GroundBeef Suspended 6518 Posts user info edit post |
seen a UFO? I was driving down glenwood at NIGHT and saw white and red lights in the outline of a saucer fly into the air from the left to the right then turning 180 degrees back to the right again in no time at all and then down and to the right real fast. No flying vehicle made by man could make a turn that quick on a dime like that. It was definitely a life changing experience. 6/19/2008 9:56:45 PM
ScHpEnXeL Suspended 32613 Posts user info edit post |
first 6/19/2008 9:56:54 PM
evan All American 27701 Posts user info edit post |
simpsons did it 6/19/2008 9:57:32 PM
DiamondAce Suspended 12937 Posts user info edit post |
Pretty sure everyone's seen a UFO at some point in their life. 6/19/2008 9:57:44 PM
Aficionado Suspended 22518 Posts user info edit post |
swamp gas 6/19/2008 9:58:07 PM
EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
I saw one when I was hanging out with Nerdchick once I videotaped it too 6/19/2008 9:58:10 PM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
when i was in the 3rd grade. It was awesome. 6/19/2008 9:59:29 PM
GroundBeef Suspended 6518 Posts user info edit post |
Was it one light or more than one. I've seen a light in the sky on many occasions but this time it was many lights arranged in a definite shape. 6/19/2008 9:59:41 PM
EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
it was a disc flying through the air
there weren't any lights...but it was daytime anyhow 6/19/2008 10:00:33 PM
colter All American 8029 Posts user info edit post |
I saw a flying saucer while downtown in Ral once 6/19/2008 10:01:02 PM
nastoute All American 31058 Posts user info edit post |
no 6/19/2008 10:03:22 PM
EMCE balls deep 89893 Posts user info edit post |
I uploaded the video that I took of it to youtube actually
I'll go and find it if there's a sincere interest in the ALIENS] 6/19/2008 10:04:14 PM
Snewf All American 63547 Posts user info edit post |
yeah... but have you ever seen a UFO... on weed??? 6/19/2008 10:05:06 PM
ScHpEnXeL Suspended 32613 Posts user info edit post |
more like on acid 6/19/2008 10:05:37 PM
colter All American 8029 Posts user info edit post |
the only time I thought I saw one... well, I was picking shrooms in my cow pasture, so I'm pretty sure it wasn't one 6/19/2008 10:06:52 PM
GroundBeef Suspended 6518 Posts user info edit post |
I thought the UFO wanted me to steal a cake from Food Lion so I went in there and took a cake and walked out. 6/19/2008 10:09:29 PM