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 Message Boards » » THEY WONT GIVE ME SATELLITE :( Page [1]  
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The installer guy said he is not allowed to go on the roof because his insurance will not cover it and there is too many trees in the back.

6/19/2008 9:57:11 AM

All American
4755 Posts
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so go put the damn thing on your roof

6/19/2008 9:57:55 AM

22518 Posts
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why cant you do it?

and it sounds like a cop out answer

6/19/2008 9:59:09 AM

All American
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6/19/2008 10:01:02 AM

All American
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im too lazy to get my ladder off the truck so your going to have to spend more money on the install

[Edited on June 19, 2008 at 10:03 AM. Reason : lol]

6/19/2008 10:02:39 AM

All American
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put a crisp c-note in his face and point at the roof

[Edited on June 19, 2008 at 10:07 AM. Reason : s]

6/19/2008 10:04:01 AM

All American
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greenbacks talk

6/19/2008 10:06:29 AM

17379 Posts
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which company?

the guy that came out to install my dish got on the roof several times...

6/19/2008 10:08:16 AM

32613 Posts
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yep, do it your damn self

or offer him $100

he'll do it then.

6/19/2008 10:08:50 AM

All American
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don't forget to say 'GIT!' as you are pointing. you paid for the right to say that.

6/19/2008 10:10:51 AM

All American
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and throw rocks at his feet

6/19/2008 10:12:46 AM

41759 Posts
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I am probably going to do a self install if they won't do it. (provided they throw in some free shit like another DVR or something since they are not actually installing it)

I offered the guy an extra $40 if he could just do it, that was when he said he would call his boss and check, then he came back and said boss says not to anyway because then if they have to come work on it they would get in trouble.

I would also need a shit ton of cable to do it because the DVR boxes require two lines to each one. They budget like 125' per receiver but I don't know what you get with a self install kit.

6/19/2008 10:12:57 AM

All American
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tie that shit to a weather balloon, then everyone is happy. you got got reception, and if they need to work on it they can just pull it down.

6/19/2008 10:15:17 AM

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6/19/2008 10:15:43 AM

41759 Posts
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That dude was high as fuck too. Like completely blitzed.

6/19/2008 10:23:15 AM

All American
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maybe it's a good thing he didn't get on the roof

6/19/2008 10:24:08 AM

22518 Posts
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should have given him an extra $40 not to call his boss

6/19/2008 10:24:42 AM

41759 Posts
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My question is if the workers comp insurer wont cover falls that happen off the ladder then how the fuck did my building get a new roof on it. . somebody is being a bitch here. Maybe they need to get a better workers comp insurer.

I mean my HOA had had a dozen guys rebuilding all the chimneys with hardiplank and re-roofing, then repainting all up there less than a year ago. Somehow in America people do work on roofs.

6/19/2008 10:28:54 AM

All American
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their particular form of insurance doesn't cover it. those other companies have insurance that does cover it.

[Edited on June 19, 2008 at 10:30 AM. Reason : their shit is cheaper]

6/19/2008 10:30:00 AM

All American
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you getting dish or direct?

6/19/2008 10:30:26 AM

All American
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dish fails

6/19/2008 10:32:06 AM

All American
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man if my apt would let me have a satellite i would get direct wit da qikniss. they have over 70 hd channels, and will have 100 before the year is over with. i am a sucker for hd content.

6/19/2008 10:33:36 AM

All American
4809 Posts
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read a book

6/19/2008 10:35:38 AM

All American
4755 Posts
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read a book
read a motherfuckin book
a book nigga, a fuckin book nigga

6/19/2008 10:36:46 AM

All American
10217 Posts
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^I've never seen a song that so completely undermines everything decent African Americans have worked for in the last 50 years. References to Illiteracy, Hygiene, and social structure just reinforces every stereotype ever created.

6/19/2008 11:52:44 AM

41759 Posts
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direct tv

I just got settled in at work for a day of doing nothing. At some point I will call and bitch. When I left I went arount the neighborhood and counted all the dishes that are mounted on the roof to bolster my claim that they are failures if they can't get mine up there.

6/19/2008 11:53:52 AM

All American
10343 Posts
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Quote :
"there is too many trees"

6/19/2008 12:08:27 PM

41759 Posts
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There are too many trees.

6/19/2008 12:09:38 PM

All American
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6/19/2008 12:10:11 PM

All American
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Antennas Direct - Multidirectional Outdoor HDTV Antenna
Model: DB4 | SKU: 8408476

6/19/2008 12:10:36 PM

All American
4809 Posts
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Quote :
"there is too many trees"

see! I'm telling you: read a book and you will improve your grammar.

[Edited on June 19, 2008 at 12:11 PM. Reason : j]

6/19/2008 12:10:45 PM

All American
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your neighbors probably manned up and did it their damn self

problem was solved in the first response to this thread

6/19/2008 12:13:14 PM

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Well see I am working 6 days a week and have a room in my house that is only 1/4 tiled and needs to be finished so I can put the furniture back. I want to get this shit working before my next TWC bill comes around.

6/19/2008 12:16:29 PM

All American
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6/19/2008 12:17:20 PM

All American
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don't worry man, i hear the whaaambulance coming and it has a ladder strapped to the roof. They'll take care of your satellite dish.

nvm, i missed "at work"....carry on

[Edited on June 19, 2008 at 12:20 PM. Reason : read]

6/19/2008 12:19:52 PM

All American
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You need to call a contractor, like Radio Shack or Best Buy. Calling DTV direct is for residences less than 2 stories. The Best Buy contractors have the insurance that allows them to do 3rd floor and above

6/19/2008 12:20:20 PM

All American
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either way, he can always go up there at night and spend 30-60 mins installing it. i mean thats what i would do. you only have to do it one time.

6/19/2008 12:21:12 PM

All American
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what kind of faggot installer won't get on the roof? shit, what's the point of having an installer if they won't do the god damned dirty work?

6/19/2008 12:21:38 PM

All American
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insurance doesn't cover him?

6/19/2008 12:22:26 PM

All American
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He falls and breaks his leg and he's not covered. It's not worth $40. Shit, if he tripped on the coffee table and broke his leg he wouldn't be covered.

6/19/2008 12:23:05 PM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"man if my apt would let me have a satellite i would get direct wit da qikniss"

They won't let you have satellite, or they won't let you mount a satellite on the building?

IIRC, NC law doesn't allow complexes to forbid you from having satellite. The most they can do is tell you 'you can't mount that on our property', and that's when you do like most apartment dwellers with satellite, and fill a 5gal bucket with concrete and stick your receiver in that.

6/19/2008 12:31:54 PM

All American
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i read about that denial of service thing one time, but i don't feel like starting some type of war with these people and getting fucked out of my deposit or something stupid like that.

6/19/2008 12:33:38 PM

41759 Posts
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I do not blame him personally for not doing it. I mean he tried to get approval and they would not give it to him. I am not big on going by the book for everything but if he is thats his decision. He is the one that might rack up hospital bills and lost time from work that wont get paid.

I just think Direct TV is a bunch of bitches for not covering and requiring their installers to do whatever they need to to get a fucking dish put up. I mean how the hell are they gonna make money with that attitude. I had to sign a 24 month contract ($65*24=$1560) plus paid them $200 for equipment. Thats $1760 in revenue. I have no idea what their margin is but it seems like they would be better off just getting the shit done instead of sending a slew of different people to look at it when gas is $4.00 a gallon.

The guy told me whenever they turn down an install a supervisor has to come look at it so that is gonna be the next thing.

6/19/2008 12:33:56 PM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"but i don't feel like starting some type of war with these people and getting fucked out of my deposit or something stupid like that."

That's why I suggested a bucket

1) there's no damage for them to find and/or for which to penalize you
2) they can't be stealin' your bukkit

6/19/2008 12:35:33 PM

All American
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hahaha, i might call them back, its been a while since i asked and it was over the phone so i was anonymous. so if i go and show them how cute i am, maybe they will want to stop by to watch some satellite tv with me and bwn or something.

6/19/2008 12:38:56 PM

41759 Posts
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Now they are saying they do not send out self install kits anymore.

She also said there is only one contractor they have in my area and I need to call and talk to the supervisor. That dishes are installed on roofs all teh time.

6/19/2008 1:20:36 PM

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