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Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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I just found about 10 of them in the bottom of my drawer

Any reason to hang on to them or do I just spend them like regular money

Do vending machines accept them ?

7/1/2008 1:13:04 PM

All American
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You give them to me, I'll give you a $5er

7/1/2008 1:13:32 PM

148878 Posts
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save them to give to your nephews or nieces or some shit

some vending machines take them

but if you go to the store and your bill is $3.53 and you pay with a couple $2 bills, thats almost more ballin than payin with a $20 and tellin them to keep the change

7/1/2008 1:14:10 PM

All American
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lexington, ky strip clubs. when you ask for change from a $20, they give it back in $2 bills....or so i've heard.

7/1/2008 1:14:27 PM

All American
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I thought you can get them at the bank pretty easily these days.

7/1/2008 1:17:15 PM

All American
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i used to get paid in two dollar bills when i was a nanny... when i paid for shit with them, no one believed they were real. They were though, and you can always order them in large quantities.

7/1/2008 1:18:00 PM

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they still make $2 bills but I don't think they're quite as common as some of you are making it sound like, at least not in my experience

7/1/2008 1:19:53 PM

All American
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when i was a kroger cashier last year i saw probably one a week.

7/1/2008 1:23:12 PM

Double Entendre
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my grandma gives them for christmas and easter.

7/1/2008 1:24:22 PM

All American
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Quote :
"save them to give to your nephews or nieces or some shit"

that's how i got the ones i have

7/1/2008 1:25:54 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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I'm gonna spend em

I wont have any kids or nephews or nieces for a long time

maybe I'll order food for lunch and pay entirely in 2's

7/1/2008 1:31:43 PM

All American
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Take them to burger king so the cashier can call the police on you for using counterfeit bills.

7/1/2008 1:35:48 PM

All American
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7/1/2008 1:45:32 PM

All American
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So does anyone know why they aren't as common as 1's or 5's? I guess it's just because 1's and 5's have been in circulation a lot longer...

50 cent coins are pretty rare too. When I was working as a cashier back in high school, I got ONE in 8 months on the job.

7/1/2008 1:56:04 PM

All American
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7/1/2008 2:01:15 PM

All American
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The strip clubs in Fayetnam give $2 bills back for change.

7/1/2008 2:12:49 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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we ordered from the outback down the street and some high school kid delivered it

Total was 37 something so I gave him two 20's and three 2's

He looked at me funny then got a big ass smile and was like "Dude ! Do you know how much these are worth ?"

I was like "2 dollars ?" and he was like "No dude, SO much more than that...THANKS !"

and he fucking bolted like he thought I was going to change my mind about giving them to him

He's probably going to try to buy weed with them

7/1/2008 2:17:52 PM

All American
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I like to pay for food at McDonalds with the gold dollar coins. At the one on Peace Street, the girl looked at me and asked how much it was worth.

7/1/2008 4:57:09 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Clemson University football fans have, since 1977, used $2 bills stamped with the school's orange "tiger paw" logo to demonstrate their economic impact on a destination community and support their team when traveling to road games or bowl games."

7/1/2008 5:03:19 PM

32613 Posts
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somebody find the story about the guy who got arrested at best buy for using them. pretty sure he was a boy scout troop leader and was actually showing the kids that they were real..

[Edited on July 1, 2008 at 5:05 PM. Reason :]

7/1/2008 5:03:59 PM

Redneck Bob
All American
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used to work at a gas station down the road from a strip joint and got them all the time. One of my favorite bills to look at.

7/1/2008 5:04:17 PM

148878 Posts
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^^wow...i probably would've caused a bigger scene in the store...what a bunch of IDIOTS that work at best buy

7/1/2008 5:10:37 PM

All American
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The Best Buy folks call the cops over a $2 bill while the fine folks at Food Lion in Roanoke Rapids will accept $200 bills.

Quote :
"SEPTEMBER 12--North Carolina cops are searching for a guy who successfully passed a $200 bill bearing George W. Bush's portrait and a drawing of the White House complete with lawn signs reading "We like ice cream" and "USA deserves a tax cut." The phony Bush bill--a copy of which you'll find below--was presented to a cashier at a Food Lion in Roanoke Rapids on September 6 by an unidentified male who was seeking to pay for $150 in groceries. Remarkably, the cashier accepted the counterfeit note and gave the man $50 change"

7/1/2008 5:18:39 PM

148878 Posts
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wow there are some dummies in retail

i mean whoever is working my cash registers at minimum knows what denominations of legal tender there are...the least the chick at the best buy couldve done wouldve been to say "excuse me for a moment sir" and asked a supervisor who would hopefully know what a fucking 2 dollar bill is

7/1/2008 5:19:32 PM

All American
5971 Posts
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ahahahaha!!! wow, thats unbelievable.

7/1/2008 5:29:58 PM

All American
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[Edited on July 1, 2008 at 5:41 PM. Reason : ]

7/1/2008 5:40:02 PM

All American
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[Edited on July 1, 2008 at 5:41 PM. Reason : ]

7/1/2008 5:41:10 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » 2 dollar bills Page [1]  
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