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76471 Posts
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I feel sorry for you if you don't have a juicy vagina to poke right now. There are many orifices out there that would love to be accommodate you and you won't allow it because you're a retarded asshole. Look to the future and realize that these women will provide you with pussy for the rest of your life and accept that because it's the best solution you have.

Somehow, it still sounds less bitter coming from a fat sow, than from you, IMStoned420.

Get a livejournal.

7/4/2008 1:43:25 AM

All American
3402 Posts
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juicy vagina

aaaaaaaaaaaaaand check

7/4/2008 1:45:16 AM

147487 Posts
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you people

7/4/2008 1:45:27 AM

All American
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the thing is, women can bone down pretty much any time they want, yet sometimes they don't and have the nerve to bitch about not getting laid.

the same cannot be said for men.

7/4/2008 1:48:21 AM

37776 Posts
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7/4/2008 1:48:55 AM

76471 Posts
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But like men...
1) what you can fuck isn't necessarily what you're willing/want to fuck
2) some lays just aren't worth the hassle

7/4/2008 1:49:17 AM

147487 Posts
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basically, its easier for women to be whores

7/4/2008 1:49:19 AM

All American
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all I read was "juicy vagina".

7/4/2008 1:51:36 AM

All American
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^^^ ok, so maybe you can't get boned by EVERY guy you want, but if most women can't get into bed with a dude they want to get it on with, they're doing something horribly wrong.

[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 1:53 AM. Reason : asfd]

7/4/2008 1:52:19 AM

All American
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never thought i'd say this

but theDuke866

sounds like u got the pussy on a pedestal

7/4/2008 1:54:19 AM

147487 Posts
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hot bitches can bwn anything they want...ugly bitches gotta get lucky or get a dude drunk

7/4/2008 1:55:20 AM

All American
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No they don't.

at least not around some guys I know.

7/4/2008 1:56:18 AM

147487 Posts
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the point remainds...ugly bitches cant bwn everyone...some guys only mess with attractive women

[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 1:59 AM. Reason : who the fuck cares about ugly bitches?]

7/4/2008 1:58:04 AM

All American
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some of us don't trust just anyone that says 'yes'

quite a few are not worth the insanity, stalking, or crazy shit that comes with a few good rounds

7/4/2008 2:00:05 AM

All American
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^^no, of course they can't, but even they can get laid pretty easily by fairly good looking dudes.

^ yeah, no shit. I know I don't. That doesn't mean that there aren't guys out there who pretty much will bone almost any woman who consents, though.

[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 2:01 AM. Reason : asdfads]

7/4/2008 2:00:44 AM

All American
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i suppose that's true

and weird

7/4/2008 2:01:22 AM

147487 Posts
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ok duke is right

its easier for an ugly girl to get laid than it is for a decent looking guy to get laid

7/4/2008 2:02:05 AM

147487 Posts
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i guess in conclusion i'd bwn any attractive woman that wasnt crazy?

7/4/2008 2:02:46 AM

All American
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^ ha, i don't necessarily exclude "crazy", as long as the attractive part is met. crazy ones are often AWESOME in bed, from what i've seen.

[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 2:03 AM. Reason : asdfasd]

7/4/2008 2:02:47 AM

12921 Posts
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This thread sucks.

7/4/2008 2:03:30 AM

All American
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oh come on

am i the only one that finds a little crazy alright?

that shit's usually a barometer of how well they fuck

it ain't causal...but i'd say it's HIGHLY correlated

[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 2:04 AM. Reason : LOL me and theDuke866 troll the same bars]

7/4/2008 2:03:49 AM

All American
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(and i think that SOMETIMES it's causal)

[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 2:04 AM. Reason : and yeah...HIGHLY correlated.]

7/4/2008 2:04:11 AM

147487 Posts
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honestly in the past year i've only met one chick in person that i really felt like i would connect with....this chick like answered everything perfectly....

7/4/2008 2:04:55 AM

76471 Posts
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Don't forget the ones who take an absence of 'no' + mace as consent

Quote :
"sounds like u got the pussy on a pedestal"

It's incredibly easy to get laid. I'm fat and not pretty, and have done well. Granted, for the most part, I assume that if you're a good-looking man who is willing to have sex with me, there's a serious non-physical shortcoming of some sort, and I'm just not gonna deal with that.

Quote :
"some of us don't trust just anyone that says 'yes'"

As it should be.

Quote :
"i guess in conclusion i'd bwn any attractive woman that wasnt crazy?"

Nah. You just have to keep certain safeguards in place. Reveal as little information as possible, don't take her to your place, etc.

[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 2:06 AM. Reason : i used to be crazy]

7/4/2008 2:05:23 AM

All American
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^^As long as she's good looking, there are overwhelmingly good odds that I'm willing to connect.

[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 2:06 AM. Reason : asdfasd]

7/4/2008 2:05:57 AM

147487 Posts
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oh lol i didnt mean that kinda connect

7/4/2008 2:07:12 AM

All American
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7/4/2008 2:07:41 AM

All American
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why in the fuck would you ever fuck a guy who has taken the absence of 'no' and lack of mace as consent?!?


used to be...ah ha...

ps. good-looking can be an awesome mask for 'batshit fucking cokehead'

[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 2:08 AM. Reason : .]

7/4/2008 2:08:01 AM

All American
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the one batshit crazy cokehead I've been with was also a stripper at Thee Dollhouse and fucking spectacular in the sack...

and the shower...

and the floor...

and the back of the movie theater...

and the couch...

7/4/2008 2:10:59 AM

All American
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7/4/2008 2:13:24 AM

All American
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same case

but i'm chalking that plus up to 'crazy'

cokeheaded sluts = installment plan to suicide

not attractive

7/4/2008 2:14:08 AM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"why in the fuck would you ever fuck a guy who has taken the absence of 'no' and lack of mace as consent?!?"

Lol. I never said I did. I was just commenting on how some of the guys who will have sex with any living female are also the type who consider any interaction 'consent' until they're maced.

7/4/2008 2:14:45 AM

37776 Posts
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2 tits a hole and a heartbeat

7/4/2008 2:15:54 AM

147487 Posts
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^^so dudes that fuck fatties and ugly bitches are also the same dudes that would rape women?

[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 2:16 AM. Reason : .]

7/4/2008 2:16:35 AM

All American
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Duke is right.

any average chick can get laid anytime she wants. she might not get laid by her *first choice* of dudes, but she'll do relatively alright.

any average guy can not get laid anytime he wants, unless he's prepared to pay for it, or go down to the very dregs and scrape something off the bottom.

7/4/2008 2:17:08 AM

76471 Posts
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Sometimes, yes.

You're missing the point, and I'll spell it out for you. The socially maladjusted bastards are the ones I'm referencing in the 'could fuck, but don't want to' vein, as well as the 'consent is a malleable concept for some men' one.

Some of them are even more socially retarded than you. I know - I just blew your damn mind.

^That's another wonderfully concise way to put it

[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 2:19 AM. Reason : I <3 brevity]

7/4/2008 2:18:37 AM

All American
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Quote :
"same case

but i'm chalking that plus up to 'crazy'

cokeheaded sluts = installment plan to suicide

not attractive


yeah, maybe...this girl actually didn't turn into a cokehead until shortly after we were no longer getting it on.

[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 2:21 AM. Reason : so maybe it was just due to her crazyness]

7/4/2008 2:19:07 AM

All American
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[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 2:20 AM. Reason : wtf quoteboxes ]

7/4/2008 2:19:51 AM

76471 Posts
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fuck a quotebox

this thread is about wet boxes.

7/4/2008 2:21:51 AM

All American
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seems appropriate

7/4/2008 2:25:01 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18195 Posts
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Seems appropriate here:

Quote :
"My female contact in the past month has been limited mostly to a handful of people with real, verifiable, this-isn't-just-me-complaining-about-women, dangerous psychological disorders.

So on the one hand, it's a dry spell, but on the other hand, all of them are so crazy I'm not sure I ever want to have sex again."

To give an example of "real crazy," one of them shrieks and attacks you every time you say certain words. Not even necessarily bad words. I understand there's a list of about twenty of them, and that's not even counting the routine activities that bring about the same response (having ranch dressing, mayonaise, or any other white condiment on the dinner table, for example).

Then there's one that calls me to ask me to call her at a certain time so the guy she is actively trying to dump will be jealous when he sees that a guy is calling her.

This is my hell.

[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 2:26 AM. Reason : And I'm not even trying to sleep with these women, they're just around.]

7/4/2008 2:25:12 AM

76471 Posts
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Good lord. Have you started hanging out at a halfway house?

Just cut them out of your life. Why haven't you?

7/4/2008 2:27:21 AM

All American
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^^ "Simplify, simplify."

[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 2:28 AM. Reason : .]

7/4/2008 2:28:07 AM

All American
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True. something to be said for that.

I am nowhere near as accomodating of crazy/pain in the ass/annoying/etc as I was back in my college days.

7/4/2008 2:29:32 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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Shrieking one is a friend of a friend, so it's not really my choice unless I also want to cut out my friend. As it happens, the girl is not obnoxious to do that, but she's easily obnoxious enough to warrant complaining on the internet.

As for the other one, a combination of boredom and apathy. If I just tune her out and not she'll go away after a while, but if I actually cut her off she'll go psycho. And I've seen psycho from her. I'd rather just not deal with it, or at least put it off.

[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 2:30 AM. Reason : ]

7/4/2008 2:29:49 AM

All American
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jesus this is worse than i thought

no for real

i do know what it's like

wrote a song about it called clara

you gotta just cut that shit off

or do you not expect to have to do it later when better shit comes your way?

[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 2:32 AM. Reason : .]

7/4/2008 2:31:12 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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Again, I'm not actually trying to date or sleep with any of these people. Nor are any of them trying to date or sleep with me. I may eventually have to deal with the psycho when I get exasperated and lay out what a crazy bitch she is, but me finding something better would not be an issue. It hasn't been in the past.

Also, me dating seems to be the only excuse that will cause her to peacefully go away.

[Edited on July 4, 2008 at 2:35 AM. Reason : ]

7/4/2008 2:33:10 AM

All American
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fair enough

7/4/2008 2:35:24 AM

All American
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Quote :
"ambrosia you're missing the point"

no, we're talking about two different things.

when Duke said:

Quote :
"ok, so maybe you can't get boned by EVERY guy you want, but if most women can't get into bed with a dude they want to get it on with, they're doing something horribly wrong."

thats what I was talking about when i said

Quote :
"Duke is right.

any average chick can get laid anytime she wants. she might not get laid by her *first choice* of dudes, but she'll do relatively alright.

any average guy can not get laid anytime he wants, unless he's prepared to pay for it, or go down to the very dregs and scrape something off the bottom."

that's all i wasnt paying attention to all that "consent" bullshit in the middle. that just the same old blahblahblah.

7/4/2008 7:21:37 PM

76471 Posts
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^When I said 'you're missing my point', I was talking to dnl

7/4/2008 7:24:21 PM

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