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Shitter Pilot
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People at my work are dropping like flies today...

Three have already been laid off before lunch...I wonder what's in store for the rest of the day...

7/18/2008 1:21:44 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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what kind of job?

7/18/2008 1:22:11 PM

All American
5154 Posts
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you're next

7/18/2008 1:22:23 PM

Shitter Pilot
10238 Posts
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I'm in the Engineering Dept. at US Airways in Charlotte. These people aren't normally the first ones to get laid off...

I don't think I'm next...

7/18/2008 1:25:04 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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oh, ok. airlines.

makes sense.

7/18/2008 1:26:05 PM

Shitter Pilot
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I'm surprised that I'm not in the running, because I'm on t-dub like 24/7 whilst at work.

7/18/2008 1:28:01 PM

All American
44225 Posts
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^ ditto...then again, i may be

[Edited on July 18, 2008 at 1:33 PM. Reason : .]

7/18/2008 1:33:15 PM

All American
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You're supposed to fire people at the end of the day. Firing them before lunch gives them a chance to go home, gather whatever arsenal they can, and come back for revenge.

7/18/2008 1:46:44 PM

All American
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I'm going home and getting my silly string and I'm gonna fuck you motherfuckers up!

7/18/2008 1:48:30 PM

All American
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Start stocking up on office supplies.

7/18/2008 1:51:52 PM

Shitter Pilot
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I did that when I left for training. I has lots of pens for next semester at State

7/18/2008 1:52:46 PM

All American
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i remember when i interned for this startup in morrisville in 2001-2002...

and they laid off the entire hardware development group. about 50 people, probably 80% of the company, since hardware (ASIC) design was really all we did there.

i dont know if "laid off" is really the word. we were axed.

showed up one morning (maybe it was a tuesday), and there was a huge stack of brand new cardboard boxes by the door.

it was like "take a box, get your shit, and go on home. dont bother trying to log into your computer, all your logins have been disabled"

everyone was like

i was an intern, so i had school to go back to ... but most of these peeps were ASIC design professionals, and were left with a few weeks severance and a bunch of worthless stock options.

that was brutal.

7/18/2008 1:54:33 PM

Shitter Pilot
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F- for that company. That sucks.

7/18/2008 1:56:48 PM

patent pending
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I was laid off near the beginning to the dot com bust (March 2000). I still remember it vividly, and the one thing I remember most is the cunt HR person that was carrying on a conversation across the hall from where people were being met by their managers to be laid off. She was laughing outloud loudly and seemingly having a great day as people were brought into one office after another to be given the bad news. I worked at Ericsson. I am not sure I have ever wished more harm on someone. From people I know that work at that place, its still one of the worst places to work.

[Edited on July 18, 2008 at 1:58 PM. Reason : .]

7/18/2008 1:57:11 PM

All American
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so my one piece of advice to you now, is

gather up all the documentation of important work you've done, and want to keep record of, ZIP up all the electronic files and email it to your personal address.

do this before they lock you out.

also, while you are at it, update your resume and make sure you have contact info of your colleagues for references.

7/18/2008 1:57:48 PM

All American
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Yeah, the last corporate place I worked sent an email to our division president late on a Friday. It basically said "Please post this email on your office door Monday morning" and the letter had the reasons why we didn't have a job anymore on it. Everyone who showed up read it and was like wtf? I didn't really care, I had already put in my 2 weeks.

About a week later the boss's car was broken into at his house, they smashed the windows and tires and punctured metal. I still don't know who did it, but every employee was questioned.

7/18/2008 1:59:43 PM

Shitter Pilot
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I've already done all this...I just got back into work after 2 months on Mon. I'm waiting for my log-in to be reactivated. I got paid today, I dunno why I can't log in still. Fuckin' slow ass mother effers.

7/18/2008 1:59:51 PM

play so hard
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i thought this thread was about sony ericsson.

7/18/2008 2:01:10 PM

Shitter Pilot
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It can be. I work for US Airways though. This thread has turned into a general discussion of people having been laid off or who are about to be laid off.

[Edited on July 18, 2008 at 2:02 PM. Reason : gr4mm4r]

7/18/2008 2:02:24 PM

All American
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I got laid off at Chuck E. Cheese's because I thought you could just "go" in the suit like the astronauts...needless to say you can't....and I never realized how much a soiled rat suit costs to dry clean

7/18/2008 2:52:19 PM

All American
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at texas steak house, i worked there for 4 years. i would come in every now and again. once i came in and they just 'laid off' 8 workers. apparently it was a sting operation with the morrisville police department for a coke deal that was going down in the parking lot.

those were all the cool to talk to ppl that go laid off, after that i just left and didnt tell anyone. funny shit. they called my house threatening me if i stole money from my tables that day, i didnt, didnt even take the tips.

it was awesome and one of my most rewarding work experiences till this day, just disapearing one day and not telling ppl what's up. lol. ppl still talk about it there to this day..'that dude that just walked out and left his tips and full section'. im sure, anyone who has done ths b4 must agree that it feels awesome.

[Edited on July 18, 2008 at 3:00 PM. Reason : .]

7/18/2008 2:59:09 PM

37709 Posts
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you should go throw water balloons as the people who get laid off

it would probably brighten their day as they walk through the parking lot to their car and get pelted by a balloon

7/18/2008 3:04:17 PM

Shitter Pilot
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^^ I, too, did the same thing, except it was at the BK Lounge and I walked out after I spilled 50 lbs of grease on the floor. I told them I wasn't cleaning it up because some fucking employee was careless and didn't assemble the grease machine back together correctly (they did it correctly enough to make me think when I checked it that it was fine, even though it was capable of a massive leak).

Anywho, after i open the stop valve to the grease vat I just stand back and watch molten grease leak all over the floor while making no attempt to stop it, I just kind of looked around and said, "Fuck this bullshit job!" and peaced out never to return.

[Edited on July 18, 2008 at 3:08 PM. Reason : moar]

7/18/2008 3:07:34 PM

All American
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Yeah, my dad works for US Airways (commercial pilot). Thank god his seniority is good enough he doesn't have to worry about the furloughs. Then again, they are also doing the PC (?) exams. They've already let a few pilots go just on the premise that even though they passed, they didn't do good enough to be worthwhile to keep. Makes sense.

7/18/2008 3:08:16 PM

Shitter Pilot
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^ They are currently "cutting the fat" while leaving the "cut" positions open.

Does not compute.

7/18/2008 3:09:08 PM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"US Airways"

Best of luck with your job search.

7/18/2008 3:10:50 PM

All American
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Well, according to your graph, they are making a comeback in the last couple of days


7/18/2008 3:15:04 PM

Shitter Pilot
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Yeah, we actually did.

7/18/2008 3:15:37 PM

45912 Posts
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shit. we laid off 9 people last tuesday. and everyone remaining is taking a 20% cut in time & pay

7/18/2008 3:16:33 PM

Shitter Pilot
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Well, we just lost 3 more on top of the ones from this morning.

7/18/2008 3:17:18 PM

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7/18/2008 3:35:14 PM

All American
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Quote :
I got laid off at Chuck E. Cheese's because I thought you could just "go" in the suit like the astronauts...needless to say you can't....and I never realized how much a soiled rat suit costs to dry clean


thats fucking hilarious.

reminds me of a Will Farrell scene in Blades of Glory.

[Edited on July 18, 2008 at 3:51 PM. Reason : ]

7/18/2008 3:50:34 PM

All American
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Don't forget the infamous mass lay off of Phillip Morris employees last year.

7/18/2008 3:58:12 PM

All American
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my buddy tests cell phone games and they have had two big layoffs in the past few months

apparently they found out that it was management and not the little people that caused the problem after the first lay off (leading to the second lay off)

7/18/2008 4:02:04 PM

266 Posts
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The company I work for has been slowly dieing for about a year, cutting three people at a time from a 50 person workforce. We got down to about 30 some people and got bought out. The new company came in and cut it down to 18 people. I'm still here but took a cut in pay.

[Edited on July 18, 2008 at 4:10 PM. Reason : -ed]

7/18/2008 4:10:20 PM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"Well, according to your graph, they are making a comeback in the last couple of days


percentage-wise they gained a lot with the rally. I was kicking myself for not going for it at the bottom.

7/18/2008 4:17:12 PM

hates 4 lokos
4694 Posts
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I got laid off april 15, best day of my life.

7/18/2008 4:39:43 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Wachovia is probably going to be laying off some people.

7/18/2008 4:42:11 PM

All American
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I am glad I work for the Feds, we dont need to make money! Well, they do lay off people, it is called "reduction in force" and NASA is gonna be hit hard with the shuttles retire.

7/18/2008 6:08:44 PM

All American
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*knock on wood* the company I work for has never had a layoff and everybody's been there for like 20-30 years.

7/18/2008 6:41:54 PM

All American
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^^ wtf you talking about? nasa can't hire enough qualified people already.

7/18/2008 7:12:06 PM

All American
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Quote :
"and everyone remaining is taking a 20% cut in time & pay"

fuck that, i would quit if my company did that to me

7/18/2008 7:29:47 PM

Sup, Brahms
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i can't afford a 20% pay cut

7/18/2008 7:37:29 PM

soup du hier
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yeah i don't know how someone could live on a 20% pay cut with this current inflation...

7/18/2008 7:43:21 PM

Sup, Brahms
23935 Posts
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i bought a scooter to commute on, but that's still not enough.

7/18/2008 7:43:53 PM

soup du hier
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yeah i'm getting a motorcycle too.

7/18/2008 7:45:09 PM

Sup, Brahms
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word that. fuel economy ftw.

7/18/2008 7:45:28 PM

All American
9126 Posts
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Quote :
"gather up all the documentation of important work you've done, and want to keep record of, ZIP up all the electronic files and email it to your personal address."

For sure.

I imaged my entire work computer onto an external hard drive so that I didn't lose anything (including e-mail address). Some of the Guantanamo feedback was too hi-larious to lose.

7/18/2008 7:52:46 PM

patent pending
10527 Posts
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Quote :
"^^ wtf you talking about? nasa can't hire enough qualified people already."

The shuttle program dies really soon. They are already predicting something close to 50% layoffs last I read.

7/18/2008 8:13:28 PM

37709 Posts
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lay em up

7/18/2008 8:18:56 PM

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