TroleTacks Suspended 1004 Posts user info edit post |
Sorry, I don't like giving any of that lame crew lip service, but this was a little too funny to pass up
His stupid shenanigans are costing evan real money with all the bandwidth he is sucking so evan is going to shut it down. And RD is crying about it. rofl. 7/2/2008 12:08:12 PM
colter All American 8029 Posts user info edit post |
ahahahahahahahaa 7/2/2008 12:08:51 PM
lmnop All American 4809 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I was actually a decent poster before euphalo came along" | -evan
[Edited on July 2, 2008 at 12:11 PM. Reason : h] 7/2/2008 12:10:28 PM
NyM410 J-E-T-S 50085 Posts user info edit post |
haha... i havent ventured over there until now but its like a whole forum of the stupid shit that was on here...
How drunk/fucked up do you have to be to think that is acceptable human behavior?
[Edited on July 2, 2008 at 12:10 PM. Reason : x] 7/2/2008 12:10:44 PM
ShinAntonio Zinc Saucier 18949 Posts user info edit post |
hahaha 7/2/2008 12:17:25 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
Hopefully it doesn't close.
I propose we all pay evan a dollar just to keep that stupid shit on his site rather than here. 7/2/2008 12:24:45 PM
TroleTacks Suspended 1004 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "haha... i havent ventured over there until now but its like a whole forum of the stupid shit that was on here...
How drunk/fucked up do you have to be to think that is acceptable human behavior?" |
My mind is really blown about these guys. The only logical explanation I can assign to it is that they really didn't give a fuck about being here and absolutely intended to spam the hell out of this place as long as they could just to be a nuisance. I put their maturity at that level, but not so low that they really couldn't understand why what they were doing was so annoying. They knew exactly what they were doing.
I mean, tartsquid dated the guy and claimed he was relatively normal away from the internets. Not sure what that says about her though. 7/2/2008 12:26:35 PM
skankinande All American 28213 Posts user info edit post |
Shut it down evan, you were actually a decent poster, no one needs those tool bags, let em go to 4chan or something. 7/2/2008 12:26:55 PM
Str8BacardiL ************ 41759 Posts user info edit post |

7/2/2008 12:27:03 PM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
sorry evan...I thought it was a good idea too at first. I signed up. Now those same posters are making your site a shit hole. 7/2/2008 12:27:41 PM
Str8BacardiL ************ 41759 Posts user info edit post | gave me my first time....
......(locking a thread)  7/2/2008 12:30:01 PM
StayPuff All American 5154 Posts user info edit post |
I wonder who it was that gave RD the b0x history 7/2/2008 12:30:41 PM
fjjackso All American 14538 Posts user info edit post |
so far i haven't seen you finish any fuckin thing you've done evan
you gave up on the radio
you knew the euphalo site was going to cost money, figure out a solution braniac
i dont care which you do, just fucking accomplish something and stop quitting halfway through, nancy] 7/2/2008 12:31:50 PM
Str8BacardiL ************ 41759 Posts user info edit post |
I think his website has potential.
I needs a userbase though. No userbase = no forum.
It also needs a name that people are not confused by. Hecould take it in a different direction and make it a local forum, but most people will just scan over the word euphalo because they do not know what it is.
I think is a little too local, plus I know someone (*cough*) that wants that domain name.  7/2/2008 12:36:12 PM
TroleTacks Suspended 1004 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "so far i haven't seen you finish any fuckin thing you've done evan
you gave up on the radio
you knew the euphalo site was going to cost money, figure out a solution braniac
i dont care which you do, just fucking accomplish something and stop quitting halfway through, nancy" |
I think it's obvious he is probably extremely ADD or maybe even a little bipolar (though I haven't specifically noticed depressing posts). Every other week he's posting about some new toy he got or new coding idea. He's an addy head apparently. Doesn't any of that add up to you? 7/2/2008 12:41:37 PM
fjjackso All American 14538 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Doesn't any of that add up to you?" |
 7/2/2008 12:42:35 PM
terpball All American 22489 Posts user info edit post |
I've was going to ask what euphalo was weeks ago... but after I realized what kind of people kept talking about it, I realized I just dont' give a fuck. 7/2/2008 12:50:13 PM
fjjackso All American 14538 Posts user info edit post |
7/2/2008 12:52:38 PM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
New Wearable Feedbags Let Americans Eat More, Move Less
7/2/2008 1:59:29 PM
catalyst All American 8704 Posts user info edit post |
evan's an attention whore.
he's also a cock sucker.
these things go hand in hand you see 7/2/2008 2:03:47 PM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
^ yeah
also, I love RD's antics
they are the epitome of what the useless internerd message board should be
i champion his freedom
and disagree that evan was ever a decent poster 7/2/2008 2:22:45 PM
Str8BacardiL ************ 41759 Posts user info edit post |
R.D. IS ALLRIGHT WITH ME 7/2/2008 2:29:21 PM
Slave Famous Become Wrath 34079 Posts user info edit post |
RD was pretty cool except that one time whenever he posted a picture of his boner 7/2/2008 2:34:48 PM
SymeGuy69 All American 11036 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "The epic failure of euphalio " |
Did you mean to make a spanish version of euphalo?
Or did you not spell euphailo correctly? 7/2/2008 2:38:57 PM
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "The epic failure of euphalio" |
Quote : | "I think his website has potential." |
how so?
his entire site offers absolutely NOTHING new. its a complete clone of this site plus a few trivial tweaks.
the only difference is, all the stupidity and reject bullshit that isn't wanted here, goes there -- it's only usefulness is as a dumping grounds.
V --- absolutely. Chit Chat is enjoyable again.
[Edited on July 2, 2008 at 2:41 PM. Reason : ] 7/2/2008 2:39:01 PM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
this board has had an air of clarity about it lately. I havent had to read over **OFFICIAL THREADS** and EPIC THREADS to find things i feel like reading and contributing to. Even if evan drops euphalo i think the mods have done the genuine users of this site a service by weeding out that ilk. 7/2/2008 2:40:43 PM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
i'm a genuine user
and i loved that shit
REFREEIVE DEATH 7/2/2008 2:41:58 PM
Ernie All American 45943 Posts user info edit post |
Wow, this has to be the worst few weeks of RD's life. Suicide is imminent. 7/2/2008 2:42:42 PM
Jaybee1200 Suspended 56200 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ yup
^^ stfu, RD is fucking horrible and you know it... take that shit back or I will break all your copies of Pet Sounds
^ we can only hope
[Edited on July 2, 2008 at 2:46 PM. Reason : d] 7/2/2008 2:45:52 PM
XSMP All American 16674 Posts user info edit post |
^that's messed up. 7/2/2008 2:48:29 PM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
hahah receivedeath is waiting to receive death ? 7/2/2008 2:48:50 PM
Str8BacardiL ************ 41759 Posts user info edit post |
FREE RD 7/2/2008 2:51:16 PM
legatic All American 7481 Posts user info edit post |
FreecieveDeath 7/2/2008 3:12:38 PM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
i have far too many copies of pet sounds for anyone to break them all 7/2/2008 3:19:40 PM
evan All American 27701 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "so far i haven't seen you finish any fuckin thing you've done evan
you gave up on the radio
you knew the euphalo site was going to cost money, figure out a solution braniac
i dont care which you do, just fucking accomplish something and stop quitting halfway through, nancy" |
Quote : | "I think it's obvious he is probably extremely ADD or maybe even a little bipolar (though I haven't specifically noticed depressing posts). Every other week he's posting about some new toy he got or new coding idea. He's an addy head apparently. Doesn't any of that add up to you?" |
while i do in fact have ADD, that isn't the problem. and i'm not bipolar.
i start things when i have free time... free time is a luxury i don't have a lot of. therefore, i start a lot of personal projects but only finish some of them.
i'm not getting paid to do tww radio... or euphalo... or anything else like that. in fact, i'm actually losing money by providing these services. with that being said, it's pretty low on my list of priorities. i have a really busy schedule between work, volunteering, and trying to keep some sort of a social life.
sorry about that. despite popular opinion, i'd really like to get tww radio up and running again... even if it does cost me money, i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. 7/2/2008 3:29:13 PM
catalyst All American 8704 Posts user info edit post |
hey evan
shut the fuck up 7/2/2008 3:30:44 PM
Jaybee1200 Suspended 56200 Posts user info edit post |
dont you mean:
i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. 7/2/2008 3:31:23 PM
Mulva All American 3942 Posts user info edit post |
evan + vinylbandit? 7/2/2008 3:31:30 PM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
ban Receive Dork
[Edited on July 2, 2008 at 3:33 PM. Reason : edit] 7/2/2008 3:32:39 PM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
if i'm gettin with any twwer, it's tartsquid or jen
and tartsquid lives far away and has a boyfriend
and jen and i ain't doin shit 7/2/2008 3:33:21 PM
evan All American 27701 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "dont you mean:
i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it." |
i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. i'm really not one to whine
i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. i'm really not one to whine
i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. i'm really not one to whine
i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. i'm really not one to whine
i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. i'm really not one to whine
i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. i'm really not one to whine
i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. i'm really not one to whine
i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. i'm really not one to whine
i enjoy doing it and enjoy seeing people use it. i'm really not one to whine 7/2/2008 3:33:50 PM
Mulva All American 3942 Posts user info edit post |
jen's a large person, yeh? 7/2/2008 3:34:51 PM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
not particularly, no 7/2/2008 3:35:22 PM
ambrosia1231 eeeeeeeeeevil 76471 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "jen's a large person, yeh?" |
:retarded duck:
(goes WAT) 7/2/2008 3:36:36 PM
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
in fact, last night we were at the bar
and one of our friends was bartending, so she was talkin to him
and this random dude comes up to pay his tab, starts to pay, and then stops short to turn to her and say,
"jesus christ you're fucking hot" 7/2/2008 3:46:59 PM
Jaybee1200 Suspended 56200 Posts user info edit post |
vinylbandit All American 48079 Posts user info edit post |
i'm just sayin
i do like girls with big thighs, though
gamtastic 7/2/2008 3:51:35 PM
evan All American 27701 Posts user info edit post |
i like the direction this thread is heading towards 7/2/2008 3:52:35 PM
Jaybee1200 Suspended 56200 Posts user info edit post |
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
set em up 7/2/2008 3:53:53 PM