lafta All American 14880 Posts user info edit post |
so im finnaly gonna get one, from ncsu anyways you have to fill out these forms and they have some funny questions
first they have a drawing a body and ask you to circle where you want the massage to be
so anyone got a massage, is it worth 50 bucks for 60minutes? 7/8/2008 12:20:06 PM
Cherokee All American 8264 Posts user info edit post |
If I could afford it I would have someone as my full time masseuse. Massages are the greatest thing imaginable. 7/8/2008 12:21:56 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148878 Posts user info edit post |
the water feels so good] 7/8/2008 12:25:12 PM
SkankinMonky All American 3344 Posts user info edit post |
Do they give you a good finishing touch at the end? 7/8/2008 12:28:51 PM
lafta All American 14880 Posts user info edit post |
yeah i can only hope i get a girl, it will be weird with a dude doing it but whatever 7/8/2008 12:30:44 PM
IMStoned420 All American 15485 Posts user info edit post |
Obviously, this thread is about socialized health care offered through the public university system. I think that in order to get rid of this socialist entitlement, we should abolish public education completely. Let the free markets take over and make the entire process efficient. 7/8/2008 12:31:29 PM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
$50 for 60 min? That is pretty cheap. I am prob gonna get one at Massage Envy for $39. 7/8/2008 12:39:57 PM
IMStoned420 All American 15485 Posts user info edit post |
This thread was originally posted in TSB, btw. My attempts at making it political obviously fell short. 7/8/2008 12:41:15 PM
bmdurham All American 2668 Posts user info edit post |
that is a decent price. last night i gave this girl a foot massage, and somewhere along the lines told her how awesome it was to get a hot-stone massage. she just sorta laughed. i need to find cooler females with some reciprocity. 7/8/2008 12:41:29 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
Yes, that's a great deal (other than introductory massages, such as ^^^).
you can ask for a female
[Edited on July 8, 2008 at 12:42 PM. Reason : .] 7/8/2008 12:41:51 PM
mantisstunna All American 1738 Posts user info edit post |
I was thinking about getting one of these. Do you have to have an appointment or can you just walk in?
Every message place i've heard of you can request to have a girl. 7/8/2008 12:42:02 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
you can walk in, but the do have appointments, so you may have to wait. it's best to get an appointment though.
they take cash and checks only, (at least that's how it was last time I was there. )
[Edited on July 8, 2008 at 12:43 PM. Reason : .] 7/8/2008 12:43:03 PM
IMStoned420 All American 15485 Posts user info edit post |
Can you request to have a hot girl? 7/8/2008 12:43:05 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
sure 7/8/2008 12:43:38 PM
mantisstunna All American 1738 Posts user info edit post |
where do you go to get one, charmicheal? i might just go right now 7/8/2008 12:44:15 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
i went to a massage parlor in this trailer across the street from a parking deck for UofA.. somewhere near 4th street in tucson.
my friend was paying so i was like fuck it.. but the girls werent exactly what youd expect at a 65 dollar a nut jerkoff hut... so i went out and waited in the car while he got his dick jacked
not even for free yo... 7/8/2008 12:47:59 PM
DROD900 All American 24674 Posts user info edit post |
massages are awesome, however Massage Envy sucks
Carolina Center of Massage therapy, ftw 7/8/2008 12:49:42 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
^^^yeh, in the new building at carmichael, second floor 7/8/2008 12:51:50 PM
ctbekrid Starting Lineup 64 Posts user info edit post |
not to be an advertisement, but my parents are professional massage therapists in fuquay. here's their website:
they give 1/2 off discount to students 7/8/2008 12:54:17 PM
skankinande All American 28213 Posts user info edit post |
Happy ending? 7/8/2008 12:54:25 PM
mantisstunna All American 1738 Posts user info edit post |
^^ so its only $30 an hour if you are a student? 7/8/2008 12:55:33 PM
ctbekrid Starting Lineup 64 Posts user info edit post |
^ yea, well $35 actually for an hour 7/8/2008 12:57:10 PM
DROD900 All American 24674 Posts user info edit post |
damn, both of your parents are massage therapists? thats pretty damn cool
well, if you didnt get weirded out by your parents giving you massages all the time, I guess it would be 7/8/2008 12:57:31 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
ha that fuquay place is right beside where i went to middle school
and actually ill be on ennis street for a little while tonight. making a last minute quick trip out of town! 7/8/2008 12:58:19 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
I don't do massages, but i do facials
ZING!!!! 7/8/2008 12:59:45 PM
lafta All American 14880 Posts user info edit post |
i feel kinda weird about the sexual overtones in this like when i see my massage girl i'll probably have a big smile on my face, hopefully things dont get weird 7/8/2008 2:17:18 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
don't sweat it dude, they see boners all the time 7/8/2008 2:21:58 PM
lafta All American 14880 Posts user info edit post |
oh snap, i totally forgot about boners  7/8/2008 2:22:52 PM
slowblack96 All American 4999 Posts user info edit post |
i spent 136 for my ex one time for a full jobber. fuckin skank. i broke up with her later in the month 7/8/2008 2:28:43 PM
Gøldengirl All American 3613 Posts user info edit post |
YES. I love massages. depends on prices but 50 for 60 mins very worth it.  7/8/2008 2:29:56 PM
begonias warning: not serious 19581 Posts user info edit post |
lafta - did you come in yesterday and schedule a massage? if so, you talked to me.
And to answer some questions:
We have 2 MTs - one male, one female. I've had massages from them and they're great.
The questions on the form are to just to help get to know what you want/don't want. The picture of the body is there so you can tell the MT exactly where you want/don't want to be touched (i.e. some people don't like their back touched and only want their arms/legs/feet rubbed).
No happy endings.
We contract out the MTs so they're not here unless they have a massage - so you need to make an appointment (call or stop by).
It's still cash or check only.
You can request the girl (she is very attractive) but she has limited availability.
website: 7/8/2008 2:32:14 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
there's no picture on the website, i checked 7/8/2008 2:37:24 PM
lafta All American 14880 Posts user info edit post |
no that wasnt me, im not happy that yall only have one girl though my chances dont look good 7/8/2008 2:38:16 PM