6/19/2008 1:43:08 AM
Someone make "embed cool stuff in slow motion"
6/19/2008 1:43:46 AM
That undermines the importance of my thread!!!
6/19/2008 1:44:49 AM
6/19/2008 1:45:07 AM
6/19/2008 1:45:51 AM
[Edited on June 19, 2008 at 1:48 AM. Reason : f]
6/19/2008 1:48:09 AM
cool stuff[Edited on June 19, 2008 at 6:54 AM. Reason : I posted in slow motion, but I don't see how you would be entertained by that]
6/19/2008 6:54:12 AM
uhhhhhhhhhhi like it like thatshe workin that backi dont know how to act
6/19/2008 7:08:07 AM
10/10Classic:, no, I never worked for the circus.
6/19/2008 7:08:29 AM
6/23/2008 3:10:19 AM[Edited on June 23, 2008 at 5:23 AM. Reason : .]
6/23/2008 5:22:54 AM