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All American
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okay. here's a thread for updating the status of your b!tches and who's in the running to claim the high position of steady girlfriend

1) brasillian chick. fucking hot. 5'7", 125lbs . . . she's more sexy than pretty. she's an atheist, which i'm not sure is good or bad. she expressed she never wants kids, which is also another i'm not sure is good or bad. but i have the most fun with this chick. very spontaneous, loves red wine, and walking and she lives on FTL beach.

2) ex-gf. still smoking hot, but there's history ... and she wants to go to the movies tonight. i'm thinking about standing her up . . . just because I don't feel like dealing with the whole situation (probably a pussy thing to do).

3) other chick. accountant. makes over $100K, drives crazy BMW. she's really into contact with her family and this bothers me. i'm not a "Hello. How are you doing?" type of person.

i'm your average dark person who's sociable and borderline emo, but I don't wear black and all this bullsh!t.

i'm considering the brasillian chick.

7/27/2008 3:50:00 PM

All American
11777 Posts
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k, thanks

7/27/2008 3:53:25 PM

All American
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7/27/2008 3:54:58 PM

All American
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depends on what you want, b

if you need just an f-b, go for the brazilian

if you're trying to fix it up with the ex-wife, at least give her the courtesy of a call

if you're trying to find a new wife, the accountant is probably your best option, g !

7/27/2008 3:55:07 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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1) The current placeholder...white college chick at UNCC...5 foot 2, maybe 100 pounds...could pass for 16 easily. Tiny pencil eraser nipples.Saw it initially as strictly a summer thing, with plans to sever when the summer ended. But I've grown someone attatched, not to the point where I couldn't drop her in an instant if something better came along, but enough that I find myself thinking about here when she's not here, which is rare for me.

2) Half white/Half Rican girl down the block. She works at Nieman Marcus at Southpark Mall, so she obvious has a decent sense of style, which is big for me since I can't stand a girl that can't dress. Taller than the girls I usually flock to, probably 5 foot 11 or so. Tits like a couple of ripe cantaloupes.

3) Receptionist in the floor below us...5 foot 5, dark hair, very petite. Not the best dresser, but I could fix that. Looks a lot like Corey Feldman's wife. Comes from money, but lives in a shithole. Didn't go to college, but is plenty smart.

i'm your average black person who's somewhat sociable and somewhat skitzo, and I mainly wear suits and baseball caps.

i'm considering dropping 1 for 2 or 3

7/27/2008 4:01:42 PM

148886 Posts
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10/10 Bs

7/27/2008 4:03:40 PM

All American
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Go for #2.

If you learn #3 on some fashion, she might cop a holier-than-thou attitude once she realizes what she can become. If you don't want to deal with that sort of drama/bs, it's best to go with the one who already knows what's up.

7/27/2008 4:04:17 PM

All American
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Quote :
"2) Half white/Half Rican girl down the block. She works at Nieman Marcus at Southpark Mall, so she obvious has a decent sense of style, which is big for me since I can't stand a girl that can't dress. Taller than the girls I usually flock to, probably 5 foot 11 or so. Tits like a couple of ripe cantaloupes."

wife this chick. ASAP. or give me her number.

7/27/2008 4:18:36 PM

All American
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Quote :
"if you're trying to fix it up with the ex-wife, at least give her the courtesy of a call"

i stood her up. totally gave a lame excuse. said i had to be at work at like 4am. i do have to get up early, but i just wasn't in the mood. some other time. maybe a breakfast date.

7/27/2008 6:51:07 PM

All American
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Quote :
"2) ex-gf. still smoking hot, but there's history ... and she wants to go to the movies tonight. i'm thinking about standing her up . . . just because I don't feel like dealing with the whole situation (probably a pussy thing to do).

i cancelled last night. funny thing is and maybe this is karma. i was running errands around town today and i noticed her car at the beauty salon. i pull up and she calls me and asks, "what are you doing". obviously she saw me. i go in and say hello and explain i was passing through. i told her we could possibly link up tonight on Lincoln Road (sobe).

the whole thing was strange.

7/28/2008 2:06:12 PM

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7/28/2008 2:33:09 PM

All American
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i don't understand what's so entertaining about this guy

7/28/2008 2:33:52 PM

All American
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^ whomever has the alias at the time is really really REALLY bored...and think about a lot of the people on tdub...for them, his fairy tales represent a life lived vicariously

7/28/2008 2:39:02 PM

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7/28/2008 2:45:21 PM

All American
1262 Posts
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this is stupid.

7/28/2008 2:46:25 PM

All American
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100K in Miami is poor, b. Go Brazilian, g.

7/28/2008 2:47:18 PM

All American
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status update



7/28/2008 2:47:30 PM

All American
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^^^^^I see.

Quote :
"this is stupid."

[Edited on July 28, 2008 at 2:48 PM. Reason : me no count good.]

7/28/2008 2:47:37 PM

6518 Posts
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STFU n00b

7/28/2008 2:51:11 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i don't understand what's so entertaining about this guy


lol. this guy . . . wtf ?

7/28/2008 4:06:14 PM

All American
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so the brasillian chick is awesome, but this b!tch has no skill at anything. she's sweet though. she takes care of homeless animals in her spare time. she even checks on all of her neighbors cats when they're out of town too.

7/28/2008 4:18:17 PM

All American
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learn to edit instead of double posting you stupid son of a bitch

7/28/2008 4:19:29 PM

37709 Posts
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she seems useless. get a vag that can do something else, g

7/28/2008 4:20:09 PM

All American
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^ good fucking point. that's just a little too crazy for me actually. i'd turn from being an official dignitary to a hippie type beach bum person that smoked alot of pot.

7/28/2008 4:37:28 PM

All American
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over and done with the ex.......shes a crazy selfish little girl.......may have looked good but she knows it too much and relies on it, not her brain. she cant handle alcohol, she cant handle people that arent perfectly nice with her or dont flirt with her.
she is an attention whore, has no real future and unless she finds a guy who can make enough money, is gonna be in a shithole and relying on the rents.

girl whose a friend, fun to hang with. cool as shit. but not around a lot and im gonna be leaving for ocs in october. so i cant start anything but it wouldnt be sexual, just a lot of fun hanging out. very pretty though.

girl i know in raleigh, could turn into a f-b and shes pretty cool. good body, again, no time for anything more than some dates

girl hanging with my lil cousin. shes 19 and drop dead gorgeous, chance for a fun girl with some on the side

7/28/2008 4:49:34 PM

All American
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^ if I were you'd i'd dead all of those chicks. i got the best Pussy per pound while I was training in the Army. you got the ability to meet some chicks from different places, that are fit, and training with you and totally horny.

7/28/2008 4:51:57 PM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
"shes a crazy selfish little girl.......may have looked good but she knows it too much and relies on it, not her brain. she cant handle alcohol, she cant handle people that arent perfectly nice with her or dont flirt with her.
she is an attention whore, has no real future and unless she finds a guy who can make enough money, is gonna be in a shithole and relying on the rents.

ah, she goes to Meredith, right?

Quote :
"while I was training in the Army. you got the ability to meet some chicks from different places, that are fit, and training with you and totally horny."

Yeah, and get kicked the fuck out of OCS.

[Edited on July 28, 2008 at 4:53 PM. Reason : .]

7/28/2008 4:52:37 PM

All American
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i don't mean advancing, but you do gain a relationship with those chicks when its all over.

7/28/2008 5:00:18 PM

All American
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^yea i know. i actually know of like 4 fuckin hotties that are gonna be with me at OCS.

i am not starting anything but doesnt mean i cant have fun and get some on the side
just im not one to screw around with multiple partners. so trying to find what would be best.

either way, i look forward to graduating from OCS

7/28/2008 5:12:56 PM

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