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 Message Boards » » $2617 bux0rs just hit my bank acct Page [1]  
41759 Posts
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who wants to get some shots before 2???


6/19/2008 12:30:10 AM

All American
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$40 in shots tonight, my direct deposit comes tomorrow though

6/19/2008 12:31:21 AM

All American
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Dollar bucks or some bullshit?

6/19/2008 12:32:42 AM

41759 Posts
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oh snap and its $2.50 rum + coke night.

bad things happen

6/19/2008 12:32:42 AM

All American
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no bullshit, i hope bad things dont happen tonight

6/19/2008 12:34:08 AM

All American
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i make that much in 2 weeks

6/19/2008 12:34:26 AM

All American
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Quote :
"oh snap and its $2.50 rum + coke night."

where this be at

6/19/2008 12:34:49 AM

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Quote :



[Edited on June 19, 2008 at 12:35 AM. Reason : ^ (how ironic)]

6/19/2008 12:34:56 AM

All American
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Do you know how many rum + cokes you can make with a half gallon of Bacardi and a 12 pack of cokes?

I don't know either, but = at least 12.

6/19/2008 12:35:16 AM

All American
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i got a letter saying i never cashed a check for 260$. shits pretty good.

6/19/2008 12:35:40 AM

All American
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i typed "shits pretty cool good"

but i meant to say "i'll probably lose the replacement check"

i need to turn the radio off

[Edited on June 19, 2008 at 12:39 AM. Reason : radio]

6/19/2008 12:37:22 AM

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Quote :
"Do you know how many rum + cokes you can make with a half gallon of Bacardi and a 12 pack of cokes?

I don't know either, but = at least 12."

I dotn know either. Probably way more than 12 u would run out of coke before u would rum. But gas stations sell coke they dont sell rum. So in thery you could get WAYYY DRUNKer.

The only problem is you would be at home drinking by urself and at the bar you can get drunk and talk to other drunk people about things that drunk people converse about.

6/19/2008 12:39:15 AM

All American
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Quote :
"The only problem is you would be at home drinking by urself and at the bar you can get drunk and talk to other drunk people about things that drunk people converse about. "

this is the reason i prefer going to bars



6/19/2008 12:39:52 AM

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6/19/2008 12:41:05 AM

All American
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^^^ Tr00 I guess. I should quit being so cheap. I will run up a $18 tab and be like "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH BURNETT'S VODKA AND DIET DR. PEPPER I COULD HAVE BOUGHT FOR EIGHTEEN DOLLARS?"

Ok, I'm not quite that bad.

[Edited on June 19, 2008 at 12:44 AM. Reason : l]

6/19/2008 12:43:56 AM

41759 Posts
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see im already drunk

and sleepy

and i have grey tile mortar chipping off of my arms

on the other hand i never go to the bar anymore

of course assuming i could get out the door in 10 mintues that would only leave one horu of drinking

6/19/2008 12:44:06 AM

147487 Posts
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dude we need to talk

6/19/2008 12:44:22 AM

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I am all for getting drunk at home its just bored when u the only one there. Plus if your family finds out you are drinking alone you get a lecture about how alcoholism is on both sides of the family and you should be careful.

6/19/2008 12:45:17 AM

All American
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Quote :
"see im already drunk

and sleepy

and i have grey tile mortarconcrete chipping off of my arms

on the other hand i neveralways go to the bar

6/19/2008 12:46:34 AM

All American
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dude we should go out drinkin sometime

you seem pretty chill

[no homo]

6/19/2008 12:48:29 AM

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^2 see if you was paying attn you would notice i am not out except maybe one night a week anymore

i got a dog and cat at home to feed

6/19/2008 12:48:34 AM

All American
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6/19/2008 12:49:25 AM

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^^ only problem is sometimes if I black out I do crazy shit, this is only a problem if people around are not as drunk as me and then decide to mentally document everythig that happens so they can tell me about it next day.

6/19/2008 12:49:55 AM

All American
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too drunk too pay attn

6/19/2008 12:49:59 AM

147487 Posts
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i always wish i had a professional jerb like str8bacardil

6/19/2008 12:50:02 AM

41759 Posts
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^^ srsly?

6/19/2008 12:50:16 AM

All American
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Quote :
"^^ only problem is sometimes if I black out I do crazy shit, this is only a problem if people around are not as drunk as me and then decide to mentally document everythig that happens so they can tell me about it next day."

welcome to the club :\

6/19/2008 12:51:09 AM

41759 Posts
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the fairest way to handle situations like that is go head to head on shots and beers and then no one will be the accountability cheif next day

6/19/2008 12:52:20 AM

All American
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yea man come up to saucer sometime workin there

6/19/2008 12:53:12 AM

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once wantacivic gets out of jail shenaningans is on

6/19/2008 12:53:19 AM

All American
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the saucer is always a good choice

6/19/2008 12:54:02 AM

41759 Posts
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^^ what is the best special night?

6/19/2008 12:54:38 AM

All American
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Do people really black out? I always thought that was a cop out for people who were embarassed about how they acted.

I had this one friend that would always "black out" and try to cut people. I saw it happen several times and actually helped to stop him one night in G-Vegas when he busted a bottle on the ground and yelled "I'LL FUCKIN CUT YOU." at some thugs.

Then he stabbed some dude three times in the throat and one time in the back (which punctured a lung.) His blacking out was never as funny after that.

[Edited on June 19, 2008 at 12:55 AM. Reason : l]

6/19/2008 12:55:01 AM

41759 Posts
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yeah I dont do shit like that

two people who have seen me at my worst would be ncemt_03wantacivichotcurlz24 [/user]CrazyJP

3 of those 4 is always as drunk as me or drunker

[Edited on June 19, 2008 at 12:57 AM. Reason : jalkfjsa]

6/19/2008 12:55:46 AM

All American
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monday, 2.75 pint night

6/19/2008 12:56:39 AM

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see u bitchs in the AM


6/19/2008 1:03:53 AM

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6/19/2008 1:04:38 AM

41759 Posts
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TIME WARNER IS GETTING FUXED OUT OF $171 in revenue a month

only shits im keeping with them is road runner

6/19/2008 1:05:29 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Do people really black out? I always thought that was a cop out for people who were embarassed about how they acted. "

Yes people do blackout (real blackouts are like being a zomby). The worst is people with high tolerances because we're awake, walking around, and many times doing fucked up shit.

Most of the time questions the next day include how did I get here, were did all my money go, why do I have bruises all over, why is everyone pissed at me, what happened, etc...

6/19/2008 1:10:23 AM

147487 Posts
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yeah i dont like any other options for high speed than time warner

6/19/2008 1:10:36 AM

All American
170962 Posts
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yeah blackouts suck, especially when you turn into a dick or whatever your blackout thing is.

sorry, no really, no really, no really. sorry. fuck it.

6/19/2008 1:12:16 AM

41759 Posts
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Quote :
"Yes people do blackout (real blackouts are like being a zomby). The worst is people with high tolerances because we're awake, walking around, and many times doing fucked up shit.

Most of the time questions the next day include how did I get here, were did all my money go, why do I have bruises all over, why is everyone pissed at me, what happened, etc."

I can drink myself to complete retardation without barfing or passing out. Luckily I do not have a violent or overly wreckless personality or I would not be able to drink like I do.

Somehow it also has been ingrained in me all along that u don't drive, I know a lot of people that will jump in the car blaxed out drunk and I have never really had an issue with that. I mean I bought another car shortly after turning 21 so if I walk home or bum a ride i still got a car to drive in the AM.

6/19/2008 1:15:47 AM

All American
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cos i like to say that aloud

6/19/2008 7:32:49 AM

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