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 Message Boards » » AWOL- Alcohol with out liquid Page [1]  
147487 Posts
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this sounds like an interesting idea...i picture it as being able to not have a hangover cause you could just drink a lot of water and flush it out

Quote :
"Spirit Partners, Inc. Announces
United States License to Market
AWOL - Alcohol With Out Liquid

NEW YORK - There's a new low-calorie, low-carbohydrate way for adults to consume alcohol in The United States, and you don't even need a glass. It's AWOL, Alcohol With Out Liquid, and for the first time, it is available in The United States after successful debuts in Europe and Asia.

Spirit Partners, Inc. announced that it has acquired the exclusive license to market the AWOL technology in the United States, August 20, 2004, at The Trust Lounge in New York's Meat-Packing District. Spirit Partners will sell at least one AWOL dealership in all 50 states.

AWOL consists of two components: an oxygen generator and a hand-held vaporizer. Tubes from the generator attach to the vaporizer. The user chooses an 80-proof spirit, which is poured into the vaporizer. Oxygen mixes with the alcohol producing a mist which is inhaled through the mouth.

"We are elated to launch AWOL," said Kevin Morse, president of Spirit Partners, Inc. "We are now able to dispel the rumors that have been expressed in some media reports and show that AWOL is simply a fun, new, exciting way for adults to enjoy alcohol in a responsible manner."

Alcohol enters the bloodstream through the lungs rather than the stomach making AWOL low calorie and low carbohydrate. The resulting feeling is the same sense of well being an adult gets from consuming alcohol in the traditional manner, only milder.

Once the alcohol enters the bloodstream, it affects the body in the same way as drinking alcohol. Additionally, the alcohol leaves the body in the same manner as if it had been consumed by drinking.

"One of the ways alcohol leaves the body is through the mouth," Morse said. "Therefore, contrary to reports, the alcohol will definitely register on the Intoxylizer 5000, commonly called the Breathalyzer test which is used by law-enforcement officials to apprehend drivers who are under the influence of alcohol."

When used responsibly, there is no evidence to indicate greater risks from using AWOL than consuming alcohol in the traditional way. AWOL should be used no more than two 20-minute sessions within a 24-hour period.

"We are not aware of any current evidence to suggest that use of the AWOL machine, in accordance with your advice and instructions, poses particular risks to the user over and above the risks that may be posed by consuming an equivalent amount of alcohol in an equivalent time period in a more traditional way," said Judith Hind of England's Department of Health Alcohol Policy Team.

AWOL is intended for patrons of an adult-only facility or people that are at least 21 years old. Patrons should not drive or operate any type of machinery after using AWOL.

AWOL units may be purchased directly from Spirit Partners. However, Morse says the company is currently selling exclusive dealerships in all 50 states."

7/5/2008 11:26:50 PM

All American
6271 Posts
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Quote :
"Alcohol enters the bloodstream through the lungs rather than the stomach making AWOL low calorie and low carbohydrate."

something tells me this can't be good for you.

7/5/2008 11:29:19 PM

All American
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hmmm. i don't really know how i feel about this.

7/5/2008 11:29:24 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Intoxylizer 5000"


Sounds weird...and I wonder why we don't all already know about it

[Edited on July 5, 2008 at 11:30 PM. Reason : not the intoxylizer, the AWOL thing...]

7/5/2008 11:29:42 PM

All American
27142 Posts
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you know this shit is fake

7/5/2008 11:31:13 PM

All American
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Is this real? It just looks too damn ridiculous.

7/5/2008 11:31:14 PM

All American
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i just feel like if you can't drink a beer (or a wine, mixed drink whatever "traditional" form of alcohol), then maybe you should just give up and i dunno, NOT drink (or inhale alcohol through your lungs, whatever)

7/5/2008 11:31:51 PM

41759 Posts
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This is not new.

I would like to try it apparently you do not get hangovers.

7/5/2008 11:31:53 PM

147487 Posts
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^^you telling someone not to drink is hilarious

7/5/2008 11:32:52 PM

All American
35165 Posts
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how so

7/5/2008 11:33:42 PM

147487 Posts
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idk you and a few others strike me as the alcoholics on the site

7/5/2008 11:34:32 PM

All American
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i don't really get it. i'm posting on tww on a saturday night. i don't think i'm cool enough to be an alcoholic.

7/5/2008 11:35:43 PM

147487 Posts
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idk you are all the time like "never drinking againnnnnnnnnnnn" or "hangoverrrrrrrrrrrrrr" stuff like that

7/5/2008 11:38:37 PM

All American
5835 Posts
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i think i remember reading somewhere that you could do essentially the same thing as this with an airbrush

or maybe that was a different kind of vaporizer

7/5/2008 11:38:59 PM

All American
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^^ oh yea hahaha. but that is like not all the time. i don't drink that much. which probably accounts for the fact that WHEN i drink i usually get a hangover or end up feeling sick. because i have no tolerance.

/sob story

7/5/2008 11:44:25 PM

147487 Posts
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ok fair enough....i dont even know what is considered "heavy" when it comes to drinking now a days...i drink so light(maybe twice a month or so?) that to me like twice a week is a lot

7/5/2008 11:45:44 PM

All American
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7/5/2008 11:57:08 PM

All American
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so all your friends are sitting around drinking beers and you're the cool one with the vaporizer mask on

7/5/2008 11:58:50 PM

147487 Posts
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duke how old is that looks like it was before you became a beast

7/6/2008 12:00:07 AM

All American
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^^ that was Noen's nebulizer (that's him on the left). he lived right behind me in college.

^no, that was towards the end of my time at NCSU, and I was more badass then than I am now (bigger, stronger, better runner, and definitely more crazy).

7/6/2008 12:07:40 AM

147487 Posts
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whats the most you've ever bench pressed and squatted?

my guesses are 375 bench and like 600 squat

7/6/2008 12:09:06 AM

All American
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joking joking

the picture does look a little cray cray though.

7/6/2008 12:09:39 AM

All American
52917 Posts
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350 on the bench

haven't done 1RM on squats since highschool. i usually just work sets of 4-10, and I hardly ever max anything anymore.

[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 12:11 AM. Reason : asdfad]

7/6/2008 12:10:41 AM

147487 Posts
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7/13/2008 12:32:08 AM

All American
10829 Posts
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wasn't this accomplished already with dry ice?

7/13/2008 12:35:24 AM

All American
22728 Posts
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i dont just drink alcohol to get drunk (although that's the primary reason), but i also like the way alcohol tastes

7/13/2008 12:37:44 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » AWOL- Alcohol with out liquid Page [1]  
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