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 Message Boards » » What annoys you a little at the gym? Page [1] 2 3, Next  
333 Posts
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1) Meatheads doing two reps and talking for 10 min sitting on the bench.
2) People putting dumbbells/plates out of order.
3) Not cleaning sweat after they get done using the machine.
4) Meatheads telling some small dude "Trying to get big like you bro"

6/28/2008 4:43:10 PM

37709 Posts
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6/28/2008 4:44:35 PM

All American
8144 Posts
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1) Why most girls don't just come in a thong...I mean if the inseam of your shorts is 3/4 of an inch, don't even bother

6/28/2008 4:45:26 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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old creepy dudes that just walk around the whole time I am there, and I never see them get on a machine.

i am pretty sure they hang out in the sauna quite a bit too

6/28/2008 4:46:06 PM

37709 Posts
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^at this bar down here, there is always an old guy (white hair and all) who posts up at a post at the edge of the dance floor and stands there all night. wears sunglasses too. creepy as fuck

6/28/2008 4:47:10 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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the guys that work at Gold's but aren't trainers really bother me too. Literally, all they do is walk around, hit on girls, and act like they make more than $8 an hour

6/28/2008 4:48:44 PM

333 Posts
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Quote :
"^at this bar down here, there is always an old guy (white hair and all) who posts up at a post at the edge of the dance floor and stands there all night. wears sunglasses too. creepy as fuck"

Wow I laughed out after reading this comment and my coworkers at the lab here are looking at me like " wtf is wrong with you".

5) Fat guy telling me how to lift when he don't know the difference between a calf and bicep muscle.

[Edited on June 28, 2008 at 4:56 PM. Reason : I m ACE cpt ]

6/28/2008 4:53:43 PM

41759 Posts
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1) Why most girls don't just come in a thong...I mean if the inseam of your shorts is 3/4 of an inch, don't even bother

6/28/2008 4:54:11 PM

All American
12428 Posts
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6/28/2008 4:55:13 PM

All American
30000 Posts
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the older, leather skinned ladies that go there only to get hit on by the said losers that arent trainers

6/28/2008 4:55:13 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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the guys that walk around with gallon jugs of water, when there are water fountains all over that joint

6/28/2008 4:56:40 PM

All American
30000 Posts
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the people that fuck up my flow by getting on a machine/bench in my rotation and sitting on it to watch tv for 2-3 mins before doing half a set and then getting off

[Edited on June 28, 2008 at 4:58 PM. Reason : ,]

6/28/2008 4:58:33 PM

333 Posts
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6) Lil blondies who come in and can't figure out how to work the treadmill.

6/28/2008 4:59:03 PM

All American
1014 Posts
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People using the squat rack for exercises other than squats.

Circuit anything.

6/28/2008 5:02:34 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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Quote :
"6) Lil blondies who come in and can't figure out how to work the treadmill."

nah dude, those are the best because you get to show them how it works. Learn how to work, kid.

6/28/2008 5:04:01 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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Quote :
"People using the squat rack for exercises other than squats. "

That, plus people who look at me all funny when I'm doing snatch, cleans, and deads.

6/28/2008 5:09:33 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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this isn't really a who, but a what.

they have the scales in there set like 10 lbs heavy. I went to the doctor and I weighed in at 210, weighed myself at the gym about an hour later and it said 219. That's some bullshit right there

6/28/2008 5:20:08 PM

37709 Posts
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clever...making you think you are heavier so you go to the gym more.

now i'm worried that I haven't been gaining weight like i wanted to

6/28/2008 5:21:48 PM

All American
35165 Posts
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people that try to have convos with me while i'm listening to my ipod. HEADPHONES. are on for a reason.

6/28/2008 5:24:16 PM

All American
9134 Posts
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people who wear headphones at the gym

i dont want to hear your shitty celine dion tracks

6/28/2008 5:30:49 PM

All American
18902 Posts
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The people that hawk the door. Someone can be in the middle of bench pressing and still take their effort to lift their head and see who walked in. And the people who use the mirror to pretend that they're looking at themselves when they're really looking at everyone else lifting.

6/28/2008 5:34:27 PM

All American
35165 Posts
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^^ at my gym you have to wear headphones or else you hear the gym music. which is like gym class heroes and vanessa carlton. or the people around me. its louddd in thur.

also, who listens to celine dion when they work out?

6/28/2008 5:37:26 PM

All American
9134 Posts
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i dont know, i just kinda assumed you did

when im running i like to listen to radiohead because it brings my heart rate down and therefore im able to run longer distances.

but when im lifting i put on some bullet for my valentine or BTBAM

[Edited on June 28, 2008 at 5:39 PM. Reason : x]

[Edited on June 28, 2008 at 5:40 PM. Reason : x]

6/28/2008 5:38:30 PM

All American
14538 Posts
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Quote :



6/28/2008 5:38:47 PM

All American
13916 Posts
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Quote :
"People putting dumbbells/plates out of order."
Seriously, I don't want to dig through 25 10lbs plates to get to the one 35 hidden there in the back. Just put them back where they belong, you're not so swoll that its cutting off the flow of blood to your brain.

Seriously though, most of these pet peeves deal with things other people do in the gym, which have no bearing on your workout. Sounds like some people need to focus more on their own routine than what others are doing.

6/28/2008 5:39:37 PM

All American
689 Posts
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there is this old guy that rotates through either 4 machines, racks, or benches and has a towel on each one. Learn to share!

6/28/2008 5:40:20 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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only fat chicks do the leg spreader machine

6/28/2008 5:45:00 PM

All American
9134 Posts
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^ no.

the majority of the girls ive seen get on the machine where hot in shape girls.

6/28/2008 5:49:44 PM

All American
9257 Posts
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I agree with the short shorts.

One day I was on the treadmill and this girl comes along, and steps on the treadmill in front of me with really short short.

All she could do was shuffle, cause if she ran any faster, you would have been able to see her cheeks, and maybe her pubes, if she doesn't like to shave.

And the whole time Im thinking, "Come on, get the fuck off and let someone who seriously wants to run take that treadmill".

Not a fan of gym outfits either. I'm there to do my thing, and get the hell out. A t-shirt and standard running short should suffice.

6/28/2008 5:53:59 PM

All American
9134 Posts
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^ dont listen to her, she's just jealous of girls who can pull it off

6/28/2008 6:01:06 PM

6999 Posts
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how many times has this thread been done?

btw house the apartment search faggot

i hate people that dont protect themselves and have to get bailed out repeatedly

other than that people do what they want, not every one has to WORKOUT LIKE YOU DO

let em wear their headphones, let people rest as long as they need to, let people look at the door, let people circuit train, let em look in the mirror they aint fuckin botherin you let em be

Quote :
"4) Meatheads telling some small dude "Trying to get big like you bro" "

that ones pretty funny though

[Edited on June 28, 2008 at 6:06 PM. Reason : d]

6/28/2008 6:01:54 PM

333 Posts
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Whats up buddy

What did I do to you? I am new on here and you are just being a prick. Is this some online NOOB INITIATION? Are you just an unpleasant person?

Quote :
"they have the scales in there set like 10 lbs heavy. I went to the doctor and I weighed in at 210, weighed myself at the gym about an hour later and it said 219. That's some bullshit right there"

Well buddy most doctor office weighing scales are calibrated repeatedly I think it's required by law but I am not 100% sure. Typical gym weighing scales probably don't get calibrated once they are bought and set in locker room so they can be off by 10 to 15 pounds.

6/28/2008 7:54:00 PM

All American
689 Posts
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^^I would say some of these things piss off more than just one person. Some people just lack common courtesy and common sense. Such as wasting time on a bench when people are obviously waiting to use it. Especially since a bench press is in high demand and most gyms have a limited supply. That is just one example. Go ahead and ponder this for a while my friend.

[Edited on June 28, 2008 at 7:55 PM. Reason : P]

6/28/2008 7:54:05 PM

6999 Posts
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all you fuckin have to do is ask, its not always so obvious

its called growing up

if anything at least have the balls to check people when they fuck up instead of crying on here

[Edited on June 28, 2008 at 7:55 PM. Reason : ponder that]

6/28/2008 7:55:16 PM

147487 Posts
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not having a workout partner no homo

6/28/2008 7:55:36 PM

All American
689 Posts
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Well I do ask how many sets the person has left, however; I have seen others that do not ask and just wait. I am just making a point that someone should not be waisting time and others people time by just chillen on the bench for no good reason. Pondering completed.

6/28/2008 7:58:49 PM

6999 Posts
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cant blame em if they have no clue people are actually waiting..not just in theory

besides, one would rightly assume that someone sitting at a piece of equipment resting would gladly let someone work in with them and take a little longer break and get some water

they just gotta know you are there, and that comes with communication

6/28/2008 8:01:40 PM

333 Posts
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Quote :
"all you fuckin have to do is ask, its not always so obvious

its called growing up

if anything at least have the balls to check people when they fuck up instead of crying on here"

I am not bitching about it just listing how dumbfucks at gyms think they are special. Me being a personal trainer and working out at 6am I rarely have any problems at the gym. Telling some meathead to get the fuck up nicely gets you a slick comment or 5 fucking fingers. I looked at your pics and you are a big dude so you are not typical average guy. Usually the idiot hogging the bench is some meathead with 400 pounds and they do 2 reps and talk for 10 min. Most don't like to share but they will run their mouth about how many chicks they banged with their lil penis.

6/28/2008 8:04:07 PM

6999 Posts
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ive never run into people like that

i doubt theyd punch you in the face for asking to work in

unless its a surferboy cali thing...most people are a little more sensible and respectful than that

6/28/2008 8:06:16 PM

All American
2081 Posts
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people who grunt.

people who put the dumb bells out of order.

people who sweat on the equipment and don't clean it off.

the guy flirting with the girl on the treadmill

counter girls who think their shit doesn't stink

6/28/2008 8:06:35 PM

6999 Posts
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to be fair to the counter girls, theyve probably seen the worst of what you are complaining about

they have the right to turn up their noses a lil bit

[Edited on June 28, 2008 at 8:07 PM. Reason : d]

6/28/2008 8:07:27 PM

All American
2081 Posts
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^ true

Here's another, people who eat McDonalds in the gym lobby

6/28/2008 8:09:09 PM

32613 Posts
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once upon a time i went to the gym and dude on bench was probably 6' 4" or so..maybe 160lbs at best, he put about 200 on their.. i'm thinking wtf no way this skinny ass dude is gonna do 200 with his long ass lanky arms

well, he goes down about 3 inches, at most..barely even fucking moves, then repeats about 8 times. gets up and looks all proud of himself. guy i'm lifting with gets on, takes a little off so he's doing like 180 (the proper way).. tall skinny dude has the balls to tell him he needs to work more if that's all he can lift because this was his first day in the gym and he just did 200

he repeated this scenario to several other ppl.. very surprised he didn't get his ass kicked for being a grade-A douche bag

[Edited on June 28, 2008 at 8:10 PM. Reason : asdf]

6/28/2008 8:10:10 PM

balls deep
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6/28/2008 8:12:01 PM

333 Posts
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Quote :
"ive never run into people like that

i doubt theyd punch you in the face for asking to work in

unless its a surferboy cali thing...most people are a little more sensible and respectful than that"

Like I said it never happened to me and I m glad it never did. But working at the gym for about 5 yrs part time I noticed these things and I agree I exaggerated about getting punched but these big dudes they get pissed when average Joe asks them can he work in . Some of it could be roids and some of it just being Macho asshole attitude. One of the gym I worked at had a policy if we see someone talking for more than 2 min hogging the bench we could ask them to finish the workout or get up.

6/28/2008 8:12:31 PM

All American
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6/28/2008 8:13:07 PM

6999 Posts
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Quote :
"once upon a time i went to the gym and dude on bench was probably 6' 4" or so..maybe 160lbs at best, he put about 200 on their.. i'm thinking wtf no way this skinny ass dude is gonna do 200 with his long ass lanky arms

well, he goes down about 3 inches, at most..barely even fucking moves, then repeats about 8 times. gets up and looks all proud of himself. guy i'm lifting with gets on, takes a little off so he's doing like 180 (the proper way).. tall skinny dude has the balls to tell him he needs to work more if that's all he can lift because this was his first day in the gym and he just did 200

he repeated this scenario to several other ppl.. very surprised he didn't get his ass kicked for being a grade-A douche bag"

haha now thatd be annoying, arrogance...

6/28/2008 8:15:45 PM

32613 Posts
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yeah it was ridiculous.. i mean the dude couldn't have done over 120 the right way

oh well, ignorance is bliss i guess

6/28/2008 8:16:48 PM

All American
11772 Posts
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planet fitness is cheap, but still has some gay ass rules that annoy me

6/28/2008 8:17:01 PM

333 Posts
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Quote :
well, he goes down about 3 inches, at most..barely even fucking moves, then repeats about 8 times. gets up and looks all proud of himself. guy i'm lifting with gets on, takes a little off so he's doing like 180 (the proper way).. tall skinny dude has the balls to tell him he needs to work more if that's all he can lift because this was his first day in the gym and he just did 200

he repeated this scenario to several other ppl.. very surprised he didn't get his ass kicked for being a grade-A douche bag"


I would have asked him to go all the way down with 150 since it be 50 pounds lighter and easy for the guy. If he got stuck under it I wouldn't have lifted it for about 10 to 20 secs . After he gets up everyone would have laughed at the wannabe asshole.

6/28/2008 8:21:34 PM

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