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 Message Boards » » Best place to take a cruise Page [1]  
All American
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i was looking at some different places to take a cruise for spring break this upcoming year since i've never really been anywhere big on spring break without it being ski trips and something of that sort. I was prolly looking for somewhere that takes off in Florida and looking to stay out 4-5 days (SB starts like the 28th of february)

Any info is appreciated like the best line to take, best place to go and information about the cruise itself (such as booze, gambling and stuff of that sort)

7/3/2008 11:11:00 PM

All American
26690 Posts
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7/3/2008 11:11:35 PM

Mr. Joshua
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in the butt

7/3/2008 11:11:48 PM

All American
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charter/borrow your own sailboat

7/3/2008 11:12:30 PM

All American
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always heard those Alaskan cruises were the idea on prices/cruise lines though

7/3/2008 11:13:27 PM

All American
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bahamas i hope

7/4/2008 2:37:39 AM

All American
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Carnival Liberty. That is what we are doing. 540 for everything. Any cruise advice you can ask me. It will be my 8th or 9th by then.

7/6/2008 2:27:58 AM

All American
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my shit's with imperial majesty

what's the word on them?

also -- good time to go?

7/6/2008 2:35:20 AM

All American
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cayman islands

7/6/2008 6:40:22 AM

114 Posts
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USN, they pay you

7/6/2008 6:49:50 AM

All American
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I would love to go on a cruise sometime...maybe i can find a hot man to go with me

7/6/2008 7:13:40 AM

All American
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I might get paid to go on a cruise in September to take pictures.

7/6/2008 7:26:30 AM

All American
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I'd go on one that took you to the Grand Turks... That place was pretty cool.

7/6/2008 7:33:04 AM

All American
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I would recommend Carnival. It's not the most fancy cruise line, but I would say it is the most fun. Booze on cruises is always real expensive... The best deal is to buy a "bucket" of beer. You get like 5 beers at a discounted price.

7/6/2008 7:35:16 AM

All American
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as apposed to $8 drink night special at local bars?

7/6/2008 7:39:17 AM

All American
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from what i remember drinks were like 5.50 each or something... and that was jack and coke/ liquor drinks/etc... i guess beer would be even cheaper.

so unless youre a really bad alcoholic, then i dont see why alcohol prices would be a big deal. i mean i could see getting trashed a night or 2 out of a week, but staying sloshed for 7 days.... just stay home

7/6/2008 9:25:14 AM

All American
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My mom's on a mediterranean cruise right now. Bitch...I'm jealous.

7/6/2008 10:10:37 AM

135 Posts
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I went to St. Thomas and St. Maarten last summer. I had a great time at both and the beaches were a lot of fun. They're both beautiful places. Ive been on a Royal Carribean and a Carnival cruise. Carnival was more fun than the Royal Carribean even though it wasn't quite as nice. I'd suggest Royal Carribean if its with family or younger kids. Either way just make sure you hit up the duty free liquor shops and stock up, it'l pay for itself.

7/7/2008 9:09:39 AM

35780 Posts
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on a boat

7/7/2008 9:11:20 AM

25081 Posts
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depending on how much you want to spend

1. europe
2. alaska
3. caribbean
4. hawaii

7/7/2008 9:28:37 AM

All American
6462 Posts
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On a boat of some sort.

[Edited on July 7, 2008 at 9:57 AM. Reason : e = t]

7/7/2008 9:57:21 AM

All American
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Caribbean MON

7/7/2008 7:29:56 PM

All American
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Going to Alaska on August 3rd on a cruise.

It looks awesome. I recommend it. It's pretty affordable.

7/7/2008 7:31:05 PM

All American
8522 Posts
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Quote :
"I would love to go on a cruise sometime...maybe i can find a hot man to go with me"

7/7/2008 7:32:16 PM

All American
63547 Posts
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I really don't want to go on a cruise

I like trains

7/7/2008 7:35:47 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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Carribian/Mexico seems like it would be ideal.

Some friends went to Cozumel for a honeymoon and loved it.

7/7/2008 7:35:52 PM

All American
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carnival or norweign would be a good start

i went on the carnival imagination last spring break to grand cayman and jamaica and had a BLAST

i would recommend it to anyone, i'll be going again soon

7/7/2008 7:36:48 PM

All American
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I would go on a cruise - but I am not a 55 year old housewife.

7/7/2008 8:44:21 PM

All American
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the dumbest stereotype ever.

7/8/2008 1:28:13 AM

All American
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for 4-5 days, id recommend the Grand Cayman, Jamaica Cruise.

Both places are amazing. To go further south to St. Thomas, Turks you really need at least 7 days, and the 3-4 days to the bahamas suck.

7/8/2008 2:08:36 AM

All American
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alaska for a week was actually pretty cool

bahamas for 3-4 days better not suck

7/8/2008 2:27:32 AM

All American
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Quote :
"the dumbest stereotype ever."

The bingo and the shuffleboard are for?

7/8/2008 7:34:58 AM

63151 Posts
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fuck you man shuffleboard is the shit

7/8/2008 7:36:52 AM

All American
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I like how meals start at 3:30. No no no, you are so right - they are for the young people.

7/8/2008 7:41:18 AM

All American
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Don't most cruises have meals going all day?

7/8/2008 9:41:17 AM

All American
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Senior citizens. It is true that many old people go on cruise trips. But what is wrong with traveling with older people? They have many interesting stories to tell that they are only very willing to impart.

Quote :



7/8/2008 9:44:32 AM

All American
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I have always wanted to go to Alaska, but Antarctica looks beautiful as well.

7/8/2008 9:46:42 AM

All American
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It's pretty much a given that most cruises are intended for old people. Nothing against the elderly, of course, but the pre-packaged sub-par entertainment, all you can eat buffets, hand held "tours" of the surrounding area, high touristy prices...all of that doesn't really scream "adventure" to me

7/8/2008 9:49:12 AM

Double Entendre
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I had such a great time on the disney cruise (Disney Magic) I went on . We went to the Bahamas and to Disney's island Cast Away Cay. It was such good food!!!! and entertainment.
The port was in Florida and it lasted 4 days 3 nights.

I LOVED IT! I want to do it again!

7/8/2008 10:14:33 AM

All American
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^^ Now that I think about it, I most likely won't take a cruise until I am an old man. Forseeable upcoming trips are filled with adventures and active pursuits (biking/boarding/hiking etc). A lot of a cruise is pre-packaged as you say and doesn't allow for 'true adventure'.

7/8/2008 10:16:58 AM

All American
4127 Posts
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i went on a cruise this spring to San Juan and St. Thomas and let me tell you if you didn't have fun on that fucking boat then there is something wrong with you

tons of young people just looking to get drunk and laid and the islands were beautiful

maybe the best time i've ever had

7/8/2008 12:33:26 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Grand Cayman"

pretty sure GEORGE TOWN is where my cruise stopped

maybe i'm just boring (but i doubt it!!)

but there wasnt shit to do there... i remember walking down the main road, getting drinks from a normal ole convenience store... checking out some seaside graveyard... nothing really neat.

but actually i guess that was the one stop where we didnt do any... excursions.. i think they're called... we were just walking around with no car. guess thats why it was boring. did the same thing in cozumel except rented a car and that was pretty fun. driving a jeep through the hurricane and poverty ravaged non tourist areas was rad!!1

so dont do nothing in grand cayman or you will be bored.

i just owned myself as i thought about it

7/8/2008 12:41:09 PM

135 Posts
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Both times I've been, I haven't noticed too many old people. Maybe I was too preoccupied with all of the hot girls running around drunk. I did notice a lot more guidos on the Carnival cruise though.

If you want to get away from the touristy stuff, do some research and find things to do that aren't affiliated with the ship. Its more personal, less crowded, and gives a better picture of the actual place. Once, we even had a tour guide take us to his own house.

I've never been to Costa Rica, but some of my family has and they loved it. I hear its beautiful and there's plenty of stuff to do recreationally. So that place is high on my list.

7/8/2008 2:44:54 PM

37709 Posts
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7/8/2008 2:45:37 PM

All American
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the meals are at 6, 615 8, and 830 whoever tried to make it 330. But there is something to eat all day long which is why they are so awesome. Our cruise was exotic western caribbean for spring break(which means more old people because it is island after island) but we still had half young half old. Was a great time. The only time you find OLD OLD people is norwegian. Trust me take a carnival cruise over spring break or in the summer and it is wild.

7/9/2008 5:07:10 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Best place to take a cruise Page [1]  
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