Walls1441 All American 10000 Posts user info edit post |
Music is so much more epic in other countries.
Quote : | "In 2001, the band released their only album, Death - Pierce Me. Parts of the shrieking vocals were produced by Nattramn while severing and mutilating his hands.
During this same era, Nattramn was institutionalized. He escaped from "department 57 at the Psychiatric ward (shortly after the recording of Death - Pierce Me). He wrote a note detailing; "I'm gonna kill little girls and be as famous as Thomas Quick". He struck a 6 year old girl with an axe in a playground at Vattentornsskogen in Ljungby, after attempting to escape on a bike. He demanded to the police to kill him. The injury was one milimetre from penetrating her skull to her brain, however the girl is now all well."[1]" |
i listen to a lot of music most people would think is terrible, and these are by far the worst vocals i have ever heard. 7/7/2008 12:57:05 PM