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 Message Boards » » POOP DRIVING CONDITIONS Page [1]  
All American
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I wanted to share this with you, tww! (And a couple more awesome pics!)

Big Horn Sheep, scratching his ass on a tree:

Gray wolf, about 6 feet away!

hilarious, and true!

6/17/2008 3:31:58 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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sweet pictures, but that wolf is definitely more than 6 feet away

6/17/2008 3:36:31 PM

All American
44225 Posts
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montana ftw

6/17/2008 3:38:34 PM

All American
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I should tell the story..

He was LAYING on the shoulder of the road when we drove by. We did an emergency stop and I snapped this pic. He was no more than 4 yards away by the time I got this pic. But he was 6 or less feet away when he was laying down.

6/17/2008 3:38:49 PM

Bee Hugger
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look, if you say it was 6 feet then it was 6 feet.

6/17/2008 3:40:24 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Don't take my word for it....."

6/17/2008 3:41:50 PM

All American
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Fine then, he was!

8 black bears (3 being cubs)
3 Grizzly bears (1 being s cub)
8 wolves (one being a pup!)
2 coyotes
4 moose (1 calf, 1 male)
2 big horn sheep
tons of bison and calves
so many elk and calves (2 soon-to-be-royals)
Lots of mule deer and antelope
A few red squirrels
Bunches of uinta ground squirrels
1 yellow-bellied marmot
1 unidentifiable mammal (I think its a marten, some think its a y-b marmot)

6/17/2008 3:49:01 PM

Bee Hugger
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it would have been really cool if you could have gotten the wolves in a pack.

6/17/2008 3:51:01 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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where is this??

6/17/2008 3:53:31 PM

All American
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^^^ that sounds like an awesome trip, i am jealous!

[Edited on June 17, 2008 at 3:53 PM. Reason : ]

6/17/2008 3:53:39 PM

All American
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We did see some of them in packs. 4 black wolf adults with the 1 pup, one black and one gray from the Druid pack stalking out a bison herd.

^^ Yellowstone.

Coyote with a rabbit in its mouth

One of the soon-to-be-royals

6/17/2008 3:57:33 PM

All American
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Some idiot walked and got on his knees with a camera within 20 FEET of this bear!

Its quite a ways away, but a coyote chasing off a black bear. She probably had some pups nearby.

uinta ground squirrel

black wolf of the Druid pack

gray wolf of the Druid pack stalking


yellow-bellied marmot

bald eagle and nest

6/17/2008 4:29:05 PM

All American
24415 Posts
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My that grouse looks like a yellow bellied marmot.

Or is it the other way around?

[Edited on June 17, 2008 at 4:40 PM. Reason : ]

6/17/2008 4:40:01 PM

The Stubby
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awesome pics. buddy of mine is heading to yellowstone soon, i'd like to see it sometime myself.

6/17/2008 4:44:16 PM

All American
8888 Posts
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nice pictures. Yellowstone is awesome, but I haven't been since I was a kid and all I remember seeing is a buttload of bison.

6/17/2008 4:54:14 PM

All American
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poop driving conditions made me laugh

6/17/2008 4:55:20 PM

All American
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I realized that I added the wrong pic of the yellow-bellied marmot once it was too late Here ya go!

And here's the mystery creature! It has some similar markings of the marmot, but look at the tail - its way long and bushy.

And a sunset!

Thanks Fry! This was my first time going so I wanted to take pics of everything! Between me and the girl that went with me, we have over 1000 pictures, from only 4 days! I highly suggest going sometime! I plan to get my parents out here sometime.

Thanks, too, puppy. There are still a buttload of bison! You could always tell who has just arrived at the park when they were stopping for pics of the bison. Here's a funny short story in pictures of a bison:

The bison behind and to the left of the one in focus is pawing the ground and peeing at this point.

He then face-plants into the pawed ground and...

... rolls as far as he possibly can!...

...a couple times!

Then he stands up and shakes off.

^ You're welcome! We laughed too and stopped in there on the way out just for a picture of the sign.

[Edited on June 17, 2008 at 7:48 PM. Reason : Just finished uploading ~1005 pics!]

6/17/2008 7:42:40 PM

All American
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I just wanted to bump this so I could smile a little more before I try to sleep. I gotta get up at 3:30am, so I need something to lighten my mood.

[Edited on June 24, 2008 at 1:11 AM. Reason : ]

6/24/2008 1:11:15 AM

All American
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This thread contains some of the most American things in America!

It should be bumped for Independence Day!

Bald eagles, bison, gray wolves, coyotes, big horn sheep, Yellowstone National Park (Thanks, Roosevelt!)... just to name a few!

These animals are MORE American than Apple Pie!

[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 3:07 PM. Reason : ]

7/4/2008 3:03:10 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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Quote :
"Some idiot walked and got on his knees with a camera within 20 FEET of this bear!"

my dad's done that when we drove though the smokies

motherfucker's dumber than a petrified turd

7/4/2008 3:04:49 PM

37776 Posts
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great pics. thanks for sharing

7/4/2008 3:05:44 PM

All American
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^^ I'm glad you said it so I didn't have to!

^ Thanks!

[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 3:06 PM. Reason : ]

7/4/2008 3:05:58 PM

All American
2965 Posts
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you had me at poop.

7/4/2008 4:21:55 PM

76471 Posts
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Excellent fucking pictures.

Added to my topics - I'm gonna go to wikipedia at work monday and read about all these animals (as well as the ones from my trip which I still haven't identified all of)

7/4/2008 4:43:19 PM

All American
14538 Posts
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wolves are so damn pimp

he's standing there like what

7/4/2008 5:14:03 PM

All American
10527 Posts
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that wolf reminds me of my dog

7/4/2008 5:41:09 PM

147487 Posts
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i am so pissed i didnt click this sooner....that gray wolf pic is wonderful

7/4/2008 5:42:17 PM

147487 Posts
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Quote :
"Some idiot walked and got on his knees with a camera within 20 FEET of this bear!

failing to see why this guy is an idiot...i woulda done the same the person fat/slow?

7/4/2008 5:44:05 PM

All American
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I saw two coyotes in the wash behind my parents' house while I was walking through there last night. They were about 40-50 feet away. They lowered their heads and raised their hackles on their back. I got the hell outta there. They're bigger than you'd think.

[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 6:15 PM. Reason : a]

7/4/2008 6:15:21 PM

All American
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^^ You do NOT EVER approach a wild animal!!!!!!!!!!! (unarmed, that you do not intend to kill, and you can not kill something in a National Park) NEVER EVER EVER NOT EVER!!!!

And if a person approaches a wild animal in a park and ends up harming it in their attempt to escape, they will be in jail/prison for a while, not to mention the hefty fines. And if someone approaches an animal in a park and gets hurt, if they ever think about suing the park again, I will personally kick them in the face for being a dumbass.

I wish I had had one of those super wildlife cameras with the 3 foot lens on it to catch some pictures or video of the mom and pup wolf playing that morning. It was precious. The Mom was playing her heartout in front of the pup who was laying down. Then when she got tired and laid down, the pup was like "MA, LOOK WHAT I FOUND!!!". Then the rest of the pack started standing up and stretching all around. Its was amazing how well they blended into the sagebrush and no one even knew they were there for hours.

Ambrosia: where did you go on a trip to? I might could help you identify some of the animals, if you'd like.

And the gray wolf in the road picture was just meant to be for me and Emma (the girl with me). We were the only people who got to see it. It was our last day there and he was laying on the side of the road until we stopped.

These are a minute fraction of the pictures we took over 4 days. We took over 1000. Here are a few more. (We also went to Glacier for 3 days, but it was not much for wildlife unless you were willing to go wilderness hiking - which I am NOT doing when the grizzlies have just had cubs! We saw 2 grizzlies, lots of mountain goats, big horn sheep, mule deer, and a moose.)

up close view of the mangy bison

the same big horn sheep that was scratching his butt above, now sideways pushing on the tree so hard to stratch his side

same big horn sheep about 30 mins later moseying around a field

one of the bison that moved us from our seats now standing by Old Faithful as its erupting

this picture is awesome to me because its a cow elk on a small island in the middle of a river

big grizzly paw prints by Grizzly Fumarole

[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 8:05 PM. Reason : ]

7/4/2008 8:03:23 PM

147487 Posts
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its so sad that there literally were 10's of millions of buffalo in the united states until the 1870's

7/4/2008 8:08:58 PM

All American
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michael johnson himself couldn't outrun that bear, even with a head start like that, if the bear really got pissed

[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 8:09 PM. Reason : buffalo are awesome, their heads are crazy]

7/4/2008 8:09:10 PM

2019 Egg Champ
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I wanna go.

7/4/2008 8:09:56 PM

147487 Posts
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yeah thats the thing...its only gonna attack if you piss it off....its probably about as scared as we would getting within 20 feet to take a pic aint gonna do shit...and if so....peace out nigs cause my ass aint getting eaten and will throw you in between myself and the bear

7/4/2008 8:11:02 PM

All American
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I highly recommend everyone to go. Even if you're not a naturalist, a conservationist, or an outdoorsy person. One of the best things about Yellowstone is that people of any age can see the same amont of stuff because you can see almost all the wildlife from your car. So, if you're old and can't get in and out of the car easily, you can still get the experince of a lifetime. I can't wait to go back. I really want my parents to go with me next time though.

[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 8:15 PM. Reason : ]

7/4/2008 8:12:40 PM

All American
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I don't have to outrun the bear... I just have to outrun you.

7/4/2008 8:12:53 PM

147487 Posts
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^haha exactly

7/4/2008 8:13:18 PM

All American
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^ Wild animals are unpredictable. If you get within 20 feet of a wild BEAR, you're just an idiot. That's what the zoom feature on any camera is for. And don't believe thet crap about "its just as scared of you as you are of it". Well the difference is that you are in HIS house, and when they're threatened, you don't stand a chance.

7/4/2008 8:16:05 PM

147487 Posts
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agree to disagree then...cause i would not hesitate in the slightest

and i bet i wouldnt get killed or even hurt either

7/4/2008 8:16:50 PM

All American
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where is that thread about wanting to fight a bear

7/4/2008 8:17:56 PM

All American
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As someone who studies wildlife, I can only hope you would use your better judgement and not try it. By putting yourself in harms way, you are risking the wellbeing of that animal as well. Because then if you got hurt, people would be like "Oh my, he's a dangerous bear! Kill him!", and they will euthanize a bear because of people failing to use their better judgement.

7/4/2008 8:18:55 PM

35217 Posts
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ha. I've been about 10 ft from a small black bear(100-150lbs). wasn't intentional though.

[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 8:24 PM. Reason : ]

7/4/2008 8:23:21 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » POOP DRIVING CONDITIONS Page [1]  
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