Novicane All American 15416 Posts user info edit post |
If a guy gets you flowers randomly and surprises you with them:
a) do you like him more?
b) do you repay him with sexual favors?
C) does it strengthen the relationship? 6/25/2008 2:04:43 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
a chick I have never met sent me flowers at work last week. it was kinda creepy 6/25/2008 2:05:24 PM
NCSUGirl83 All American 10343 Posts user info edit post |
hahahahaha 6/25/2008 2:05:36 PM
LivinProof78 All American 49373 Posts user info edit post |
i would much rather get poked on facebook 6/25/2008 2:06:09 PM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
HOLD ON LEMME LOG IN 6/25/2008 2:06:28 PM
AlexRebbel All American 15028 Posts user info edit post |
HOLD ON LEMME LOG IN 6/25/2008 2:07:10 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
LEMME HOLD ON LOG 6/25/2008 2:08:13 PM
Skwinkle burritotomyface 19447 Posts user info edit post |
There are no real girls on TWW. 6/25/2008 2:08:45 PM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
a few real women though 6/25/2008 2:09:03 PM
StillFuchsia All American 18941 Posts user info edit post |
flowers really can't hurt
unless she finds you really creepy, like:
Quote : | "a chick I have never met sent me flowers at work last week" |
but if you're dating her, go for it 6/25/2008 2:09:14 PM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
i gave a classmate flowers on valentines day  6/25/2008 2:10:34 PM
tartsquid All American 16389 Posts user info edit post |
I hate getting flowers. It's corny. 6/25/2008 2:20:51 PM
ReceiveDeath INEED2 GET HIRITENOW 70298 Posts user info edit post |
I hate getting flowers. It's corny. 6/25/2008 2:21:10 PM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
what do you suggest tartsquid? 6/25/2008 2:21:37 PM
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |
I hate getting corn. It's flowery. 6/25/2008 2:23:15 PM
tartsquid All American 16389 Posts user info edit post |
Something that doesn't die in 5 days and is actually useful. 6/25/2008 2:26:34 PM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
Not the biggest fan of sending flowers, but done at the right time and the right kind of can be pretty beneficial.
First...find out the girl's favorite flowers. Try to do it inconspicuously as to not hint to the fact that you're about to get her flowers. I always like to find out a girl's "favorites" during initial small talk...that way, as long as you remember, you can get her stuff in the future and she'll be like "how did you know this was my favorite (insert color, flower, movie, etc. here)?" or "oh my god, these are my favorite (insert here)." You might have to ask a friend or just see what kind of flowers/plants she keeps around her place.
Then just kind of send them randomly. Maybe after you had a really nice date, or she's had a bad day, or she let you titty-fuck her for the first time. Just sending flowers on birthdays or valentines day can be pretty lame. 6/25/2008 2:27:51 PM
Skwinkle burritotomyface 19447 Posts user info edit post |
Bad-day flowers do score major brownie points. 6/25/2008 2:28:50 PM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
Attn: Girls who lose their flowers
If a guy takes your flower randomly and surprises you with them:
a) do you like him more?
b) do you repay him with more sexual favors?
C) does it strengthen the relationship? 6/25/2008 2:30:07 PM
LivinProof78 All American 49373 Posts user info edit post |
thank you for keeping that in here and not making another shitty thread 6/25/2008 2:31:08 PM
TroopofEchos All American 12212 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on June 25, 2008 at 2:31 PM. Reason : sigh.] 6/25/2008 2:31:25 PM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
how early in dating is too early?
i've never sent flowers except on holidays and 1yr + relationships because i don't know when too early is. 6/25/2008 2:38:52 PM
TenaciousC All American 6307 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Then just kind of send them randomly. Maybe after you had a really nice date, or she's had a bad day, or she let you titty-fuck her for the first time." |
fabulous advice 6/25/2008 2:39:58 PM
Vix All American 8522 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "how early in dating is too early? " |
probably the first three months
random flowers after that are nice, but you can't do it too often 6/25/2008 2:40:02 PM
SymeGuy69 All American 11036 Posts user info edit post |
so sex first, then flowers? err, ok. 6/25/2008 2:41:06 PM
blah All American 4532 Posts user info edit post |
i think flowers as a gift (bday, christmas, etc) is not a very well thought out gift... but a random surprise of a small, beautiful bouquet is delightful
but, if you do it too often it's just gay..
this is just my opinion, i'm sure there is someone here that will bash it. 
Quote : | "Then just kind of send them randomly. Maybe after you had a really nice date, or she's had a bad day, or she let you titty-fuck her for the first time. " |
[Edited on June 25, 2008 at 2:49 PM. Reason : quote] 6/25/2008 2:48:16 PM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "so sex first, then flowers? err, ok." |
I mean, I can't send flowers before the first date.... 6/25/2008 2:49:30 PM
miska All American 22242 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i think flowers as a gift (bday, christmas, etc) is not a very well thought out gift... but a random surprise of a small, beautiful bouquet is delightful " |
Quote : | "Then just kind of send them randomly. Maybe after you had a really nice date, or she's had a bad day, or she let you titty-fuck her for the first time." |
So true 6/25/2008 2:52:17 PM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
imo flowers before sex
at least the one time i bought a broad flowers(other than the classmate thing) thats how it went 6/25/2008 2:53:06 PM
TheTabbyCat All American 4428 Posts user info edit post |
Personally, I like getting potted flowers better because they don't have to die. I love getting potted flowers. I'd say if the girl is into flowers and stuff, then getting her potted flowers wouldn't be as much of a waste of money because she's not gonna set them up for a week and then throw them in the trash. 6/25/2008 2:55:45 PM
umbrellaman All American 10892 Posts user info edit post |
Everybody knows that if a guy gives a girl flowers (or any gift, for that matter), it's only because he fucked up somehow and now has to apologize.  6/25/2008 2:57:48 PM
Vix All American 8522 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "so sex first, then flowers? err, ok" |
YES 6/25/2008 2:58:24 PM
TroopofEchos All American 12212 Posts user info edit post |
flowers for an apology is piss-poor 6/25/2008 2:58:43 PM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
i dont think i've given flowers to anyone but my mom and grandmother since like jr. high 6/25/2008 3:00:34 PM
StillFuchsia All American 18941 Posts user info edit post |
^^ truth
[Edited on June 25, 2008 at 3:02 PM. Reason : .] 6/25/2008 3:01:56 PM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "flowers for an apology is piss-poor" |
I was recently hanging out with this girl whose ex-boyfriend got drunk and told her that he banged another chick. After texting about one-million apologies he sent her a really nice set of sunflowers. I was there when they got dropped off and after her initial "these are really pretty" reaction...she starts to think about what she's going to do with them: (1) slam them against his front door, (2) call him and tell them she's allergic and that she has a rash all over her face, (3) give them to the girl that he banged, etc...
Usually not a good idea to send the flowers after you fucked up. It just reminds them that you fucked up even more and that even you realize how bad you fucked up and that you're trying to buy your way out of it. 6/25/2008 3:04:34 PM
blah All American 4532 Posts user info edit post |
potted plants are a good idea like someone said, but some girly girls would think it was stupid and not know what to do with it. if she has her own potted plants already, and would know what to do with, that would be something to consider.
my brother, sister, and i got my mom a rose bush one year for mothers day when we were younger and every year it blooms she comments on how pretty it is, plus it's pretty low maintenance. 6/25/2008 3:17:19 PM