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 Message Boards » » who still takes baths? Page [1]  
147487 Posts
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i never want to cause i hate washing myself and then just being in a tub full of soapy i feel as though a bath should be at least 30-45 minutes but i find after like 20 minutes i'm like ok this i just not setting the mood or something??? i got a couple candles and i could dim the lights i guess but just seems like its a waste in the long run

6/21/2008 11:12:38 PM

All American
35165 Posts
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I DO!!! during the school year at least.

6/21/2008 11:13:25 PM

6518 Posts
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Have you thought about taking a bath....on weeeed

6/21/2008 11:13:35 PM

All American
15485 Posts
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Get a tv or radio and set it on the edge of the tub to watch/listen while you bathe.

6/21/2008 11:13:43 PM

21958 Posts
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I like to get a hotel room with a jacuzzi, cigars, and alcohol. Then rearrange the room so I can watch TV from the tub. It's awesome.

6/21/2008 11:14:19 PM

All American
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i bring my laptop in and listen to music. or read a magazine. but usually i just close my eyes and hope i don't fall asleep and drown.

6/21/2008 11:14:21 PM

147487 Posts
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why do you all the time or just special occasion? do you have any bath tips?

[Edited on June 21, 2008 at 11:14 PM. Reason : oh ok]

6/21/2008 11:14:24 PM

All American
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only reason i still take them is so my neighbor wont call me out on being a DIRTY hibernator

[Edited on June 21, 2008 at 11:16 PM. Reason : showers, baths are chicky]

6/21/2008 11:15:18 PM

All American
4755 Posts
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Quote :
"hotel room with a jacuzzi"

never in a million years would i set my naked ass in a hotel tub

6/21/2008 11:15:21 PM

All American
4474 Posts
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^X6 plug it in first, it's better this way.

[Edited on June 21, 2008 at 11:15 PM. Reason : fuck]

6/21/2008 11:15:26 PM

All American
9870 Posts
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i took a bath for teh first time in like 10 years a month ago.

it's alright, music makes it alot better.

6/21/2008 11:15:33 PM

All American
170962 Posts
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Quote :
"hope i don't fall asleep and drown."

i will be happy to stop by and assure your safety. and bring you soaps.

6/21/2008 11:16:57 PM

All American
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i usually take them during the year before i go to sleep to destress. and i get the lavender bath bubbles (the aromatic kind that is supposed to help you relax). and i just chill. and roll a towel up and rest my head on it like a pillow. then afterwards i just jump straight into bed. it is the best. i'm usually really sore from being stressed out and studying so it feels really good to my muscles to just soak.

you could listen to music or light scented candles. maybe you are making the bath too hot. sometimes i make it too hot and then i just sweat and get uncomfortable.

6/21/2008 11:17:35 PM

5959 Posts
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i have not taken a bath in years, yo

6/21/2008 11:17:59 PM

All American
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i rediscovered it this year it is AMAZING. you can even drink hot tea while in the bath for an ultra relaxing time. but they don't have to be 30 minutes. i think i only stay in like 15 minutes. maybe longer if i feel like it...but usually under 30 for sure.

6/21/2008 11:19:17 PM

All American
4755 Posts
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Quote :
"during the year"

is it possible to do anything at a time not during the year?

6/21/2008 11:19:20 PM

All American
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yea i saw that. well i meant school year oops. i said it in my first so i figured people would understand. my bad.

6/21/2008 11:20:11 PM

All American
170962 Posts
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during the school year, the work year, the busy part of the year

even grownups can get summer breaks

6/21/2008 11:20:33 PM

All American
170962 Posts
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Quote :
"i have not taken a bath in years, yo"

this deserves its own thread, yo

i LOVE ending shit with YO at work to the whiteass people i work with. of course i use the most white yo i can come out with

"i gotta skip food today and get new tires, YO"

6/21/2008 11:21:48 PM

147487 Posts
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lol...i'm about to make a bath i guess...i'm gonna like get it ready before i get in the water

6/21/2008 11:28:01 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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I didn't use to enjoy baths all that much, but then I moved to Japan and learned how they take baths. You wash off before you get in the water and then you soak for awhile. It's really nice.

6/21/2008 11:33:32 PM

147487 Posts
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what i got to work with...can i use a little dish soap to make more bubbles?

6/22/2008 12:05:54 AM

All American
16500 Posts
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Women at risk for. . .

Bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis (thrush)

Symptoms - bacterial vaginosis
Quote :
"Approximately 50% of women with BV will be asymptomatic (experience no symptoms) (3). If present, symptoms can include:

Fishy smelling vaginal discharge (often worse at menstruation or after unprotected vaginal intercourse).

Grey or white vaginal discharge, thin or watery in consistency.

Vaginal itching."

Quote :
"To reduce the risk of recurrence, women should avoid practices that upset the natural bacterial balance in the vagina. It is best to avoid using perfumed talcs and deodorants in the perineal area, as well as douching and using bubble-bath, soap, bath salts and shampoo when taking a bath (sitting in water which contains these products can disturb the natural environment in the vagina). Quitting smoking may also be helpful."

Symptoms - candidiasis (thrush)

Quote :
"Approximately 10-20% of women with thrush are asymptomatic (6). Symptoms are often worse in the week before menstruation. Symptoms can include:

A thick white or creamy vaginal discharge (may be cottage-cheese like in appearance).

Itchiness and redness in and around the vagina.

Discomfort and/or pain during sexual intercourse.

Burning on urination."

Quote :
"There are a number of practices that are said to reduce a woman's chances of getting thrush. While in some cases there is limited scientific evidence about their effectiveness, many women believe they are helpful. Practices include:

Avoid wearing tight fitting clothing like jeans and pantyhose and underwear made from synthetic fibres. This creates a moist, warm environment which encourages the growth of Candida.

Remove wet or damp bathing suits immediately after swimming.

Avoid douching, perfumed soaps, bubble baths and bath salts, perfumed toilet paper and panty liners.

Change underwear daily.

Wash underwear in hot water (to destroy fungi) and double rinse (to remove any irritating detergent).

Maintain a strong immune system by getting adequate nutrition and sleep, not smoking and managing stress levels through regular exercise, massage, yoga, relaxation, meditation or Tai chi.

If prescribed antibiotics for a health complaint, ask the doctor about also taking anti-fungal preparations in combination as a preventative measure."

[Edited on June 22, 2008 at 12:25 AM. Reason : .]

6/22/2008 12:07:42 AM

All American
35165 Posts
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that was absolutely disgusting and i am happy to say that i take baths and no cottage cheese comes out of my vagina. and also sometimes i change my underwear TWICE a day so there.

6/22/2008 12:11:46 AM


15145 Posts
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Asian cultures?

6/22/2008 12:11:59 AM

All American
16500 Posts
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^^ Worthless without pics.

6/22/2008 12:22:25 AM

147487 Posts
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this is pretty fun...kinda hard to keep the hands unwet tho lol

6/22/2008 12:25:58 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » who still takes baths? Page [1]  
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