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 Message Boards » » Are you Bitching or Saving? Page [1] 2, Next  
333 Posts
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Lots of people these days are bitching about high gas and economy but I don't see many people making the changes on the roads with their driving style. People are still racing to the red light half mile away just to slam on brakes. Most people on highway don't go anything below 85mph and when they get to pump they bitch about gas some more.

What are some of you doing to save on gas? I am driving 5 miles below on non busy streets when driving in the city and taking off slower even though I can smoke cars with my benz right and left.

[Edited on July 1, 2008 at 9:28 AM. Reason : can]

7/1/2008 9:07:07 AM

63151 Posts
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i make dumb threads to save gas

7/1/2008 9:07:46 AM

All American
15485 Posts
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Biking to distances within a couple of miles.

7/1/2008 9:07:55 AM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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I walk to work.
And drive as little as possible

7/1/2008 9:08:24 AM

41759 Posts
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This is really all George Bushes fault.

7/1/2008 9:12:28 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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I don't own a car anymore

7/1/2008 9:13:24 AM

All American
2668 Posts
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7/1/2008 9:24:21 AM

All American
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Put the car in neutral when going down hills.

7/1/2008 9:25:38 AM

All American
11036 Posts
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I drive a civic. Gas is not expensive for it.

Quote :
" even though I smoke cars with my benz right and left.

7/1/2008 9:26:52 AM

333 Posts
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It's funny to see everyone trying to sell their SUV's for above $15,000. Nobody in their right mind would buy a damn SUV looking at the gas prices unless they are above middle class or have 20 Mexicans who need to get to construction site every morning.

7/1/2008 9:31:47 AM

All American
20699 Posts
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Quote :
" drive a civic. Gas is not expensive for it. "
Oh, and it annoys the crap out of me when people say "I drive five miles below" when they are talking about miles per hour.

7/1/2008 9:37:11 AM

All American
6428 Posts
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I'm trying to be conservative w/ accelerating and which gear I am in to get maximum performance for engine RPM. I will clutch in and coast downhill or wherever I can as well.
Trying also to get all my errands together so I'm only going to Cary like once a week.

7/1/2008 9:37:55 AM

22518 Posts
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i havent really changed my habits except that i am looking father ahead to anticipate lights and i slowly accelerate from red lights...those changes got me from 28 mixed to 31 mixed

on the interstate i still do 15-20 over...well because i live in atlanta and everyone does is much safer to drive with traffic rather than make some asinine statement going the speed limit

note to everyone: check your tire pressure including the spare

7/1/2008 9:40:37 AM

All American
3895 Posts
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I get like an inch behind the car in front of me and just draft

7/1/2008 10:18:47 AM

Drunk yet Orderly
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I smoke people that drive a benz left and right because they can't afford gas.

7/1/2008 10:22:00 AM

All American
8522 Posts
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I never go more than 5 mph over the speed limit. I never race to red lights. I accelerate slowly. I don't care if it pisses other people off.

7/1/2008 10:24:08 AM

Redneck Bob
All American
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Quote :
"I get like an inch behind the car in front of me and just draft"

7/1/2008 10:25:59 AM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"I am driving 5 miles below on non busy streets when driving in the city"

Doesn't do too much. MPG rises with speed until somewhere in the 50-65 mph range, and then drops with a speed increase.
This is something I've verified. I've got a scangauge, so I have the option to see real-time mpg.

I started driving more conservatively months ago; I've started going 55-65mph on the freeway, and driving less in rush hour, avoiding lights, going uphill, etc.

Doing delivery driving, I don't have a hell of a lot of choice.

Quote :
"I never go more than 5 mph over the speed limit"

This might save on speeding tickets, but not necessarily on mileage.

Example: gorman and avent ferry. If you catch the green light coming from your apt complex towards 40, it's very easy to coast and hit 45-55 where the speed limit there is 35.

[Edited on July 1, 2008 at 10:32 AM. Reason : kjh]

7/1/2008 10:31:02 AM

All American
8522 Posts
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Quote :
"This might save on speeding tickets, but not necessarily on mileage."

It's mostly for speeding tickets. Can't afford one right now ><

7/1/2008 10:36:42 AM

All American
14180 Posts
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i am not getting over 2 rpms on take off and when coming to the lights i have begun to let off the gas wayyyy ahead so that i brake a ton less

7/1/2008 10:38:02 AM

333 Posts
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Quote :
"Oh, and it annoys the crap out of me when people say "I drive five miles below" when they are talking about miles per hour."


I would have to use my brakes to keep my car going at 5 mph speed. I can still afford to put Premium in the tank but I am just being a little smart about not smoking people like some of the Civic owners are doing.

7/1/2008 10:38:04 AM

State Oz
All American
1897 Posts
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I use my parents gas card

7/1/2008 10:42:20 AM

All American
1738 Posts
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Anyone driving under the speed limit to save gas should be shot. Hell anyone driving under the speed limit should be shot

7/1/2008 10:43:07 AM

17379 Posts
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i drive a 2006 civic
i accelerate slower than i used to
i TRY to go <70mph (i'm not on the highway that often anyway)
i try to bike to work when it's not a million degrees out
i bike to the grocery store

other ways i'm trying to save energy/money:
i bought a programmable thermostat, turned my a/c up, and use more fans
i take cooler showers
i close the blinds & curtains
i don't wash anything in warm or hot water

7/1/2008 10:46:11 AM

All American
15758 Posts
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I've been trying to accelerate slowly, keep the RPMs below 2000 in the city (can't exactly do that on the highway as I'm around 2100 at 70) and keep to at most 9 over on the highway. My average MPG has risen to 18-19, which sounds terrible but is a marked change from the way I used to drive.

7/1/2008 10:46:18 AM

7284 Posts
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I keep the revs low and drive conservatively.

- if need be I dont waste my money on needless shit, but that is not too often.

7/1/2008 10:46:52 AM

All American
3895 Posts
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^^^ Forilla, taking cold showers in the summer is great. At first it feels too cold, but eventually you wish the water could get even colder.

[Edited on July 1, 2008 at 10:48 AM. Reason : dang slow posting]

7/1/2008 10:48:04 AM

All American
14880 Posts
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i dont think driving slow or other things will have much of an effect on saving gas so i dont bother with it

7/1/2008 10:49:10 AM

All American
8846 Posts
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Bought a tank so I never have to stop

7/1/2008 10:50:11 AM

All American
6651 Posts
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Only thing I do is check tire pressure. I do that anyway.

7/1/2008 10:53:19 AM

333 Posts
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Quote :
"Anyone driving under the speed limit to save gas should be shot. Hell anyone driving under the speed limit should be shot"

Yup and I bet people like you bitch soon as you see $50 at the pump . Blaming everyone but yourself for it. Here we are used to wasting too much damn gas because it used to be cheap but those days are over and now even 3rd world countries like India and China are using more cars.

Gas will balance out probably in a few years if the prices keep on going up they way it is currently. Only the middle upper class or the rich will get to drive and others will be riding the bus or walking. Maybe less demand in U.S. will bring prices down a little.

7/1/2008 10:56:10 AM

All American
1738 Posts
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^no i just drive less.

7/1/2008 10:57:03 AM

All American
4474 Posts
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^^China isn't a third world country.

I don't bitch or save, i'm still driving an suv, I will still continue to take my boat into the ocean, and maybe if I start driving with my E-brake on and use up enough gas, then I can drive the price up to the point to where there isn't any 5 O'clock traffic anymore. woohoo

7/1/2008 11:05:57 AM

All American
18902 Posts
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I'm thinking about selling my truck and going back to a car... but its paid for and its not too bad. I get 15-18 mpg. But when school starts back, I don't think I'll be driving anywhere during the week unless I have to go to the store.

7/1/2008 11:11:30 AM

All American
929 Posts
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First China took all the manufacturing jobs from the U.S., then India took a lot of the white collar jobs via outsourcing, and now they're taking all the oil. Time to nuke them out of existence.

7/1/2008 11:41:57 AM

All American
34244 Posts
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Quote :
"Most people on highway don't go anything below 85mph and when they get to pump they bitch about gas some more. "

i keep up with traffic and my mileage is fine. 31 mpg on a good day and i drive a large car that uses premium.

Quote :
"MPG rises with speed until somewhere in the 50-65 mph range, and then drops with a speed increase. "

not on my car. i've got a digital readout too and i get worse gas mileage at 55-65mph than i do at a higher speed. i'm not talking about 100+mph.

it all depends on how your particular car was geared and programmed.

7/1/2008 11:50:25 AM

All American
31140 Posts
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Quote :
"It's funny to see everyone trying to sell their SUV's for above $15,000. Nobody in their right mind would buy a damn SUV looking at the gas prices unless they are above middle class or have 20 Mexicans who need to get to construction site every morning."

I'm looking for a 4Runner or possibly a Grand Cherokee right now.
It will be a second fourth vehicle for me meaning I won't use it very much and I have a need for something that can tow 5k pounds. With the prices dropping now is starting to seem like a good time to buy.

I'm seeing 1999-2001 Grand Cherokees in the $5k-$6k range regularly when they were $7.5k-$9k just a few months ago. I do not expect this trend to continue. I think we are in the initial shock stage where people who can't see the big picture are freaking out. They're losing thousands to save hundreds. Eventually all these people will have sold their vehicles and the ones that are left are the ones who are less likely to give away their SUV just because it is costing them an extra $1200 per year to drive or whatever.

I have adjusted my driving some. I also started riding my bike to get dinner a lot, but that has more to do with health than money. I'm not too concerned about the $1.50 in gas it takes to get to Whole Foods and back.

[Edited on July 1, 2008 at 12:11 PM. Reason : l]

7/1/2008 12:07:24 PM

6999 Posts
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Quote :
"i make dumb threads to save gas"

I also look for 300-400$/mo one bedroom apartments in RTP or similarly crime-free high rated areas while surviving on nothing more than student loans to save gas

[Edited on July 1, 2008 at 12:30 PM. Reason : f]

7/1/2008 12:29:43 PM

All American
1340 Posts
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Quote :
"I can smoke cars with my benz right and left."

Where are you from where nobody does below 85 on the highway?

7/1/2008 12:36:35 PM

6999 Posts
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hes from cali

7/1/2008 12:37:36 PM

All American
10000 Posts
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fuck this thread.

i buy my gas and i'll use it how i like.

7/1/2008 12:38:53 PM

All American
26690 Posts
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You fuckers driving 5 below and accelerating at the pace of a turtle had better not be doing this on 2 lane roads. I've wanted to murder some of these dipshits.

7/1/2008 12:41:44 PM

All American
57594 Posts
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I drive an SUV, am middle class, and still don't feel the need to whine about gas. Guess you're just not as middle class as you think you are, or are bad with money.

7/1/2008 12:42:38 PM

148878 Posts
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i don't bitch or save, i just drive

7/1/2008 12:42:45 PM

All American
15858 Posts
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I drive an SUV, live well below the poverty line for one person (at least in terms of income ;D ) and simply drive less, combine trips, and drive semi-conservatively (read: no hard accelerations, and no sudden jamming on the gas pedal, just take it like a sunday drive w/o going too far below the speed limit). The car also gets better gas mileage when it's warm out, even with the AC on, so it's not all bad news.

I'd love a little 4-banger coupe that gets 35+ mpg right now, but if I get this job I just set up an interview for it really wouldn't be worth the trouble of switching cars. My current car is reliable, I've got it set up just the way I like it, and I know how to drive it in emergencies (i.e. if I reacted quickly I'd be more likely to avoid an accident than cause another one by driving into a tree).

I was sad to see that it cost me over $50 to fill up a while back, but figure that'll go away to some extent. It's still not that expensive for me to go driving around, even though I'm poor, so I just cut back on unnecessary stuff like beer and garbage food (like fast food, processed food, etc).

I definitely wouldn't drive below the speed limit to save on gas, either. I will try to keep my vehicle around the peak of the torque curve while driving w/o going under the limit (maybe at the limit), but if I drove under the limit I'd just have angry people trying to kill me.

7/1/2008 12:53:58 PM

All American
34244 Posts
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Quote :
"Guess you're just not as middle class as you think you are, or are bad with money."

7/1/2008 1:01:51 PM

All American
2991 Posts
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i haven't changed anything.....

i think i'm the only one who doesn't really give a fuck

7/1/2008 1:07:02 PM

17379 Posts
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those digital gauges in your car that tell you your gas mileage are usually not that accurate.

7/1/2008 1:35:19 PM

All American
16674 Posts
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driving during the school year = getting drunk/high/laid/paid, amirite?

7/1/2008 1:45:47 PM

333 Posts
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Quote :
"You fuckers driving 5 below and accelerating at the pace of a turtle had better not be doing this on 2 lane roads. I've wanted to murder some of these dipshits."


Use baby oil as lube when big Bubbah puts it in you after you kill one us people who are trying to waste a little bit less gas.

7/1/2008 2:28:34 PM

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