ncsuapex SpaceForRent 37776 Posts user info edit post |
How did I miss the free blueberries at the Farmers Market???
NOT reading the front page FTL
 6/29/2008 10:20:31 PM
raiden All American 10506 Posts user info edit post |
[fail] 6/29/2008 10:21:52 PM
ncsuapex SpaceForRent 37776 Posts user info edit post |
yeah.. but that's ok.. I bought some blueberries at harris teeter the other day. So Im good there. 6/29/2008 10:46:50 PM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
my mom told my dad to get some blueberries when he was out of town on business wherever blueberries are grown.
he brought back an entire crate. we ate blueberry everything for a week or so there. 6/29/2008 10:48:51 PM
ncsuapex SpaceForRent 37776 Posts user info edit post |
yeah see.. shoulda made some blueberry jam with all that. mmmm 6/29/2008 11:20:18 PM