punisher Suspended 333 Posts user info edit post |
Ok guys I already made this thread in Lounge but I didn't get my answer so I m trying in this section. I apologize for posting same topic twice.
Where would you rent a single bedroom apartment out of these apartment complexes if you are not looking to live with ghetto people?
Edinborough at the park, Country Scene, New Haven, BainBridge in the Park or Stonethrow
I am willing to pay for an expensive apartment as long as it's safe and clean. My dad has agreed to help me out with my financial situation 7/10/2008 11:24:50 PM
ThePeter TWW CHAMPION 37709 Posts user info edit post |

7/10/2008 11:25:44 PM
Sgt Hartman Veteran 427 Posts user info edit post |
I live off Millbrook and all the black people around me a classy. They drive nice cars and wear suits and shit. 7/10/2008 11:26:10 PM
PrufrockNCSU All American 24415 Posts user info edit post |
I have a match tonight! 7/10/2008 11:26:22 PM
cddweller All American 20699 Posts user info edit post |
will you be my sugardaddy? 7/10/2008 11:26:31 PM
punisher Suspended 333 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I live off Millbrook and all the black people around me a classy. They drive nice cars and wear suits and shit." |
I m not familiar with the area yet so please tell me which apartment out of the list is near Millbrook? 7/10/2008 11:31:42 PM
evan All American 27701 Posts user info edit post |
can we please permaban this dude 7/10/2008 11:34:26 PM
IMStoned420 All American 15485 Posts user info edit post |
Is he talking about London or something? 7/10/2008 11:39:02 PM
NC86 All American 9134 Posts user info edit post |
Define GHETTO 7/10/2008 11:41:27 PM
arcgreek All American 26690 Posts user info edit post |
the original thread was an amusing read
Did you up your budget or decide to go for a roomate? 7/10/2008 11:45:37 PM
cheezitman All American 1245 Posts user info edit post |
punisher Suspended 333 Posts user info edit post |
People living off food stamps (Lazy bastards who choose not to work), Violent over stupid shit, breaking into people's cars just to get a $100 cd player, Place not too clean and beer bottles common outside, unsafe to walk outside after dark. 7/11/2008 9:50:17 AM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
so you're ok with people who are on food stamps because they're unwillingly unemployed, or are you just an ignorant shit? 7/11/2008 9:51:39 AM
punisher Suspended 333 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "punisher New Recruit 39 Posts user info edit post
Ok guys I already made this thread in Lounge but I didn't get my answer so I m trying in this section. I apologize for posting same topic twice.
Where would you rent a single bedroom apartment out of these apartment complexes if you are not looking to live with ghetto people?
Edinborough at the park, Country Scene, New Haven, BainBridge in the Park or Stonethrow
I am willing to pay for an expensive apartment as long as it's safe and clean. My dad has agreed to help me out with my financial situation" |
[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 9:58 AM. Reason : Helping the slow who cant read but got in college because of QUOTA system] 7/11/2008 9:57:21 AM
cstrom All American 1753 Posts user info edit post |
There are a lot of houses around Glenwood that have been converted to apartments. You should check those out. Location is good too. 7/11/2008 9:58:36 AM
TroleTacks Suspended 1004 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Edinborough at the park, Country Scene, New Haven, BainBridge in the Park or Stonethrow" |
Are these places in the Triangle? 7/11/2008 9:59:35 AM
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
hey look, another new user making another thread about one bedroom apartments. 7/11/2008 10:08:19 AM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
^^ I was thinking the same thing. Sounds more like Boston 7/11/2008 10:11:28 AM
GraniteBalls Aging fast 12262 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "My dad has agreed to help me out with my financial situation" |
read: I told dad i was scared of the darkies next door, so he said he'd pay to have me moved across town.
[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 10:13 AM. Reason : italics] 7/11/2008 10:13:25 AM
quagmire02 All American 44225 Posts user info edit post |
i've lived in two places off millbrook because i liked the area so much
the grove at crabtree crescent (i think it's the colonial grand, now) is a gated community that was really nice and affordable
most recently was mariners crossing at the intersection of millbrook and creedmoor...not as nice as the colonial, but cheaper (and still pretty nice)
in both places it was always quiet families...the kids always seemed well-kept and respectful and, let me emphasize QUIET
[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 10:15 AM. Reason : .] 7/11/2008 10:15:03 AM
pawprint All American 5203 Posts user info edit post |
Ahh, the people on tww are so classy.
Here's a few suggestions - I lived off Powell Drive in a two bedroom townhouse and those were really nice. I rented from Dan Burleson (not the BEST landlord, but not terrible either)...It's called Asheworth Townes. You might want a roommate...I think we paid around 700 a month.
There's also some pretty decent places if you are willing to drive a little ways. If you PM I will tell you more.
By the way, never post anything in chit chat that you want a serious answer to...and always do a search before you post a new topic. That should help you out some. 7/11/2008 10:18:17 AM
fleetwud AmbitiousButRubbish 49741 Posts user info edit post |
Scout it out. If you feel you needn't be armed, you're good to go. 7/11/2008 10:34:09 AM
raleighboy All American 929 Posts user info edit post |
You might try looking in classified and craigslist ads posted by homeowners renting out rooms or apartments in their houses. Some are in really nice neighborhoods. The accommodations can be smaller than the typical apartment, and they might not have cooking facilities. A lot of them don't run credit checks, if that's a concern for you. 7/11/2008 11:19:09 AM
Walls1441 All American 10000 Posts user info edit post |
7/11/2008 11:20:59 AM