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 Message Boards » » ok guys, one more thing... Page [1]  
All American
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Quote :
"this summer when you're being inundated with all this American bicentennial Fourth Of July brouhaha, don't forget what you're celebrating, and that's the fact that a bunch of slave-owning, aristocratic, white males didn't want to pay their taxes. "


happy early Fourth of July

even though we're not very independent anymore

7/1/2008 6:52:57 PM

147487 Posts
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i'm independent as fuck yo...i prolly will get rid of my cell soon...dont have cable...dont buy rainbows, etc etc etc

7/1/2008 6:54:09 PM

All American
13916 Posts
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Vicki. Come on, let's skip out and go get naked. Come on let's go.

7/1/2008 7:02:03 PM

All American
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moon tower, be there!

7/1/2008 8:01:31 PM

45912 Posts
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you should thank those white males

7/1/2008 8:12:04 PM

All American
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7/2/2008 7:55:53 AM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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GG fishing champ!

♥ dazed and confused

7/2/2008 7:58:07 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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I'm celebrating an excuse to have a BBQ and shoot off fireworks

7/2/2008 8:10:21 AM

All American
1340 Posts
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yay fireworks!

7/2/2008 9:01:43 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Let me tell you what Melba Toast is packin' right here, all right. We got 4:11 Positrac outback, 750 double pumper, Edelbrock intake, bored over 30, 11 to 1 pop-up pistons, turbo-jet 390 horsepower. We're talkin' some fuckin' muscle."

Quote :
"Well, all I'm saying is that I want to look back and say that I did I the best I could while I was stuck in this place. Had as much fun as I could while I was stuck in this place. Played as hard as I could while I was stuck in this place... Dogged as many girls as I could while I was stuck in this place."

Quote :
"Behind every good man there is a woman, and that woman was Martha Washington, man, and everyday George would come home, she would have a big fat bowl waiting for him, man, when he come in the door, man, she was a hip, hip, hip lady, man."

Quote :
"Slater: This place used to be off limits, man, 'cause some drunk freshman fell off. He went right down the middle, smacking his head on every beam, man. I hear it doesn't hurt after the first couple though. Autopsy said he had one beer, how many did you have?
Mitch: Four.
Slater: You're dead, man, you're so dead. Look at the blood stains right there."

I need to break out the DVD...I haven't watched that in ages.

[Edited on July 2, 2008 at 9:10 AM. Reason : .]

7/2/2008 9:06:40 AM

All American
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you cool man?

7/2/2008 9:08:21 AM

All American
8005 Posts
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Like how?

7/2/2008 9:13:28 AM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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alright alright alright....

7/2/2008 9:15:46 AM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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ok i'll bite

Quote :
"That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age"

7/2/2008 9:20:22 AM

All American
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The Dazed and Confused Drinking Game


Take ONE drink every time that the following happens during the movie...
Slater smokes a joint
Pink is handed the Pledge sheet
Wooderson says the phrase "All right"(And that means every time!!)
Mitch grabs his nose while talking
Some freshman gets paddled
Darla(The long, dark haired senior) uses the word "bitch"
Anybody is shown driving around
Anytime the word "party" is mentioned
The Emporium is shown
Every time O'Bannion's flunking senior year is mentioned

Still standing, huh??

Well then, Take THREE drinks every time that one of these things happen...
Benny's paddle is shown
Anybody makes out with anybody
O'Bannion makes a comment about freshmen
Michelle(Pickford's girlfriend) is seen doing something artistic (i.e. painting, singing)
Mitch is shown drinking or smoking a joint
Every time the coach is mentioned or seen
Every mailbox broken
Edgar driving Carl, Tommy, and Herschfelder around
Pink contemplating quitting football

Want some more?? WELL, then take FIVE drinks every time one of these happens..
Pink seen smoking a joint
Melvin dancing
Mike punches someone
Jody makes a move on Pink
O'Bannion getting paid back
Mr. Payne says something
Mitch playing baseball
Carl's mom pulling a shotgun

NOW, if you see any of these happen, drink everything in sight till you pass out...
O'Bannion apologizing to all the freshman he paddled
Anyone seen having sex with anyone
Carl getting paddled
Aerosmith seen in the movie

You're REALLY wanting to drink a lot anyway
If you follow all of these, you'll be just as plowed as everyone in the movie, so have fun!

[Edited on July 2, 2008 at 9:28 AM. Reason : .]

7/2/2008 9:23:51 AM

35780 Posts
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"Check ya later! Check ya later!"

7/2/2008 9:28:08 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » ok guys, one more thing... Page [1]  
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