iphotou All American 13047 Posts user info edit post |
Dress like a cow from head to hoof for our 4th annual Cow Appreciation Day® (July 11, 2008) and get a complimentary combo meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner) from Chick-fil-A.
Not up for sporting the full cow look? Partial cow attire will still get you a complimentary entrée. Request a tall, cool Dr Pepper with your Chick-fil-A and complete your meal.
Send this email to your friends and come dressed as an entire herd - Chick-fil-A for everyone! Cow up and get free Chick-fil-A on July 11th at your nearest Chick-fil-A. 7/1/2008 10:15:15 PM
Airbag Suspended 12921 Posts user info edit post |
Seems like alot of work for a <$6 meal 7/1/2008 10:21:42 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
what a shitty deal 7/1/2008 10:22:12 PM
d7freestyler Sup, Brahms 23935 Posts user info edit post |
i only ever want chick-fil-a on sundays. figures. 7/1/2008 10:22:49 PM
Biofreak70 All American 33197 Posts user info edit post |
haha i have some friends who have some cow costumes from past halloweens... i think i will go "borrow" one 7/1/2008 10:23:41 PM
d7freestyler Sup, Brahms 23935 Posts user info edit post |
i had a friend who was a food science major... they had a cow costume for serving ice-cream at the state fair. he borrowed that shit for halloween and it was fabulous. 7/1/2008 10:26:29 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148878 Posts user info edit post |
if i wear some black pants and a white shirt can i get some free nuggets? 7/1/2008 10:32:26 PM
ambrosia1231 eeeeeeeeeevil 76471 Posts user info edit post |
how badly... 7/1/2008 11:06:10 PM