pawprint All American 5203 Posts user info edit post |
Because fatwallet has them for free, just $15 in shipping.
Anyone have one? Are they worth the $15? 7/8/2008 11:39:19 PM
evan All American 27701 Posts user info edit post |
i have one
for that price, it's worth it 7/8/2008 11:39:59 PM
ncsuapex SpaceForRent 37776 Posts user info edit post |
we have a keurig machine at work and its A W E S O M E BABY!
I love that thing. Its probably really bad for the environment and all. But its so damn handy 7/8/2008 11:40:28 PM
fjjackso All American 14538 Posts user info edit post |
looks interesting enough 7/8/2008 11:40:30 PM
fleetwud AmbitiousButRubbish 49741 Posts user info edit post |
welll it's worth at least $15 plus $15 to ship on eBay, why not?
hi Cassie 7/8/2008 11:40:35 PM
evan All American 27701 Posts user info edit post |
yeah, the keurig machines are the shittttt
they put one in the ems room at wakemed and i can't get enough of that thing  7/8/2008 11:41:03 PM
pawprint All American 5203 Posts user info edit post |
I am about to paypal one but the fatwallet thread says their coffee SUCKS. I am wondering if it's worth the money to get one and then buy the refillable pods.
My bestest has a keruigs on her registry..$150 though....sheesh!
[Edited on July 8, 2008 at 11:42 PM. Reason : I plan to spent a good amount though so who knows.] 7/8/2008 11:41:52 PM
MOODY All American 9700 Posts user info edit post |
i have a keurig.
if you usually get a hot cocoa or coffee at starbucks or caribou, you only have to use a keurig 50 times or so to pay for it and from there it's about 50 cents per cup of coffee/tea/cocoa. 7/9/2008 12:33:08 AM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
i guess i'm not a coffee snob, but i don't understand 
can someone fill me in? i like to be in the know about hip things that i probably can't afford. 7/9/2008 12:38:14 AM
pawprint All American 5203 Posts user info edit post |
It's a coffee maker that makes coffee very similar to an espresso machine..It forces the water through the coffee "pod" resulting in a frostier coffee. Also, the pods are easy to dispose of because you just toss them out and wipe it down...but they are more expensive than just grain coffee but cheaper than starbucks. 7/9/2008 12:53:37 AM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
oh i gotcha. i kinda figured that is what it was like. frothy coffee ftw. 7/9/2008 1:12:21 AM
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |
I had one, but I never actually used it so I threw it and all the pods in the trash one day when it was in my way. 7/9/2008 7:28:36 AM
jessiejepp All American 2732 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "we have a keurig machine at work and its A W E S O M E BABY!" |
7/9/2008 7:29:46 AM
scud All American 10804 Posts user info edit post |
My last job we had a Flavia machine. The convenience was great - the coffee ranged from terrible to just above mediocre depending on which blend you used. I have to admit that having a variety of choice was intriguing.
Keep in mind that even though the machine is cheap - the pods cost a lot and you'll probably end up stop using it after the novelty wears off.
ps hi cassie 
[Edited on July 9, 2008 at 8:21 AM. Reason : ] 7/9/2008 8:20:29 AM
bassjunkie All American 3093 Posts user info edit post |
Keurig at home & in the office ftw 7/9/2008 8:46:17 AM
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
"we have a keurig machine at work and its A W E S O M E BABY!" 7/9/2008 8:49:43 AM
LV2state All American 1619 Posts user info edit post |
I got the free one from Senseo about 2 years ago, just paied 15$ s&H
well worth it, they sent a crap load of free coffee and it looks cool on your counter. 7/9/2008 9:53:06 AM
pawprint All American 5203 Posts user info edit post |
Hi Chris. 
I thought about the expense of the pods but I found some refillable eco-pods on ebay that I may try out if the pods don't work for me.
^Neat, thanks for the info.
^^I guess the K-Cups machine is pretty neat. Anywhere got a deal on one? 7/9/2008 10:34:09 AM
Restricted All American 15537 Posts user info edit post |
My parents have the Capresso Impressa coffee maker, that thing makes the best cup of coffee ever. 7/9/2008 10:35:24 AM
pawprint All American 5203 Posts user info edit post |
It just came in the mail. Mine's a burgundy red color. It only took like 7 days to arrive. Let's see about this cup of coffee... 7/15/2008 10:48:12 AM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
I got one as a gift a while back.
it was cool for a couple of weeks. 7/15/2008 11:09:04 AM
pawprint All American 5203 Posts user info edit post |
It's loud during the initial cleaning phase but now it is brewing and it's almost silent. Pretty easy to follow directions. I was confused with the one pod v. two pod holders. I guess I will make a cup with one pod and try it with two later. 7/15/2008 11:26:01 AM
pawprint All American 5203 Posts user info edit post | was silent because I hadn't pressed the start button It brews two cups in like 30 seconds. 7/15/2008 11:27:22 AM
Kurtis636 All American 14984 Posts user info edit post |
Keurig is pretty cool, I guess it would be a decent investment for an office. I can't see it for at home though. I'll just stick with my Mr. Coffee. 7/15/2008 11:28:39 AM
ScHpEnXeL Suspended 32613 Posts user info edit post |
we paint some of the keurig ones 
they nice 7/15/2008 11:30:00 AM
pawprint All American 5203 Posts user info edit post |
Okay, so one pod is a little two weak for 8 oz. I think this could get expensive at home because I make a three cup pot at home and drink some of it and let it get cold, reheat it..let it sit maybe I should take this one to work when I drink coffee when it's necessary! 7/15/2008 11:30:21 AM
Seotaji All American 34244 Posts user info edit post |
they sell the do it yourself kits at wal-mart for the senseo.
they are only as good as the grinder you use to make them. 7/15/2008 1:00:52 PM
pawprint All American 5203 Posts user info edit post |
How much are they? 7/15/2008 1:17:47 PM
Majorette7 Starting Lineup 99 Posts user info edit post |
I'm actually about to get one of these for work. We have a coffee pot here that people leave the coffee in to get all moldy, and I was thinking this could easily provide a savings of $2 a day (via Starbucks).
Thanks! 7/15/2008 1:35:37 PM
Seotaji All American 34244 Posts user info edit post |
less than $10 bucks with a bunch of one time use filters. 7/15/2008 2:37:25 PM
pawprint All American 5203 Posts user info edit post |
^^Glad I could help. Check out my free stuff thread in classifieds for more cool stuff.
^Ahh, so you fill the filters yourself and then dispose of them? 7/15/2008 2:40:55 PM
christine11 New Recruit 12 Posts user info edit post |
senseo coffee tastes like dirt 7/15/2008 3:02:01 PM
pawprint All American 5203 Posts user info edit post |
I liked the hazelnut waltz I tried today. Definitely not dirt like. 7/15/2008 3:08:33 PM
Seotaji All American 34244 Posts user info edit post |
if you normally drink starbucks, this is not your thing. you'll end up using it for a min, then going right back to starbucks. there is a reason they are the mcdonalds of the coffee world. if you like instant coffee and don't care where it comes from, this is for you.
for most, it's a toy that ends up costing too much later on. 7/15/2008 3:12:31 PM
Majorette7 Starting Lineup 99 Posts user info edit post |
If those refillable pods work ok, then I'm in business...I have Larry's Beans and a grinder. As long as the process makes a good cup, the free coffee is for everyone else in the office. Anything is better than the moldy pot sitting in there now. 7/15/2008 3:37:33 PM
Seotaji All American 34244 Posts user info edit post |
you have to have a grinder that can make something very fine. most grinders can't. the kitchenaid i have is the only one that's a reasonable price that has been able to. 7/15/2008 3:38:42 PM
pawprint All American 5203 Posts user info edit post |
Can you use preground coffee? 7/15/2008 3:51:21 PM
Majorette7 Starting Lineup 99 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Can you use preground coffee?" |
I'm going to guess that you shouldn't based on what I'm reading. Most pre ground coffee is made for a drip pot unless it is espresso roast. The faster the water goes through grounds, the finer the grounds you want. This is why Espresso grounds are fine, Drip pot are "regular" and French press requires a coarse grind. As the water sits on the grounds, it collects the flavor before it passes on into the cup/pot. I'm not sure what brand my grinder is, but I can get all three grinds (since I have all the coffee paraphernalia at home...Espresso machine, drip pot, moka, and a french press).
I also found this online...'t read it all yet.
[Edited on July 15, 2008 at 4:01 PM. Reason : more coffee] 7/15/2008 3:58:59 PM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
Every time I see this thread's title, I think of Senzu beans from Dragon Ball Z. 7/15/2008 4:19:00 PM
Seotaji All American 34244 Posts user info edit post |
i'm sorry that guide is just so stupid in so many ways.
just get the DIY kit at walmart. it comes with filters, a cap for the top that tamps also, and a guide.
that's all you have to do, except own a grinder that is capable of very fine grinds.
go to your fav coffee shop and have them grind you some beans and experiment again if you don't like the results.
[Edited on July 15, 2008 at 4:25 PM. Reason : eh] 7/15/2008 4:24:45 PM
Majorette7 Starting Lineup 99 Posts user info edit post |
I wasn't really planning on making that I read it. But it did make me LOL at work and get some lovely looks. 7/15/2008 4:34:09 PM
MOODY All American 9700 Posts user info edit post |
i have an extra b60 that has been gently used that i'm selling. it makes great coffee, tea and hot chocolate. if you don't leave it on, it heats up in about 2 minutes and makes a cup of whatever pack you choose in 15 seconds. it's great for heading out the door to work with a hot drink.

* 1500-watt single-cup brewing system for gourmet coffee, tea, or cocoa * Uses patented K-Cups; removable 48-ounce water reservoir; 3 brew sizes * Programmable backlit LCD display with digital clock and on/off timer * Temperature control; removable drip tray; 18 K-Cup Decaf pack included * Measures 13-1/4 by 10 by 13 inches; 1-year limited warranty (it isn't registered with Keurig so you can call their support if problems arise)
$120. it's $149.99 new on linens and things. 7/19/2008 10:18:13 AM
Majorette7 Starting Lineup 99 Posts user info edit post |
So I got mine in the mail on Saturday (19th)...came in 4 days. That's super fast. It's Red...hotness! I'm headed to Wal-Mart for those refillable pods. 7/20/2008 6:33:59 PM
NCSUWolfy All American 12966 Posts user info edit post |
we have a flavia machine at work and i stopped using it when someone on another floor said when they opened it to remove the packages cockroaches were all over the inside
NOTHX 7/20/2008 6:56:41 PM
seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
i am trying to think of ways to save money, and this is not it. i started drinking green tea to curb my cost of buying bags of coffee, but i am about sick of drinking tea everyday so i am about to go back to coffee. 7/20/2008 7:36:43 PM
Opstand All American 9256 Posts user info edit post |
I have a Senseo, I don't use it too often but it's nice. I wouldn't have a regular drip coffee maker again after having the Senseo. The pods aren't all that expensive ($4 for 10 or 12). I got mine for free a couple years ago. It gets used a lot when we have people over and in the winter...when it's 90+ degrees outside I'm not a huge fan of hot drinks. 7/20/2008 8:44:54 PM
Flying Tiger All American 2341 Posts user info edit post |
I work at Linens N Things, and we tend to sell out of the K-cups (Keurig) about as fast as we get them in. We quit selling the Senseo model because 1) they didn't sell and 2) when they did, they would get returned because people said the coffee for it sucked.
Quote : | "Can you use preground coffee?" |
You can in the more expensive Keurig model since it includes a "custom/make your own" K-cup, but the damn thing is $300.
We have a Keurig B60 in our breakroom, and the best hot chocolate I've had in my life came out of that thing. I would totally get one if I didn't hate coffee. 7/20/2008 9:03:54 PM
Majorette7 Starting Lineup 99 Posts user info edit post |
Those refillable things don't exist for whoever said they did (or I can't find them). The Senseo was free, so I'm not too worried about spending $100 on something that sucks. It's not like I don't have enough Coffee paraphernalia already sitting around. I thought this one might be nice to take to work since there isn't a working one there...and starbucks gets expensive. Although when you think about it. $5 for 18 pods...$.30 each "cup". Let's face it, I'm going to be using 4 pods for a real cup. So maybe it's a...
*I still haven't tried the thing yet 7/20/2008 9:11:21 PM