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All American
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Anyone use them?

7/8/2008 3:50:38 PM

19447 Posts
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I have seen someone use one, and it mad me never want to try it.

7/8/2008 3:53:50 PM

Bee Hugger
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i am too lazy to google, someone please explain

7/8/2008 3:54:49 PM

19447 Posts
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You pour salt water through your nasal cavity.

[Edited on July 8, 2008 at 3:55 PM. Reason : in one side, out the other]

7/8/2008 3:55:24 PM

Bee Hugger
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7/8/2008 3:56:17 PM

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7/8/2008 3:56:44 PM

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[Edited on July 8, 2008 at 3:58 PM. Reason : SDF]

7/8/2008 3:58:10 PM

All American
8522 Posts
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OMG it works so good for congestion

don't get the pot, just get a smallish plastic funnel and a glass of homemade saltwater that's lukewarm

7/8/2008 4:07:46 PM

All American
12212 Posts
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she looks like a pod person

7/8/2008 4:34:24 PM

All American
10527 Posts
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but i recommend the pot. Its surprisingly not bad. It looks like it would be uncomfortable and burn but it doesn't and you better for a few days

7/8/2008 4:35:17 PM

21958 Posts
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I use a Neti Pot or a sinus wash bottle when I want something with a little more pressure behind it.

It is amazing. It helps wash out any allergens or other irritants that you have come across during the day. It also helps break up congestion whenever you are suffering from sinus problems. My doctor recommended that I start using one because I suffer from frequent sinus infections. I love it. It clears out snot and other grossness like nothing else.

I actually have fewer problems now that I use one regularly.

[Edited on July 8, 2008 at 5:56 PM. Reason : .]

7/8/2008 5:55:14 PM

All American
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embed plz.

7/8/2008 6:26:38 PM

All American
12966 Posts
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omg i am intrigued

i have chronic sinus issues and have had congestion for the last 3 weeks but its not bad enough to go to a doc

how often do you use it??

does it hurt??

looks easy & painless

where do i buy a neti pot?!?!

7/8/2008 6:34:41 PM

Mr Grace
All American
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my girlfriend uses it and swears by them

i am terrified of the whole idea and have to leave the house when she does it.

7/8/2008 6:46:24 PM

All American
63547 Posts
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you can buy a SinuCleanse kit at most CVS locations

that's a simple plastic neti pot with a bunch of packets of salt for the saline solution

7/8/2008 6:47:05 PM

All American
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I use one every few days. It works wonders with my sinuses.

It's not painful at all. A little strange at first, but no pain whatsoever.

7/8/2008 6:59:57 PM

All American
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i'm going out for dinner and just may pick one up on the way back

omg excited

7/8/2008 7:15:33 PM

All American
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I'm going to have to try this. I have a sinus infection Sunday through Tuesday almost every week from lake water.

7/8/2008 7:21:05 PM

21958 Posts
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You can use it as often as needed. When I am sick, I use it frequently. I have had trouble with rebound congestion from over using decongestant nose sprays in the past, so I avoid them and use a sinus wash instead. The positive pressure created from using a squeeze bottle system instead of a Neti Pot works better for me when I have some congestion going on.

There are some people who use it as a part of their daily routine like brushing their teeth. Then there are other people, like allergy suffers, who use it after they've been outside.

If it is uncomfortable, make sure that you don't have it too warm or too cold. Also, you can try making your saline half power until you get use to it.

And yeah, you can just pick it up at a CVS.

[Edited on July 8, 2008 at 7:42 PM. Reason : .]

7/8/2008 7:41:25 PM

All American
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yeah I credit this thing with improving my recovery time from sinus infections by like 2-3 days and it INSTANTLY relieves the symptoms

helps me deal with pollution in the city too

7/8/2008 8:00:36 PM

All American
4809 Posts
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I want one. My birthday is coming up guys!

7/8/2008 8:04:06 PM

All American
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7/8/2008 8:12:06 PM

All American
14033 Posts
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Been doing this for awhile and it is phenomenal. My ENT doc said that everyone should do it simply for better breathing and general hygiene. Has helped a lot with chronic sinusitis, allergies, and deviated septum symptoms.

The best recipe I have found that matches the body's salinity and pH (for minimal stinging and discomfort):
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking
1 cup of warm water

I use a sports top water bottle like:

It fits perfectly into the nostril and gentle pressure can be applied when really sick/congested. It also makes for quick mixing (just close the top and shake it up). Its also recyclable so you don't have to wash it, just replace every other week or so.

7/8/2008 11:49:48 PM

All American
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yeah, we use a system that is like a squeeze bottle made by the manufacturers of netipot. i think it does a better job of washing out the boogies since you can put a little force into it. also you can wash the sinuses in your forehead because you are not limited by the angle of the netipot spout

7/9/2008 12:13:23 AM

All American
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i am really pissed that the ENTs i have been to never mentioned this

didnt get one last night, didnt see a drug store on my 30 mile (each way) run to dinner. going in the other direction tonight, saw a walgreens earlier.

im surprised how many people do this!

7/9/2008 7:57:05 PM

5975 Posts
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I use the same one i think Greenjay is referring to:

7/9/2008 10:02:39 PM

Redneck Bob
All American
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^^^^^ hahahaahahaha

7/9/2008 10:08:10 PM

All American
10217 Posts
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Neti pots are win. We have like 3 in my house - EVERYONE uses them. We all have allergies and these things go a LONG way in the spring. If you've got the sniffles or something that first time you do it and green crap comes out of your head you'll be a believer.

7/10/2008 12:03:54 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Neti Pots Page [1]  
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