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Hi guys

If you train at the gym at least 4 days a week with moderate intensity post what you eat for lunch and dinner. Don't say fast food aka junk food. My diet is pretty clean but I am looking to change it up with some new taste.

I'll go first:

Brown Rice, salad with vinegar, 2 Chicken breast (Grilled and seasoned with Dash spices) and Cottage Cheese

I workout 5 - 6 days a week.

7/6/2008 7:26:46 PM

All American
19842 Posts
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Quote :
"If you train at the gym at least 4 days a week with moderate intensity post what you eat for lunch and dinner. Don't say fast food aka junk food. "

Sadly, this is exactly what I do.

7/6/2008 7:27:51 PM

147487 Posts
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when training i typically consume 5 servings of veggies(brocoli/carrots), 30g of fiber, peanut butter + jelly sammiches, boneless skinless chicken breast, yogurt, cottage cheese, almonds, banana, kiwi, and a healthy cereal, along with protein shakes and creatine

7/6/2008 7:30:04 PM

All American
27701 Posts
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health eaters?

is that anything like death eaters?

7/6/2008 7:34:17 PM

All American
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just left weights, drink water, eat in moderation and maybe marijuana for muscle soreness and post workout.

7/6/2008 7:39:32 PM

333 Posts
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Quote :
"just left weights, drink water, eat in moderation and maybe marijuana for muscle soreness and post workout."

Dude are you fucking slow? I didn't ask for workout advice, I said what the non sedentary people eat for lunch or dinner.

7/6/2008 7:46:57 PM

All American
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Quote :
"If you train at the gym at least 4 days a week with moderate intensity post what you eat for lunch and dinner. Don't say fast food aka junk food."

I'm in this boat.

7/6/2008 7:52:23 PM

All American
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protein shakes, fruit smooties, salads, cottage cheese. lots of fruits and veggies, fish, tuna fish, granola bars, lots of green tea, turkey burgers, i do a lot of smart ones or lean cuisine when i get busy with school or work b/c its tasty quick and low cal.

7/6/2008 8:02:33 PM

All American
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I eat a Turkey and Salami sandwich on whole wheat bread almost every day for lunch.

Sometimes I have some apple sauce too

7/6/2008 8:06:33 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Dude are you fucking slow? I didn't ask for workout advice, I said what the non sedentary people eat for lunch or dinner.

are you on Roids ?

i generally eat a big rice/meat dish or a vegetable/meat dish. normally the dish is big enough to split into twos. if not I get another one. no sweets. desserts 1 weekend day only.

my dishes dining out are normally either Carribean, Spanish, Indian or Mediterranean. Never eat fast food.

7/6/2008 8:29:53 PM

All American
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i've lost 60 lbs on....

only 70 to go!

7/6/2008 8:32:48 PM

All American
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This thread sucks so far, to vague IMO.

What are you going for in the gym...? Are you trying to cut weight, pack on as much muscle as possible, or tone up your body? It really depends on what you are training for.

I currently am training for strength and trying to gain as much mass as possible. I am consuming about 6000 calories a day, 2000 of that is a gainer with milk. The rest is turkey, bread, cheese, chicken, fish, rice, veggies, strawberrys, apples, bananas, oh and steak. Of course not all of these I eat on a daily basis, but I mix it up between the weak. I tend to not go for fast food really, except maybe once or twice a week if I am in a rush.

Also check out some supplements from said stores like GNC or vitamin world. I recommend a good protein source as well as a multi vitamin. It's expensive, but worth it.

Quote :
"Brown Rice, salad with vinegar, 2 Chicken breast (Grilled and seasoned with Dash spices) and Cottage Cheese"

Those are excellent sources. The cheese especially. You can also mix it up with some natural peanut butter, or some sort of nuts, which are very healthy for you. Good luck man, hope some of this might have helped.

7/6/2008 8:47:16 PM

All American
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Lately I've been eating similar to this:

breakfast: protein shake + multivitamins (not much of a morning eater)
lunch #1: Subway grilled chicken on wheat, or a salad bar from sweet tomatoes or ruby tuesdays
lunch #2: can of tuna
before workout: mulitvitamins, caffeine, occasionally NO supplement (has a little bit of sugar in it)
after workout dinner #1: 12-16oz grape juice plus 75 grams strawberry flavored whey protein, diluted with water sometimes mixed with creatine
dinner #2: chicken breasts with rice and steamed broccoli.

I use mustard, dash spices, and hot sauce to flavor a lot of my food.

my weekend meals vary more, and I tend to cut out a meal because my weekends are usually cardio days only.

[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 8:58 PM. Reason : I'll splurge every now and then on either mexican food or Bojangles.]

7/6/2008 8:55:51 PM

All American
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^^why on earth would you be consuming 6000+ calories a day? you would be gaining 5-7 pounds of fat a week on a diet like that unless you did tedious manual labor every single day in addition to your workout regimen.

7/6/2008 9:03:07 PM

All American
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^ I am what's known as a hard gainer. To much to discuss, I'll let you look it up.

7/6/2008 9:06:28 PM

All American
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^you're what's known as either a diabetic in training or a person who can't count calories. hardgainers don't make gains by gorging themselves; they make gains through methodical training and well timed nutrient intake.

7/6/2008 9:14:25 PM

All American
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7/6/2008 9:15:11 PM

All American
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^if you've ever read anything Greg Valentino writes, you'll realize he's even dumber than he looks.

[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 9:18 PM. Reason : he has a magazine column that he writes in ALL CAPS and with no sentence structure.]

7/6/2008 9:17:29 PM

All American
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I saw him on a late night talk show a long time ago, I've seen the special: "The man whose arms exploded"

Very Fucking Dumb

7/6/2008 9:25:47 PM

All American
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Lets see....this thread is pretty relevant for me as I realize as I'm slowly getting older, my metabolism is also slowing down too. I'm still working out about 3 to 4 times a week and doing cardio at least 3 times a week...but I've now gotten to the point where it doesn't allow me to eat/drink whatever I want.

So here goes my diet (not even close to perfect, but I'm slowly trying to make it better and find healthier foods to make it better):


Most days of the week I do 2-3 eggs with a slice of toast and grape jelly. It's mostly two eggs with half a slice of cheese and the jelly toast. I'll either have a glass of OJ or a cup of coffee depending on whether or not I'm tired.

However...sometimes if I wake up early and need to get some studying done (I'm studying for the Bar exam now), I go to the coffee shop and get a cup of coffee and a bran muffin. Not exactly healthy, but it gets me going.


I pack my lunch now, but my lunch varies depending on my schedule. My packed lunch is really really simple, but its also pretty light. On any given day I either eat a packed lunch of a PB&J sandwhich on wheat bread and a ziploc bag of some flavored rice cake bites and low fat wheat thins....or if I don't go to the coffee shop in the morning, I'll go after class and get a cup of coffee and a bran muffin (I know, but I have to get my coffee/bran muffin fix).


Now if I had the coffee and bran muffin for lunch, then I'll have an early dinner of the PB&J sandwhich and then later on in the night (around 8 or 9) I'll eat an apple and peanut butter or some kind of similar fruit. I know eating fruit later in the night is not exactly healthy, but I do get a sweet tooth at night and it's better than piece of cake or pop-tart I use to eat. If I don't eat my packed lunch for dinner, then I'll eat a decent-sized portion of fish/chicken/pork and maybe a small side of pasta.

Deviations: I do like to go out to eat and drink. On my current schedule I'll grab lunch maybe once or twice at a restaurant. But I've started to get the healthiest entree on the menu now instead of what I'm craving (with the exception every now and then). And I'll have a few beers once or twice a week.

Not exactly the perfect diet, but I'm constantly trying to find tasty snacks with better nutritional information (like the rice cakes and wheat thins). And I use to eat a lot of pasta with my dinner, which I'm now lowering. And I've completely cut out buying any kind of sweets and chips (use to eat a lot of Tostitos/Doritos and frosted strawberry pop-tarts) and soft-drinks (use to drink a lot of Diet Dr. Pepper).

Things that are bad that I won't give up: coffee and bran muffin...and a couple good dinner/lunches out every week.

With this diet and my current exercise routine I've managed to get a few pounds away from my optimum weight that I had last summer (dropped about 6 or 7 pounds in the last couple weeks).

7/6/2008 9:35:04 PM

All American
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eleusis, how much time between your post workout and dinner #2?

Breakfast: Protein Blend, Berries, Yogurt, Pumpkin, Flax Shake
Snack 1: Kind Bar (I don't have time to do anything fancy for a myriad of reasons)
lunch: Chicken or leftover meat, Ezekiel 4:9 Tortilla, Veggie (mostly celery or something I don't have to make)
Pre-Workout: 15-20g whey, going to add something here like tyrosine/caffeine/etc
Post: 32oz Gatorade, Whey, Creatine
Dinner: Meat (wild fish, bison, duck, something tasty), green veggie, maybe a sweet potato and for desert...2 Sunkist One Prunes
Bed: Cottage Cheese or some almond butter

That is ideal and for the most part it happens but when I'm traveling or fishing, all bets are off.

7/6/2008 9:49:28 PM

All American
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b) 4-6 eggs someway (scrambled, boiled, in an omlete w/ veggies and mozz), banana, cherios (need a change from oats)
L1) tuna/jerky and fruit
L2) Leftover meat and veggies . sometimes it's a resturant meal
PreW/O) gatorade/whey caffeine
PostW/0) gatorade/whey/creatine
D) Meat w/ veggies and carbs from either a veggie or a grain
Bed) Ice cream (all natural) or cottage cheese

I try to keep to milk during breakfast, a lunch, and dinner, but there's often a sweet tea
I drink coffee here and there, not a huge amount

[Edited on July 6, 2008 at 9:58 PM. Reason : ]

7/6/2008 9:58:18 PM

All American
8284 Posts
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I do CrossFit

Lunch (usually LATE around 2 or 3pm, after workout)
Protein Shake with milk
chicken or steak
brown rice or sweet potato
vegetables w/olive oil

Dinner (again, LATE, usually 8 or 9pm after work)
Chicken or Fish
Veggie w/olive oil

Protein Shake w/milk or cottage cheese and berries pre-bed

7/6/2008 10:21:34 PM

All American
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I usually have my second dinner 75-90 minutes after my PWO shake. I wish I had more time to spread in between them, but I typically work late and don't have as much time as I would like in the evenings.

On weekends, I do my cardio earlier in the day so that I can have at least a couple of hours between my PWO shake and my next meal.

7/6/2008 10:26:58 PM

All American
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i think the reason this thread sucks mostly lies on the creator of it. this guys sort of a fucking douchebag. and lets not even get into the vagueness.

7/6/2008 10:54:16 PM

All American
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I just have healthy snacks all day long

Breakfast - 2 packs of oatmeal or cream of wheat
Nutrigrain bar before lunch
Lunch = whatever is somewhat healthy from where the office goes. i like to get a footlong sub, eat 1 half, then eat the other about 1 1/2 hours later.
Snacks before work is over = yogurt and apple
Before workout = juice and pb&j
Afterworkout = protein smoothie with whey protein, yogurt, and whatever fruit i have.

Sometimes that isn't until 9PM. I may sneak in a true dinner or I may not.

7/6/2008 11:08:27 PM

All American
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So, OP, did you get what you wanted? I doubt it.

7/8/2008 1:43:51 PM

All American
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Lunch today:
Half of a grilled chicken breast, serving of red potatoes, and an apple.

Dinner last night:
Jerk chicken, sesame green beans, almond couscous, and a Slim Fast shake later that night because I ate dinner early and was really hungry about an hour and a half before bed.

I don't really work out in the gym much though. I'm burned out on it. I just swim, cycle, work out on the punching bag, and am otherwise active.

[Edited on July 8, 2008 at 1:57 PM. Reason : s]

7/8/2008 1:56:50 PM

soup du hier
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I have 2 chicken breast TENDERLOINS for lunch, A salad and some sort of whole grain carb.

and about 4 ounces of fish or beef for dinner with some pasta and a salad for dinner...

nothing but fruits & carbs for breakfast.

Get that.... it will teach you lots.
Basically a balanced diet is best... (duh)

[Edited on July 8, 2008 at 2:02 PM. Reason : .]

7/8/2008 1:57:23 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I have 2 chicken breast TENDERLOINS for lunch"

Breasts don't come from the loins.

7/8/2008 2:16:54 PM

warning: not serious
19581 Posts
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Quote :
"If you train at the gym at least 4 days a week with moderate intensity post what you eat for lunch and dinner. Don't say fast food aka junk food."


7/8/2008 2:22:23 PM

soup du hier
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^^ "chicken tenders" are breast tenderloins... aka the small piece of meat on the bottom side of a bone in breast.

I just hate calling them chicken tenders cause i don't ever fry them.

7/8/2008 2:37:44 PM

All American
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I can see that I guess.

7/8/2008 3:01:23 PM

All American
5286 Posts
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banana + yogurt + multivitamin for breakfast

48g protein shake pre workout, 48g protein shake post workout

1hr later, banana + yogurt + flax seed oil

2hrs later - dinner, mainly chicken and peas, but many nights tacos/chicken and dumplings/pork ribs

all about portion control...being on a tight budget helps me...

lost 85lbs since mid Jan of this year...I also work out 5-6 times week

8/20/2008 8:12:35 PM

12280 Posts
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Breakfast: a ham/cheese bagel + chocolate chip bagel (breakfast dessert ) + orange juice
Lunch: foot long BMT Italian from Subway or whatever I eat at Tyler's + beer
2nd Lunch: Beer + wendy's 5 piece nuggets + jr cheeseburger deluxe
Dinner: (right after the gym): 2 pieces of fillet + pasta or rice
Late dinner: the extra pasta/rice that i make for dinner

2.5 to 3 liters of water through out the day

thats usually my routine every day + weight gainer shakes (1 or 2 a day)

work out 3 times a week with a trainer and 1-2 times a week on my own.

[Edited on August 20, 2008 at 10:10 PM. Reason : .]

8/20/2008 10:10:01 PM

All American
16417 Posts
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fuck and I thought you were that small because you were on blow like me

8/20/2008 10:41:32 PM

12280 Posts
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haha...i've been trying to gain far only 8lbs in 2 months...sigh but its all muscle weight so i can't complain. haha

[Edited on August 20, 2008 at 11:19 PM. Reason : .]

8/20/2008 11:19:35 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Bodybuilders and Health eaters Page [1]  
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