evan All American 27701 Posts user info edit post |
has anyone else taken the time to pause it and read some of the shit they have up there? hahaha
a sample:
this is on a notepad window after a bitch in a purple shirt gets mad about her mac getting a bsod:
Quote : | "My stories
Little Red Riding Hood skipped happily down the path to Grandma's house. She was a couple minutes later than usually, but thought nothing of it. Grandma was too kindly a lady to care about a few minutes. Just then, she heard the sirens. An ambulance, followed by an animal control vehicle raced by her at top speed. "I wonder where they're going..." And she continued to skip down the path.
Alice wondered down the dirt path, wondering what she would find next. Her adventures so far were so exiting and different. There was the Mock Turtle, the Mad Hatter's tea party, and so many others.Excited about what she may come upon next, Alice began to skip happily down the path, humming a little tune to herself. "Oh, I hope I get to meet the White Rabbit again," Alice thought to herself as she skipped through the forest. "Although my adventures here had put me in grave danger, I still am curious as to what other interesting creatures live here in Wonderland. Maybe dragons, or unicorns." The more Alice thought about her possible adventures, the faster she skipped and the happier she hummed her song. But, all of a sudden, Alice stopped. There was her next adventure, right in front of her eyes. At the end of the path there were 2 men wearing masks that covered their nose and mouth. They stood at a tall gate. Alice approached the man. "Hello," said Alice. "Sorry, kid," said the taller man, "you can't leave Wonderland. This area is quarantined with Sars."
Quasimodo was a charming, well-spoken fellow, but unfortunately misunderstood due to the way he looked. Quasimodo wanted to be like everybody else in Notre Dame. He wanted to be treated as an equal. Although a loner, one day he decided to come down and visit the town of Notre Dame. Unfortunately, once again, because of his not-so-charming appearance, people screamed in fright. A shot was fired and hit Quasimodo square in the chest. When he regained consciousness, he was in a hospital. "Doctor," Quasimodo started, "did the bullet do any damage?" "The gunshot appears to have caused a minor flesh wound. It's that huge hump on your back that worries me. Sir, it's malignant..."" |
and in the IM window (I can't read some of the screen names):
Quote : | "DaHumorist: aint this interweb machine just keen? Person 2: did you see that car crash on the news Person 2: Keen? It's grand! DaHumorist: sure hope my computer dont crash DaHumorist:  Person 2: Don't worry. It's not like you have a virus or something. Person 2: You don't go to any of those websites anyways." |
Quote : | "Another Person: love you DaHumorist: <3 DaHumorist: bwahahaha Another Person: rofl" |
(i can also make out a lot of his buddy list, i might type it out later) 7/4/2008 3:12:16 PM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
i dont watch tv...whats a finallyfast commercial?
sometimes i wonder if i'm just trying to be anti social...i dont like doing things that everyone else does(same goes for ipods and rainbows, and dvr, etc)]
7/4/2008 3:13:22 PM