2008 11:28:24 AM

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I absolutely couldn't believe I didn't have any cavities


Quote :



6/17/2008 11:28:45 AM

All American
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6/17/2008 11:29:18 AM

70298 Posts
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haha those teeth are so foxey

Quote :



6/17/2008 11:29:42 AM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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I had one cavity way back in my molar area

He was like "I can put in a tooth colored cap or a gold one"

Of course I was like "gimme the gold" but you can't really see it unless you look deep into mouth from an upwards angle

6/17/2008 11:30:23 AM

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LOL gold teef are epic

6/17/2008 11:31:02 AM

All American
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6/17/2008 11:31:51 AM

All American
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I'm going to the dentist this thursday for a routine cleaning.

I'm doing this before I set up my next appointment, which will be in the next couple of weeks I hope, to get a porcelain inlay. They're basically going to remove the top 80% of what's left of this tooth that has a failing metal filling, scan the socket with a little computer scanner thingy of some sort, run that info through what basically amounts to a mini CNC machine that makes porcelain teeth, then they're going to take that porcelain tooth and glue it onto what's left of the tooth (the ring of enamel they don't destroy).

Should be as painful and as time-consuming as when they put that second metal filling in (this is the third time a filling has failed, and the second time a metal one failed). The painful part will be the bill. At least he doesn't have to drive a spike into my jaw or something to stabilize it. There's also concern over this tooth because something is causing the gums to become inflamed where this tooth is. Shit's not cool, really.

6/17/2008 11:32:43 AM

All American
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dentistry has the highest mark-up of ANY medical profession. i would recommend that if you don't already have a dentist, go to a well established dentist, so 60 years of age or so, because they are likely to treat you as a person, and not a cash cow, the service will be better, and really wants to do what you want done, and not some expensive unnecessary shit.

6/17/2008 11:35:52 AM

All American
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^ Very true. I am somewhat concerned about my current dentist because I get the impression he isn't a fucking human being sometimes, but there isn't really anything that the dentist techs there have messed up when cleaning my teeth and the next thing he needs to do is probably impossible for him to fuck up.

If he does fuck it up though I'm going to another dentist for good. He's not a new guy, he's been around for a while, but sometimes the quality of work bothers me. If I'd known both metal fillings were going to fail in under 5 years (respective lifetime for each filling) I'd have just asked for something else.

6/17/2008 11:52:35 AM

All American
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for me, it is worth the time and gas money to go back home to a dentist, and because its a small town he does the best possible job and have great service because he needs to keep his business and is well established. i went to an unnamed dentist in raleigh a week ago, that was rather young, and walked out with an 11k quote, it was staggering.

[Edited on June 17, 2008 at 12:04 PM. Reason : dhj]

6/17/2008 12:03:32 PM

All American
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^ LMFAO. Was he replacing all your teeth?

Even my porcelain inlay thing is only ~$250 with insurance. Without it's closer to $1000 I think.

6/17/2008 12:15:34 PM

All American
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yes, part of it was a bridge - 950 a tooth for six teeth, back home is 650 a tooth. AND, i only need the bridge for 3 or 4 teeth (he thought he had a fool in his office), and this is what i mean by not doing what i want done and does what he wants to do. the rest of the stuff was 'market' rate for an area like raleigh, buts it was ridiculous as well. oh an my insurance is not all that. what insurance do you have and how much do you pay per month?

[Edited on June 17, 2008 at 12:25 PM. Reason : sdaf]

6/17/2008 12:24:35 PM

All American
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6/17/2008 12:29:56 PM

All American
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I don't know how much we pay, but we get insurance through MetLife. You know, the snoopy company? Yeah I don't pay for it, my parents do, and it MAY be provided in part through where my father works (so then it'd be really hard to get a rate quote).

It's pretty decent I think.

6/17/2008 12:30:58 PM

All American
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y'all need implants, not bridges.

replace them for good.

6/17/2008 12:31:48 PM

All American
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i am seriously thinking about an implant since its only 1 tooth, but i would need a little ortho work done. probably most costly, but i might just wait it out until i just have the cash saved up to pay for all of this shit at once.

6/17/2008 1:02:22 PM

All American
5755 Posts
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Thank goodness my mama is a dental hygienist. She doesn't LET me miss an appt! But I like getting my teeth cleaned anyway.

6/17/2008 1:04:29 PM

All American
27142 Posts
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who dat is

6/17/2008 1:06:15 PM

All American
44225 Posts
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who do y'all go to for the dentist? i haven't been in YEARS, but apparently my ONE filling came out, and now i have a hole in my tooth and it's sore...i need to make an appointment ASAP, and i'd prefer to have recommendations from strangers than randomly picking one out of the phone book

6/17/2008 6:44:14 PM

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