bmdurham All American 2668 Posts user info edit post |
has helped or aided you.
This isn't a police bashing thread, rather a chance for those to describe instances where an officer of the law and benefited you directly. 7/8/2008 10:47:21 AM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
I don't bash police officers but I seriously cannot think of a time. 7/8/2008 10:48:20 AM
TenaciousC All American 6307 Posts user info edit post |
This will be a very short thread. 7/8/2008 10:48:48 AM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
I'm sorry but we don't have one sided threads to make people feel better about there jobs on here.
btw... (never)
Fuckers can't even help you out when your locked out of a car anymore. 7/8/2008 10:48:55 AM
DirtyMonkey All American 4270 Posts user info edit post |
My car broke down on the side of the highway and a cop gave me a ride into town to a tow truck service.
^ In same car as below, my key was worn down a bit and stopped working - I couldn't unlock the door. I was parked at Carmichael so a couple of campus cops came to open my car with a slim jim, but dear lord, they sucked at it. And they chewed the hell out of the window seal trying to do it. It took a good 30 minutes and 3 cars. Yes they helped me out and I asked them to, but I wouldn't have minded a little respect for other's property while the guy was busting his slim-jim cherry.
[Edited on July 8, 2008 at 10:53 AM. Reason : ^] 7/8/2008 10:49:22 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148880 Posts user info edit post |
a few months back, a police officer helped me realize i was exceeding the posted regulatory speed limit on one of our state's thoroughfares 7/8/2008 10:51:18 AM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
1. When I ran my car off the road, the cop was very helpful
2. One helped me catch my dog one time when it ran off
3. I have asked cops for directions a few times 7/8/2008 10:51:35 AM
cstrom All American 1753 Posts user info edit post |
When I was younger and much more of an idiot, I was pulled over after leaving the bar. I did some sobriety tests and blew a .12 and the cop drove me home and didn't cite me.
Luckiest day of my life.... 7/8/2008 10:51:51 AM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
^ FUCK YOU 7/8/2008 10:52:56 AM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
i was 15 and got pulled over with beer on my breath, beer in the car, a bong in the car, and a good amount of pot
i informed him (truthfully) that i was the most sober person at the party and someone was sick and needed to go home so i made the decison to drive him home instead of someone who was black out drunk.
instead of arresting me he just took me home and made me tell my dad what I had been doing, at 2 in the morning.
i mean, he hooked me up hard. 7/8/2008 10:53:50 AM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
they have helped me more than they have hurt me 7/8/2008 10:57:34 AM
bmdurham All American 2668 Posts user info edit post |
^ really? please do explain. 7/8/2008 10:57:51 AM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
are you a police officer bmdurham? 7/8/2008 10:59:04 AM
bmdurham All American 2668 Posts user info edit post |
oh no. i have been outed.
no i just was having a really hard time finding a single instance. i will list some good and bad instances in a bit. 7/8/2008 11:00:26 AM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
^^^^ I would have to say the same
I've been pulled over 3 times for speeding, but all have been warnings so far.
[Edited on July 8, 2008 at 11:00 AM. Reason : ^^^^] 7/8/2008 11:00:28 AM
saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit post |
i ran out of gas one day and me and my then gf were stranded on the side of the interstate. cop came and gave us a ride to a gas station and back. 7/8/2008 11:01:02 AM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "really? please do explain." |
There were 4 instances when I was in college where I should have gotten DUIs but the police officers cut me a break.
There were 2 instances with 2 different women when the police were called. Both times the police did the right thing and saw the calls for what they were (lies), rather than doing the standard thing and taking me to jail. 7/8/2008 11:02:42 AM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post | the heck did that happen twice?
I do have an instance. Ken and I ran out of gas and a cop did help us then. 7/8/2008 11:04:37 AM
arcgreek All American 26690 Posts user info edit post |
must agree dj
I've only had 2 bad experiences w/ cops, one who thought creatine in a bag was coke, and one bitch of a cop who pulled me over for speeding. She must have been on her period.
They've unlocked my car, responded to my calls, arrested the woman who hit my car (and ran)given me a ride home, helped after an accident, given me directions, etc etc and old freinds that are now cops, so I'm told.
I also have been let off the hook for various trivial things and tickets, but I'm not about to incriminate myself.
[Edited on July 8, 2008 at 11:06 AM. Reason : ] 7/8/2008 11:04:51 AM
Republican18 All American 16575 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Fuckers can't even help you out when your locked out of a car anymore." |
lord knows how many i have opened, and the new slim jims are easy and dont destroy your car
 7/8/2008 11:05:03 AM
saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit post |
i go theld up at gunpoint in downtown raleigh, within minutes there were cops everywhere, patrol cars swat vans the whole works
it was pretty awesome to see them at work
they arrested the guys 7/8/2008 11:06:31 AM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | " the heck did that happen twice?" |
good question. i guess i just really know how to pick em 7/8/2008 11:06:49 AM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
When I locked my keys in my jeep the cops tried for like 20 min to get it unlocked.
I had to call a locksmith, and it took that guy like 10 minutes to open it, he said that model was extremely difficult to unlock. 7/8/2008 11:06:53 AM
bassjunkie All American 3093 Posts user info edit post |
They saved me from having to kick the shit out of a belligerent bum. I was locking up at the end of the day (downtown area) and this hobo comes up asking our secretary for monies. I told him there's no soliciting (politely at this point) and this asshole starts claiming that the sidewalk is public property and getting all rowdy. I told him I'm not giving him anything, and he needed to move on. Prick said, "Why should I respect you? You're just a kid?" I responded, "Why would I respect you? You're a fucking bum!" Guy starts getting all riled up, but just as things start to escalate 3 bicycle cops roll around the corner and this asshole shuts up real quick. They ran him off and told me give them a call any time this guy's around, as he's known for stealing / causing problems, etc. 7/8/2008 11:15:15 AM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
my car got a flat tire on the way to charleston a few years ago around florence where they were doing a lot of construction so there was basically no shoulder to pull off really dangerous and my tire was basically shredded, no way i could drive. and a police man came and they called a SPECIAL towing service because they said AAA wasn't fast enough and i was in a dangerous spot and the tow truck came w/in minutes. that was nice.
and on time at east village a drunk driver pretty much pulled out of the parking lot OVER my car and messed it up. the cop wrote a report. and kicked the front bumper off and put it in my back seat so i could drive it the next day. 7/8/2008 11:23:36 AM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
so he put it in your backseat huh
 7/8/2008 11:24:33 AM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
oh geez. 7/8/2008 11:26:33 AM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |

7/8/2008 11:30:00 AM
NCSUGirl83 All American 10343 Posts user info edit post |
My car broke down once in the middle of on intersection on Peace St. An office came and tried to jump my battery. When that didn't work he helped push my car into a parking lot and gave me a ride back to Peace.
[Edited on July 8, 2008 at 11:37 AM. Reason : 4664] 7/8/2008 11:37:41 AM
bmdurham All American 2668 Posts user info edit post |
Just to clarify. I (personally) don't consider an officer 'cutting you a break' aid or help. Although nice, it's just being lenient about enforcement.
[Edited on July 8, 2008 at 11:53 AM. Reason : bold] 7/8/2008 11:40:18 AM
LunaK LOSER :( 23634 Posts user info edit post |
a cop happened to witness my car getting smashed into (while it was parked legally) by a drunk driver, and the guy tried to get away on foot... luckily the cop was there or else i would've be SOL 7/8/2008 11:41:11 AM
dgspencer All American 4474 Posts user info edit post |
I blew a tire on I-85 near the clemson exit in about 100 degree heat, phone was dead, gf was all the way in Athens, for some reason I had an iron but no socket for my lugs. Pretty much fucked.
SC state trooper pulled over and offered to help with his tire iron but I just said thanks and took it from him to do it myself since I was already soaked in sweat anyway. While I was getting the car jacked up he had the SCDOT on the phone and they came out with a hydraulic jack and impact gun and the guy did it for me in like 2 minutes. Plus in SC you can pretty much go as fast as you want on I-85, so that's nice. 7/8/2008 11:42:08 AM
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "so he put it in your backseat huh" |
hahaha... 7/8/2008 11:48:09 AM
Biofreak70 All American 33197 Posts user info edit post |
i can't think of any direct benefits... i mean, i guess their presence has helped to deter crime in areas i have lived/frequented but I can not for the life of me think of any instances where they directly helped me out 7/8/2008 11:50:11 AM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
Also, other than the Raleigh nuisance cops, I can't think of a time when they hassled me when I didn't deserve it. 7/8/2008 11:53:56 AM
ddf583 All American 2950 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "There were 4 instances when I was in college where I should have gotten DUIs but the police officers cut me a break." |
It sounds like every single one of them made a mistake by cutting you a break. 7/8/2008 11:56:34 AM
bottombaby IRL 21958 Posts user info edit post |
I lived in my own apartment my senior year of high school. A bunch of people got together at my apartment to watch a basketball game. The boys got rowdy while watching the game and my neighbor, who was always a pain in the rear, called the police. The officer knocked on the door and sent all of my friends packing. There was beer everywhere and one of the guys left some pot out on the coffee table. I could have been in big big big trouble because of the underage drinkers in my apartment (I was already 18) and the drugs.
The officer was really nice, explaining that my neighbor was hella pissed. He lectured me and told me that I was lucky the ALE wasn't riding with him, packed up all of the visible alcohol, "didn't notice" the pot, and told me that he knew some of my friends were probably planning on spending the night so I could call them a few minutes after he left to let them know it was ok to come back as long as we could keep it down and stop irritating my neighbor. And that was that.
 7/8/2008 12:03:11 PM
bmdurham All American 2668 Posts user info edit post |
^ so what i am getting at,, did he actually help/aid/assist you? or cut you a break? 7/8/2008 12:04:11 PM
jetskipro All American 1635 Posts user info edit post |
a cop jimmied my door once when i locked my keys inside. saved me from having to deal with AAA 7/8/2008 12:06:12 PM
bottombaby IRL 21958 Posts user info edit post |
He thought that he was just cutting me a break, but he actually ended up helping me because the boys behavior was getting a little too out of control for me to do anything about. I was kinda glad that he game in and broke things up.
My mom's long time (15 years) boyfriend was a Sheriff's Deputy and then a US. Marshall. I know that not all law enforcement officers are assholes, some of them are really nice guys. And then some are jerkoffs. 7/8/2008 12:08:08 PM
TKE-Teg All American 43429 Posts user info edit post |
I know a cop has helped me out probably 3-4 times, but I honestly can't remember why. Pretty sure it wasn't anything major either. 7/8/2008 12:15:35 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "It sounds like every single one of them made a mistake by cutting you a break." |
yeah well, we all make mistakes in college. that is why i hardly drink anymore, much less drink and drive. 7/8/2008 12:16:28 PM
ddf583 All American 2950 Posts user info edit post |
and we're supposed to learn from our mistakes. Continuing to drive drunk after the first cop gave you a break makes you an asshole. Continuing to drive drunk after the third cop gave you a break makes you an enormous asshole who is undeserving of all your good fortune. 7/8/2008 12:20:38 PM
Mindstorm All American 15858 Posts user info edit post |
Never had a cop help me.
Never had a cop hassle me for violating the law either.
Still have neutral relations with the cops, though it is kinda annoying that they don't respond to "less serious" calls in student neighborhoods, it seems. We woke up to fireworks going off (these guys had the shells and launchers, seriously loud shit to launch in an apartment parking lot) and they continued to do this for about 40 minutes. After the first 5 my roommate called the RPD, they said officers were on their way, we looked behind us and never saw cop lights, never heard a cop siren drive up, and never saw a cop car (we can see into the other complex pretty well and didn't see anyone drive up).
What's funny is I think the same people have been setting those fireworks off for years (I used to live in the other complex and was woken up by it before), and they're the "really damn illegal" kind for people to be using here. 7/8/2008 12:23:56 PM
legatic All American 7481 Posts user info edit post |
Mindst rm 7/8/2008 12:26:35 PM
JohnnyTHM All American 18177 Posts user info edit post |
ive never gotten a break from a cop ever. ticket for whatever every time.
i was once made to step out of my car and take a breathalizer and it was 11am...i hadn't had a drop to drink in 48+ hours. he kept accusing me of being drunk or high. and when i blew 0.00000, i said "its zero right?" and he said "get back in your car." and he drove off. i was stone fucking sober. asshole.
OH YEAH, then that same cop called my cell phone 15 minutes later, telling me that he should have given me another ticket (on top of the speeding), but he didn't because he was nice. i fucking hate cops.
and i hate firemen. yeah i said it. 7/8/2008 12:30:09 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148880 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "that same cop called my cell phone 15 minutes later, telling me that he should have given me another ticket" |
wtf? called your cellphone? 7/8/2008 12:31:24 PM
JohnnyTHM All American 18177 Posts user info edit post |
he asked for it when he was grilling me about drinking 7/8/2008 12:31:53 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
when i first got to tucson az, (i actually lived in the northern fringe sub-suburbs), i got a flat tire....
i went to get my spare, but it was flat. so i got pissed and slammed the trunk. my keys were in the trunk. god damnit. i was mad and not thinking. as usual for that time period. so i have a flat, my spare is flat, and my keys are locked in.
so the plan was.. get ride from roomate and borrow him and car, meet locksmith, get keys, take spare to get fixed, switch tires, take roomate and his car back, drive on donut to get tire fixed. i was so pissed.
anyways, moral of the story. within about 10 minutes of stopping, they ORO VALLEY, AZ police stopped and checked on me. no harassment etc. then 2 other cops stopped out there during the process, and were all there to just check up (it was HOT AS FUCK, about this time 2 years ago).
so 3 cops in an afternoon all helpful, never asked anything personal. on a car in AZ with NC plates and a shady ass me driving. with keys locked in the trunk and shit. haha 7/8/2008 12:31:56 PM
Ansonian Suspended 5959 Posts user info edit post |
never...I despise cops 7/8/2008 12:32:02 PM