GroundBeef Suspended 6518 Posts user info edit post |
Whats the deal. I wear deodorant and drive with the A/C on and still can't go anywhere without sweating so bad that it get uncomfortable because of the wetness under my arms. TWW give me some tips!
 6/23/2008 4:46:18 PM
Creaver All American 1193 Posts user info edit post |
My accuweather addon LIES there is no way it's 84 degrees outside! 6/23/2008 4:47:55 PM
ScHpEnXeL Suspended 32613 Posts user info edit post |
prescription strength deodorant? 6/23/2008 4:48:55 PM
ambrosia1231 eeeeeeeeeevil 76471 Posts user info edit post |
It's actually not that hot out, and quite pleasant  And I'm a fatass - a member of a group which typically deals poorly with the heat.
I'm a big fan of arrid's cream deodorant. My bf sweats a LOT, and I recently switched him to Mitchum, and he says it's much better.
Or, you may simply have no recourse whatsoever, and should plan on changing undershirts several times a day. 6/23/2008 4:49:25 PM
Socks`` All American 11792 Posts user info edit post |
Fuck it's hot 6/23/2008 4:52:10 PM
GroundBeef Suspended 6518 Posts user info edit post |
The thing is I don't wear undershirts because its already too damn hot. I also tried the new Gillette's clinical strength deodorant but it doesn't seem to work that well either. Usually if I keep my underarm pubes nice and trimmed theres no problem but lately its been mucho shitty. I'll look into the mitchums. 6/23/2008 4:52:39 PM
SymeGuy69 All American 11036 Posts user info edit post |
Undershirts are cheaper to replace. 6/23/2008 4:55:48 PM
GroundBeef Suspended 6518 Posts user info edit post |
Have you noticed that if theres any perspiration on your pits before you apply deodorant then it won't work properly? 6/23/2008 4:59:18 PM
pooljobs All American 3481 Posts user info edit post |
-Gillette's clinical strength has a lower percentage of the active ingredient than some much cheaper regular antiperspirants -if your pit hair is making that much of a difference its probably because you are using too much and its clumping up. you just need a little bit, just a couple swipes and you are done. -remember, less is better 6/23/2008 6:11:58 PM
jwdeesnuts All American 1684 Posts user info edit post |
chop your arms off at the shoulder. then there will be no area under them to get wet. 6/23/2008 6:21:50 PM