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 Message Boards » » Visual interpretation of a thread failing. Page [1]  
All American
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7/11/2008 9:42:30 PM

22518 Posts
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guy got fucking clowned

7/11/2008 9:45:56 PM

12921 Posts
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more like visual representation of the mods bringing the hammer down amirite

7/11/2008 9:47:39 PM

All American
3613 Posts
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omg i hope that guy is still alive.

7/11/2008 9:47:56 PM

Sup, Brahms
23935 Posts
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would have been better if it were a gif of a red "x" appearing

7/11/2008 9:49:55 PM

All American
27372 Posts
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Yeah, that's about right.

7/11/2008 9:56:12 PM

All American
3402 Posts
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Shit, I'm pretty sure the driver is a pancake right now.

But I'll give points on the little container suck tube disconnecting and bouncing around.

7/11/2008 9:56:56 PM

All American
47902 Posts
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you can see him opening the door to get out the other site.

plus he lives.

7/11/2008 9:57:49 PM

All American
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haha that would be just a little embarassing

7/11/2008 9:59:05 PM

All American
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of all the things that could have failed in that scenario, for some reason i would have put roof support columns at the end of the list.

7/11/2008 10:18:31 PM

All American
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thats fucked. did he really live?

7/11/2008 10:20:27 PM

All American
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Yeah, the engineer that designed that roof system probably got the piss sued out of him. Looking at the bottom, it looks like the columns were not bolted into anything on the ground, as there isn't anything sticking out of the base of the column on the left when the thing failed. So that makes it look like the roof was supported by simple masonry columns, which would mean that, unless it's attached to a building, some seriously strong winds could've knocked the thing over.

7/11/2008 10:20:29 PM

Sup, B
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ummm... yeah... I think the only guy getting sued is the fucker who drove his trailer into the roof. I'm fairly certain that engineers don't have to account for acts of absolute stupidity

7/11/2008 10:38:34 PM

Sup, Brahms
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then why do i have to when i'm at work?

7/11/2008 10:39:39 PM

7062 Posts
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^ fair point

7/11/2008 10:43:50 PM

All American
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No, we are accountable for everything once we put our stamp on a structural design. The guy who was injured can sure as hell sue the engineer that built that structure for design negligence. When it becomes apparent, in the resulting investigation, that that building was poorly designed to resist against lateral forces, there could be a half-decent lawyer that goes and brings in some expert witnesses to make the engineer that signed off on the design of that canopy look like an incompetent shmuck. This is assuming it hasn't been 'x' number of years since the place was built (there is a limited legal liability on the part of the engineer). It also depends whether the idiot that drove into the thing is sleazy enough to go and sue the firm for the structural failure.

I mean, he could also sue the bank if the maximum clearance signage wasn't there or if it was inadequate. You can sue for anything and win with a halfway decent lawyer. I really wouldn't put it past that guy's family to do something like that. I mean, if you were retarded joe average and you saw this video you'd think "wow that didn't take much to knock that over", even though the force of that camper smacking into that building is hitting at the weakest point on the canopy (and it's a significant force indeed). That's the problem with shit like this that could get the engineer or the bank sued pretty easily. That is, unless the guy getting sued has a better lawyer, haha.

[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 10:47 PM. Reason : There was a presentation about this senior year that more or less said "if it breaks, it's your ass"]

7/11/2008 10:46:40 PM

Sup, Brahms
23935 Posts
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as an engineer you have to account for everything. even people's stupidity.

it's frustrating as hell.

[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 10:49 PM. Reason : ]

7/11/2008 10:48:23 PM

12921 Posts
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7/11/2008 10:57:56 PM

All American
9157 Posts
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um, what if there is a height clearance sign? would that make all of this moot?serious

[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 11:13 PM. Reason : serious Q]

7/11/2008 11:10:27 PM

32613 Posts
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still seems like it should have taken the lateral force a hell of a lot better than that

7/11/2008 11:11:08 PM

All American
1738 Posts
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^he was going kind of fast and it is a big trailer. Someone needs to do a FBD and estimate the forces on everything

[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 11:13 PM. Reason : d]

7/11/2008 11:13:07 PM

All American
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^^^ It would eliminate liability on the part of the bank, probably. The argument could still be made that it looks like the building was held up with matchsticks. The proper thing to do would be to have a pretty tough steel barricade in the way that would've caused the guy to stop before he hit the REALLY expensive part of the structure. A few steel pipes only cost ya a few thousand bucks. I would hate to see how much it'll cost to rebuild that nice looking canopy. Also, the door didn't open, it looks like the canopy just fell to the point where it wasn't shading the truck any more so the sunlight just made that side of the car light up a bit. Whoever was in that is probably a few different types of dead.

^^ And you've proven my point. It probably barely even moves when hurricane-force winds hit it, but when that truck hit it it fell over like nothing else. At the location it hit it, the moment forces would be at their maximum (the farthest from the columns which would be resisting any lateral or twisting force on the structure). The truck & trailer are probably huge and weigh something along the lines of a combined 15,000 pounds. Going at 15mph that's a good amount of kinetic energy to smack into that side of the building. It wouldn't be cost effective to design against that (however it would've been cost effective to add 6 more feet to the columns supporting the canopy). The clearance is probably a bigger issue than the structure's strength against lateral and twisting forces.

[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 11:16 PM. Reason : ]

I'm fucking up chit chat being this serious. So uh... blah blah furry porn blah blah the dell guy burned down the atrium, blah blah miley cyrus, blah blah racism.

[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 11:17 PM. Reason : ]

7/11/2008 11:13:37 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :
At approximately 3 PM, Tuesday, July 2, a 2008 Dodge Ram 2500, pulling
a new travel trailer, hit the corner of the Texas State Bank Drive-In
on Tenaha Street, causing the complete awning to come to the ground.
Luckily, the driver of the Dodge, Mickey Miller, of Garrison and his
10 year old son were able to exit their vehicle uninjured.

According to Miller he was circling the bank to park on the other side
when the corner of his travel trailer caught the corner of the bank
awning. Next thing he heard was a rumble as the awning started falling
against his driver's side door. Somehow he was able to unbuckle the
seat beat and exit the other side of his truck as it was falling.

Mark Ivy of Texas State Bank stated that the main lobby would be open
for business while the drive-in is being repaired."

7/11/2008 11:17:16 PM

All American
16575 Posts
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it appears the trailer only clipped the corner so the roof kinda grazes the side of the truck from what i can see

7/11/2008 11:17:26 PM

32613 Posts
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I said it doesn't LOOK like it took that much to knock it over. Without doing a FBD and knowing a lot more about the situation you're just talking out your ass

and those trailers are made from thin as shit material.. i could kick a hole into one. i made an A in statics, i know the physics involved

[Edited on July 11, 2008 at 11:20 PM. Reason : asdf]

7/11/2008 11:19:01 PM

All American
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This is what I hate about America. We're arguing about whether or not someone's gross act of stupidity should win him any money. This would be the equivalent of trying to sue someone for not putting a warning sign on a bike that says, "Warning: Bike will accelerate when pointed downhill!" Warning: Fucking cantilevered roof may collapse if you slam into it at speed with a 2.5 ton truck pulling a trailer of equal or greater weight.

7/11/2008 11:19:16 PM

All American
5562 Posts
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I'd say he did slightly more than clipped it

7/11/2008 11:19:30 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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I hope his new trailer didn't break the bank


i stole that comment from youtube

7/11/2008 11:20:01 PM

I'm Eggscellent
12778 Posts
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Quote :
"as an engineer you have to account for everything. even people's stupidity.

it's frustrating as hell. "

7/11/2008 11:20:53 PM

All American
1738 Posts
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^^ he's got some good reaction time and luck.

7/11/2008 11:21:11 PM

2940 Posts
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ITT: we see a evidence that NC State is, in fact, an engineering school.

7/11/2008 11:25:32 PM

All American
5562 Posts
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1. The guy got a new trailer & forgot about the clearance factor.

2. There isn't any other service area besides the one you see in the camera, which means he probably had no intention of stopping...

3. Camera02's quality is 10/10

7/11/2008 11:25:33 PM

All American
4809 Posts
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I'll bet that guy feels like a big fucking douchenozzle.

7/12/2008 1:03:29 AM

2019 Egg Champ
46681 Posts
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I can't see how they could have possibly gotten out of the truck in time, but whatever.

7/12/2008 1:14:35 AM

balls deep
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7/12/2008 1:15:35 AM

All American
15858 Posts
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Quote :
"Without doing a FBD and knowing a lot more about the situation you're just talking out your ass"

I don't need to do an FBD. It's acting at the edge of the building at the farthest point from any columns, and the force was enough to stop a full size crew cab dodge pickup hauling a heavy trailer. The fact that you can punch a hole in a trailer does not mean that it is light. The strong metal frame that makes up the base of the trailer combined with the whole rest of the thing is what makes it so heavy. That trailer has to weigh at least as much as that truck, given that it is hooked up to the bed of the truck (usually done for longer trailers) and that it is a brand new RV/camper trailer.

It's also awesome to hear that the guy got out alive.

Damn he is lucky! That guy's probably just became the most dedicated member of his community church.

That roof structure is also a hell of a lot bigger than I thought. It looks like it was held up by some kind of skinny tubular steel columns that were bolted into the ground.

I imagine the next revision of this bank's drive-through service is going to have some clearance poles so that doesn't happen again.

7/12/2008 1:23:47 AM

All American
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7/12/2008 7:29:22 AM

All American
6271 Posts
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i would guess the truck/trailer is somewhere in the neighborhood of 15000lb GVW, there's no doubt its heavy. the thing that struck me as odd was the lateral force required to bring the roof down was a hell of lot less than the the force required to rip through a a trailer constructed of tin-foil and toothpicks.

score one for the everest trailer company.

7/12/2008 8:03:51 AM

All American
2178 Posts
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I can't believe that he got out of that in time.

7/12/2008 8:22:03 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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7/12/2008 8:44:57 AM

All American
9221 Posts
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I've built a dozen of those canopies, and they all had a 4x4 steel tube running up the center of those columns. This one didn't(you can see when the masonry explodes).

Anyway, ours handled at least 4 wrecks so far that I know about. We're usually left with the task of piecing things back together before it all collapses on us. One dude tried to take a full size backhoe on a trailer through the drive thru. It left a perfect backhoe shaped silhouette hole, just like in cartoons.

7/12/2008 11:17:29 AM

All American
1583 Posts
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^^ perspective like whoa... the 3D world can be fun to play with...

the camera gives very little depth perception on the truck... pretty interesting. It's much easier to see how 2 people got out in time with that 2nd picture.

7/12/2008 11:29:40 AM

All American
27701 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm fairly certain that engineers don't have to account for acts of absolute stupidity"

yes they do

7/12/2008 1:23:42 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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7/12/2008 7:39:51 PM

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