Lionheart I'm Eggscellent 12778 Posts user info edit post |
I said thats just the way I look  7/25/2008 2:54:19 PM
catalyst All American 8704 Posts user info edit post |
what a racist 7/25/2008 2:54:50 PM
Lionheart I'm Eggscellent 12778 Posts user info edit post |
^would only be relevant if I were asian 7/25/2008 2:55:59 PM
catalyst All American 8704 Posts user info edit post |
damn i was hoping you were 7/25/2008 2:56:47 PM
wilso All American 14657 Posts user info edit post |
i get that too 
i have a naturally squinty look 7/25/2008 2:57:21 PM
damose Veteran 409 Posts user info edit post |
im asian, and i get it all the time
"dmose, open your eyes, oh wait, they are"
"dmose, are you high? oh wait, nm"
ive heard em all 7/25/2008 3:53:02 PM
damosyangsta Suspended 2940 Posts user info edit post |
lol wut 7/25/2008 4:38:54 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |

i could only dream of looking that cool
azn people look gangster as fuck to me
no sarcasm
7/25/2008 4:40:23 PM
eleusis All American 24527 Posts user info edit post |
But if you don't squint, they'll notice how bloodshot your eyes are. 7/25/2008 5:44:16 PM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
1) Was getting a pass port picture earlier this year and the guy was like..."don't smile." Which would have been fine if he hadn't told me not to. But when I try not to smile, its almost impossible for me not. Then I think its funny because I can't have a "no expression" face. So I can't stop laughing. It took about 5 minutes to get the picture. Man was not happy.
2) So I finally get my SC license last week. I was sitting there thinking about how everyone bitches about their license picture and how horrible it is. And I've worked in bars for the past 5 years, so I've seen plenty of IDs...and I know the majority of them are bad. So I go to get my picture taken...snap...."ommm...we should probably take another picture..." What?? How fucking bad does the picture have to look for the DMV lady to ask for a re-take. I thought it was funny and I requested to see how bad it was. She said..."you'd rather not...lets just take another one." Damn...cold. I was pretty satisfied the second picture though. 7/25/2008 6:03:19 PM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "that's my face, sir" |
7/25/2008 6:16:54 PM
Jen All American 10527 Posts user info edit post |
I was at the dmv last week and the woman at said
"Girl I dont know wh-hiyah yo loookin all round fo, it say LOOK HERAH" (whilst pointing to the LOOK HERE sign on the camera)
You look at my licence and can tell im laughing I think it was only made funny by her being loud and a few people in the dmv line cracking up laughing 7/25/2008 6:56:58 PM
hgtran All American 9855 Posts user info edit post |
so how much did it cost you to get a driver license? 7/25/2008 10:10:10 PM
ScHpEnXeL Suspended 32613 Posts user info edit post |
$10 online  7/25/2008 10:23:11 PM
Lionheart I'm Eggscellent 12778 Posts user info edit post |
^ & ^^ yeah what sucks though is that I was doing this to update my address and I only have like 10 months left before I need to renew and I asked if I could just go ahead and renew now and they said no
So I'll go back not even a year from now and have to pay another 10 bucks  7/25/2008 10:25:34 PM
ScHpEnXeL Suspended 32613 Posts user info edit post |
yea that sucks.. oh well, only $10, f it 7/25/2008 10:26:05 PM
hgtran All American 9855 Posts user info edit post |
yea, I just lost my license, and thinking about just renewing it too. 7/26/2008 9:30:57 AM
JohnnieWalkr All American 2673 Posts user info edit post |

7/26/2008 10:06:34 AM