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 Message Boards » » I think the Dark Knight is good, but not great. Page [1]  
All American
31058 Posts
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I think the Dark Knight was ok, but certainly not worthy of the 95%/90%/93% given by rotten tomato.

True, Heath Ledger was pretty kick ass, and with an introduction of the Joker in a scene for the ages. As an overall movie however, it was about as good as I seem to remember Batman Begins being.

I don't generally like the harrumphing, but there is a psychological effect here at play.


introducing a dissenting cross opinion as well, Iron Man recieved a 93%/92%/94%, which it did not deserve so...

perhaps we're just awe struck by action movies that do not suck 100% ass?

[Edited on July 28, 2008 at 11:08 AM. Reason : .]

7/28/2008 11:08:02 AM

All American
34244 Posts
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juno got 95+% on rotten tomatoes and i felt like it deserved a 20%.

7/28/2008 11:11:52 AM

All American
15485 Posts
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Quote :
"perhaps we're just awe struck by action movies that do not suck 100% ass?"

isn't that the point?

7/28/2008 11:12:30 AM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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i agree w/ this thread 100%.

you could see it coming a year away that this movie was going to be good and would go down as absolutely great due to huge hype.

[Edited on July 28, 2008 at 11:14 AM. Reason : #1 overall on imdb is a fucking joke.]

7/28/2008 11:13:29 AM

68205 Posts
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and your little point of view couldnt go into one of the other dark knight threads?

[Edited on July 28, 2008 at 11:19 AM. Reason : r]

7/28/2008 11:19:22 AM

All American
5503 Posts
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This is why I've quit going to the movies. I tend to avoid the big films anyway.

7/28/2008 11:19:46 AM

All American
31058 Posts
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it really is #1 on imdb


7/28/2008 11:24:00 AM

All American
1056 Posts
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and that's a fucking joke.

7/28/2008 11:27:01 AM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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^ you're goddamn right it is.

7/28/2008 11:28:48 AM

All American
9877 Posts
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Well you know with Rotten Tomatoes a 95% doesn't really mean the movie is scored 95/100. As long as the reviewer doesn't hate it, it counts as a good review even if they'd only give it like a 75.

But I'd say The Dark Knight deserves probably an 88!

7/28/2008 11:29:22 AM

soup du hier
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It was pretty good... the 1st was more of a breakthrough movie imho.

7/28/2008 11:29:45 AM

All American
6195 Posts
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Bale's Batman voice makes the movie at least 20% worse

7/28/2008 11:30:34 AM

All American
1222 Posts
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I'm a girl, don't typically care for action movies or superhero movies, but I have to say that The Dark Night was badass.

Ya'll are just a bunch of party poops.

7/28/2008 11:30:54 AM

All American
47925 Posts
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Quote :
" I think the Dark Knight is good, but not great. "

agreed. maybe it was because of all the hype that i heard before seeing it, but i was a little underwhelmed. i enjoyed it, and its one of the better movies ive seen in a while, but i dont think it deserves "best ever" status that so many people are giving it.

some of it was just really cheesy.

7/28/2008 11:32:42 AM

All American
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yeah I could have done without the overly done, pushing to hard/constipated batman's voice.

7/28/2008 11:36:37 AM

All American
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You're forgetting that it's a comic book movie. It's gonna be cheesy. But I thought if you were looking for the good/evil and the way that each person in the movie lived by a code that other characters attempted to break and such you would end up coming out of the movie thinking it was spectacular. Ledger was pretty much as brilliant as everyone said he was, especially in the interrogation room. Some of the things he got away with were a little hokey, but that's all part of the comic book feel of the movie.

7/28/2008 11:38:52 AM

63151 Posts
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Quote :
"some of it was just really cheesy."

dude, it's a batman movie

7/28/2008 11:40:23 AM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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no movie that is cheesy, regardless of your justification, should be rated by anyone as the best movie of all time.

7/28/2008 11:40:40 AM

All American
47925 Posts
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Quote :
"You're forgetting that it's a comic book movie. It's gonna be cheesy."

Quote :
"dude, it's a batman movie"

i kept hearing that this wasn't a typical comic book maybe i was expecting more. im not talking about cheesy as in he's wearing a bat costume, talking just bad cheesy lines

[Edited on July 28, 2008 at 11:42 AM. Reason : d]

7/28/2008 11:41:12 AM

All American
15485 Posts
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It's not the best movie of all time and I have heard no one actually assert this.

7/28/2008 11:41:26 AM

All American
2950 Posts
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It's the best movie of all time.

7/28/2008 11:42:17 AM

All American
21574 Posts
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Quote :
"juno got 95+% on rotten tomatoes and i felt like it deserved a 20%"

i thought Juno was kick-ass. i loved it.

i also loved Dark Knight, but i wouldn't say it deserves all the hype it's getting. if Heath Ledger were still alive, the film would not be as hyped up as it is. that's a sad thing to say, but it's true.

7/28/2008 11:42:26 AM

All American
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i think it's the best movie of 2008, but then again, I haven't seen a decently good movie in a few years and movies today are worthless. I think the bar is dropped, but I still think the Dark Knight was good.

7/28/2008 11:44:51 AM

Zinc Saucier
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I think it's the best comic book movie to date. Not the best movie ever though.

7/28/2008 11:45:20 AM

All American
21574 Posts
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^^you obviously haven't seen Mamma Mia yet!

[Edited on July 28, 2008 at 11:45 AM. Reason : carrots!]

7/28/2008 11:45:38 AM

22518 Posts
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i thought that wall-e was better than the dark knight

7/28/2008 11:46:26 AM

All American
2178 Posts
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I wasn't a fan. Kept waiting for it to end. And I'm a huge comic book nerd (not of DC though and that might be the problem).

7/28/2008 11:47:20 AM

All American
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now, there's a movie i think was WAY overrated. i don't think wall-e deserved half the hype it got. i thought the story line was way too serious for a cartoon. granted, the graphics were awesome (as are all Pixar movies) but that's about where it stopped.

7/28/2008 11:47:55 AM

best gottfriend
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Quote :
"I think the bar is dropped"

when actual good movies come out they don't make any money. when will farrell makes anchorman rev 6, it makes 30 million. this is the problem.

7/28/2008 11:48:39 AM

All American
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I liked handcock since that was a pretty original plot, but it was a lot more cheesy and far more of a kids movie than the new batman movies. At least the older comic movies were just cookie whenever someone died, this one was really catered for the adults.

7/28/2008 11:49:39 AM

best gottfriend
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i didn't actually see hancock, but i have to imagine that it is much more appropriately described as a will smith movie that involves super powers than a comic book movie.

7/28/2008 11:54:22 AM

All American
10406 Posts
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Quote :
"when actual good movies come out they don't make any money. when will farrell makes anchorman rev 6, it makes 30 million. this is the problem."

that's not a problem for the movie industry. They would rather make a ton of money than win an award probably.

7/28/2008 1:35:29 PM

All American
9157 Posts
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Quote :
"i thought the story line was way too serious for a cartoon."

one of the worst complaints i've ever heard for a movie.

7/28/2008 3:51:12 PM

147487 Posts
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i'm guessing i will see this movie within the next 5 years

7/28/2008 3:51:29 PM

37709 Posts
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since when can't a action or comic book based movie be good?

7/28/2008 3:59:27 PM

All American
27372 Posts
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Maggie Gyllenhaal is the most robotic actress ever. EVE emotes more than her.

7/28/2008 4:40:37 PM

All American
34244 Posts
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Quote :
"Bale's Batman voice makes the movie at least 20% worse"


Quote :
"Maggie Gyllenhaal is the most robotic actress ever. EVE emotes more than her."

she's just a terrible unattractive actress overall.

I just saw it on IMAX this afternoon. I liked it a lot. The Joker was a great character.

7/28/2008 10:59:40 PM

All American
27372 Posts
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Quote :
"if Heath Ledger were still alive, the film would not be as hyped up as it is. that's a sad thing to say, but it's true."

7/28/2008 11:04:43 PM

347 Posts
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I could have done without the cheesy one-liners, especially in the chase scenes.

"I didn't sign up for this"

Great movie, imax made it even better for me but not deserving of number 1 on imdb.

7/28/2008 11:07:34 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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Yeah that cop riding shotgun with Oldman in the chase was stupid

everything he said sounded forced

7/28/2008 11:14:22 PM

All American
27372 Posts
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The beginning started with the most horrible post-production voices I've ever heard.

7/28/2008 11:16:25 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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I was thinking there was something off when the robbers were talking

It did sound pretty fake

7/28/2008 11:17:33 PM

AC Slater
All American
9276 Posts
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Quote :
""Bale's Batman voice makes the movie at least 40% worse""

macho man

7/28/2008 11:25:34 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » I think the Dark Knight is good, but not great. Page [1]  
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