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 Message Boards » » I watched an animal get run over today :( Page [1]  
All American
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It was a groundhog, and it was trying to cross a busy 6-lane road. It ran under a car stopped at a light, and then stopped (probably trying to seek shelter), and as the car moved forward the groundhog started to run.

It got caught under the rear right tire, and was forced on its back as the tire ran over its belly. I was hoping it died instantly as it looked like it was frozen with his legs stuck up in the air, but as soon as I started to drive by the poor thing he started to twitch violently.

All I can hope is that another car ran over him again to finish the deed. I hate being a softy for animals, but I can't stand seeing something innocent like that suffer.

7/15/2008 6:23:40 PM

All Amurican
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that makes me sad.

7/15/2008 6:28:01 PM

45912 Posts
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well, that sucks.

7/15/2008 6:30:02 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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i've watched deer squirm around for a few minutes from my deer stand after i shot them. craziest thing is watching the other deer stomp at it trying to get it to get up.

7/15/2008 6:33:25 PM

All American
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i ran over a large raccoon a couple years ago and it's head popped off and rolled away. weirdest thing ever. didn't feel bad, except that i had to pay for an alignment. stupid raccoon.

7/15/2008 6:39:39 PM

22518 Posts
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what road?

7/15/2008 6:40:44 PM

All American
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Medlock Bridge @ Old Alabama, right next to the Atlanta Athletic Club

7/15/2008 6:42:05 PM

All American
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I watched a large dog get hit by a tractor trailer on the highway a couple months ago. It was still moving while blood was gushing out of it. I was on the way to a vet school lab session and just couldn't stop crying. It was rough.

7/15/2008 6:44:05 PM

All American
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The strangest thing I have ever hit was a bat...

My wife and I were leaving my parents house in BFE headed back home. We got down the road a piece and we hear this "TWWWAAAAAANNNNNNNGGGGG". For a while we couldn't figure out what it was that made the noise, but then I saw a little bit of movement out of the corner of my eye. My wife got the flashlight out of the console and shined it up toward the antenna, and there was a bat with its wings on either side of the antenna flapping in the wind. After a couple of miles there was a stop sign so that when we slowed down, it came down the antenna like Mario in Super Mario Bros. It was the weirdest thing.

I think the thing was attempting to eat my antenna, or atleast the little ball at the top.

7/15/2008 6:44:57 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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its sonar or whatever probably made it think the ball on the antenna was a bug. i've had them chase lures when pond fishing at dusk for this same reason.

[Edited on July 15, 2008 at 6:46 PM. Reason : grammar nazied myself]

7/15/2008 6:46:26 PM

All American
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im sure he was dead, twitching happens without any user input

7/15/2008 6:46:29 PM

All American
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A few months ago I was driving on the highway, and this hawk was flying across the interstate extremely low and very fast. It flew right into the upper part of the windshield of a VW Passat, shot up probably 50 feet in the air and crashed on the side of the highway. Very bizarre.

^ I hope so. Or hopefully he went into shock and couldn't feel anything

7/15/2008 6:48:34 PM

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7/15/2008 6:51:57 PM

All American
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I saw a bunny rabbit get hit the day before Easter last year. All I could think about was the poor kids on the way to church the next morning, seeing the Easter Bunny dead on the side of the road.

Poor bunny rabbit.

7/15/2008 7:01:02 PM

All American
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I was recently in Florida for about 10 days with 2 friends while taking a cave diving class, and we managed to hit a deer with my car.

Friend was driving and the small deer managed to get in front of my car without any of the 3 of us seeing it until it was literally 1ft in front of my bumper.

crackle crackle crackle as we heard (and could feel) it roll under the car, legs and all.

We got out and sure enough there was a tiny deer on the side of the road. Damn thing still had spots. Since we were doing 65-70mph and we hit it solid in the middle of my bumper, it was dead instantly. Thankfully there was no damage to my car...

7/15/2008 7:26:21 PM

266 Posts
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While in alaska for world changers a couple years ago I saw the aftermath of a moose getting hit by a bus... that moose fucked that bus up... though i'm guessing the moose didnt make it.

7/15/2008 7:36:54 PM

Mr. Joshua
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I pulled over on Ruffin a few months ago to help a young bird that had fallen out of the nest and into the road. As I was leaning over to pick it up an old lady came flying over the hill. I jumped out of the way, but she flattened the bird right in front of me. I was pretty pissed and almost gave chase.

7/15/2008 7:50:09 PM

All American
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we have a mad # of groundhogs where i work

rabbits too, its like a bambi convention..except the deer cant get through the fence like the others can

7/19/2008 10:34:48 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » I watched an animal get run over today :( Page [1]  
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