ScottyP All American 1131 Posts user info edit post |
QWERTY sucks. DVORAK 4 life.
',.pyfgcrl/ aoeuidhtns- ;qjkxbmwvz
ok i'll stop making crappy threads now... 7/22/2008 12:55:52 AM
Airbag Suspended 12921 Posts user info edit post |
I bet Qwerty was a better composer than Dvorak ever was 7/22/2008 12:56:47 AM
FykalJpn All American 17209 Posts user info edit post |
dvorak would be ok if you didn't have to go back and forth 7/22/2008 12:57:37 AM
mantisstunna All American 1738 Posts user info edit post |

I can already type faster then i can think so there is no reason for me to swtich
[Edited on July 22, 2008 at 12:59 AM. Reason : df]
7/22/2008 12:58:32 AM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Users with <1000 posts" |
7/22/2008 12:59:07 AM
ScottyP All American 1131 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "dvorak would be ok if you didn't have to go back and forth" |
Sounds like you're doing it wrong. I never have to move any of my left hand fingers to the right side of the keyboard and vice versa. I hated "ergonomic" keyboards with qwerty but with dvorak its a godsend.
Also, users with <1,000 posts can still make threads, as long as you're like me and admit how crappy they are.
[Edited on July 22, 2008 at 1:00 AM. Reason : .] 7/22/2008 12:59:26 AM
FykalJpn All American 17209 Posts user info edit post |
nah, i mean between dvorak and qwerty--when you're on workstations and what-not 7/22/2008 1:00:18 AM
ScottyP All American 1131 Posts user info edit post |
makes sense 7/22/2008 1:00:35 AM
Walls1441 All American 10000 Posts user info edit post |
i used to switch the computers from qwerty to dvorak in high school then log off and no one could get back in. 7/22/2008 1:01:49 AM
Fareako Shitter Pilot 10238 Posts user info edit post |
I fail because I don't understandz this thread. 7/22/2008 10:06:12 AM
TenaciousC All American 6307 Posts user info edit post |
It's driving me crazy that I can't remember which movie had that clip... (the one mantisstunna posted)
[Edited on July 22, 2008 at 10:09 AM. Reason : can't spell] 7/22/2008 10:07:59 AM
TenaciousC All American 6307 Posts user info edit post |
shit, double post
[Edited on July 22, 2008 at 10:08 AM. Reason : ] 7/22/2008 10:07:59 AM
RawWulf All American 9126 Posts user info edit post |
Napoleon Dynamite 7/22/2008 10:17:31 AM
TenaciousC All American 6307 Posts user info edit post |
^thanks 7/22/2008 10:21:30 AM