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 Message Boards » » How much sleep do you get a night? Page [1]  
balls deep
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An earlier post by trustfelix had me wondering about this. How much sleep do you get a night?

7/25/2008 10:59:12 AM

147487 Posts
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varies between 3.5-7...usually about 5-6

7/25/2008 11:00:24 AM

All American
27701 Posts
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ACTUAL sleep: 1-2 hours
but i "sleep" 5-6 hours a night.

7/25/2008 11:00:55 AM

All American
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i try to get between 7-8 hours.. go to bed around 12-1am, get up usually at 9 am

7/25/2008 11:02:23 AM

All American
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I would guess at least 8. But I don't have a job that requires me to be up at any time.

7/25/2008 11:02:27 AM

19447 Posts
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I'm usually in bed for 7-8 hours, but it's hard to judge how much sleep I really get because I tend to wake up a lot.

7/25/2008 11:03:11 AM

1004 Posts
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Up until recently I was getting 9+. Now, I find I am functioning fine on 7 and less though slightly sleepier during the days. It also seems to have blunted my appetite. My hypothesis is I was sleeping so much, my body was in a mode where it always wanted to store calories, thus I was always hungry.

[Edited on July 25, 2008 at 11:04 AM. Reason : a]

7/25/2008 11:04:06 AM

All American
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Average about 8 hours. Weekends, I "sleep in" and get around 9 hours.

7/25/2008 11:04:38 AM

All American
9012 Posts
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never enough

7/25/2008 11:05:15 AM

balls deep
89895 Posts
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I'm in the 5-6 hour range usually. I feel like death in the morning if I get under 4 hours. I never sleep over 8....even on the weekends.

7/25/2008 11:05:21 AM

147487 Posts
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damn yall get a lot of sleep

[Edited on July 25, 2008 at 11:05 AM. Reason : other than like emce]

7/25/2008 11:05:31 AM

1004 Posts
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Maybe you should think about it. Because whatever you are doing now doesn't seem to be helping.

7/25/2008 11:06:35 AM

19447 Posts
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I think sleep is really important in terms of overall health, and people who get the right amount of sleep supposedly live longer, so I make it a priority.

7/25/2008 11:06:58 AM

35780 Posts
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about 8 hours. maybe 8.5 if i get in bed on time. I usually fall asleep pretty fast.

I'm an old man, i go to bed at 10:30 and get up at 7am

7/25/2008 11:07:56 AM

All American
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right now i have the luxury of starting my classes at 12 pm, so i'm able to sleep in til 9 am. but when school starts in the fall i'll have 8 am classes every day so i'll probably end up getting maybe 6-7 hours a day.

7/25/2008 11:08:49 AM

147487 Posts
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[Edited on July 25, 2008 at 11:10 AM. Reason : ^^^lol ^^lol ^lol]

[Edited on July 25, 2008 at 11:10 AM. Reason : all 4 above me made me lol]

[Edited on July 25, 2008 at 11:10 AM. Reason : mostly skwinkle and tt]

7/25/2008 11:09:46 AM

All American
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thanks to ambien I'm rockin at a solid 7hrs

no thanks to fuckin work i'm forced to reduce to 6

7/25/2008 11:10:42 AM

balls deep
89895 Posts
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If I'm being 'good', I'll get in bed by 12:30 and get up at 630 to be at work a little before 8

7/25/2008 11:12:40 AM

All American
4030 Posts
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Quote :
"never enough"

7/25/2008 11:12:53 AM

All American
170962 Posts
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i havent been asleep before 2am for a while now. try to be in bed by 12 but always end up watching tv for a couple hours.

up between 5am-7am depending on the day...

so... 3-7 hours. so i guess 5 average, closer to 4 lately. usually try to sneak in a nap after dinner if i can. also after lunch i get really tired.

just not at night. i was loading the dishwasher at 1am a couple nights ago. i dont get it

7/25/2008 11:14:54 AM

32613 Posts
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go to bed at 11-12, get up at 6 at the latest.. so 6-7 hours assuming i pass out as soon as i lay down (which I damn near do now that I'm used to going to bed at the same time everyday)

if I don't get at least 6 I'm one big grumpy asshole

7/25/2008 11:16:11 AM

45208 Posts
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I have trouble sleeping, and it sucks, especially as of late.

I try my best to be ready for bed by 11 at the latest, but I rarely fall asleep before 2am. I wake up like 2303320 times each night, and my alarm is set for 6:45am.

I'd say I actually SLEEP for about 2 hours. That's why I'm such a good bitch

7/25/2008 11:17:02 AM

All American
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i go to bed around 10:30-11, read for 30 minutes to an hour, and then get up at 7:30

8's the goal, but it's usually between 7 and 8

7/25/2008 11:20:02 AM

All American
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8.5 but i get little sleep on the weekends and i feel tired all week because of it

7/25/2008 11:22:04 AM

35780 Posts
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^party animal

7/25/2008 11:23:12 AM

All American
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7/25/2008 11:24:46 AM

2940 Posts
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I used to only sleep maybe 6. but now I started to exercise, and I'm needing 7 or 8.

7/25/2008 11:25:27 AM

All American
27372 Posts
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Anywhere from 6-14.

7/25/2008 11:26:48 AM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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Typically 3-4

I usually pass between 3-4 after some late night COD action or bullshitting on here

Then up at 7.15isht to check the overnights from Japan before I shit/shower/shave and make it to the office by 8.30 or so

7/25/2008 11:27:39 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » How much sleep do you get a night? Page [1]  
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