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 Message Boards » » A question about IQs and perception Page [1]  
All American
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Here is something i've wondered for a while and i'm positive people here will have some opinions and maybe, just maybe, there will be someone here who has legit information.

I was wondering about IQs and perception. Does a person with a 130 IQ view a person with a 100 IQ the same way a person with a 100IQ views a person with an IQ of 70? If you think about it there are as many people with IQs of 130 and up as there are 70 and down.

7/29/2008 9:56:02 AM

All American
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Chances are, if you look at IQ in the way you're describing, you're a douche bag.

7/29/2008 9:58:51 AM

All American
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I thought 70 and down was technically "retarded". I would say you are wrong that there are as many retarded people as those 130+

7/29/2008 9:59:02 AM

Bee Hugger
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i don't even know my IQ, if that tells you anything about perception

7/29/2008 9:59:32 AM

balls deep
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I would think not. Afterall, after a certain lower bound (70) a person starts showing notable differences in functionality. whereas higher in the spectrum, the difference isn't really noticeable in day to day activities

7/29/2008 10:00:18 AM

soup du hier
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Yes and no...

an iq of 70 impairs daily function so it gives people that "HOW HAVE YOU MADE IT THIS FAR" feeling

On the other hand sometime an iq of 130+ impairs daily function too hahaha.

It depends its annoying to explain concepts to someone who won't understand them but

100-70 concept difficulties are daily functional concepts
where 130-100 concepts are more difficult theories / math etc.

7/29/2008 10:00:30 AM

All American
6092 Posts
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Quote :
"I thought 70 and down was technically "retarded". I would say you are wrong that there are as many retarded people as those 130+"

they're actually both in the 2% of their respective regions, so there should be as many people.

Quote :
"100-70 concept difficulties are daily functional concepts
where 130-100 concepts are more difficult theories / math etc."

I agree. I'm mostly wondering if someone who has an IQ of 130 is as mentally more capable as a person with 100 is to that of 70.

7/29/2008 10:14:31 AM

soup du hier
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I would say yes.

7/29/2008 10:16:31 AM

All American
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the rate of "care" on the IQ scale is that of a sigmoid curve. the population near the median has a higher desire for distinction than does the population at ends of the curve.

[Edited on July 29, 2008 at 10:20 AM. Reason : ]

7/29/2008 10:19:33 AM

soup du hier
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Dumb people aren't aware of their ignorance... but smart people are always trying to one up each other.. "i published this i published the blah blah blah"

7/29/2008 10:22:48 AM

no u
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7/29/2008 10:25:08 AM

All American
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I'm going to have to go ahead and say that smart people are smarter than dumb people

fucking profound thread, man

7/29/2008 10:25:08 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I'm going to have to go ahead and say that smart people are smarter than dumb people

fucking profound thread, man"

I think you may be straddling the 70 line there junior

7/29/2008 10:26:33 AM

All American
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I'm sure

7/29/2008 10:29:44 AM

Art Vandelay
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i don't think you're getting your point across very well....

no, EMCE is right more or less, as typical interactions between people usually don't get into topics and discussions that really differentiate all that much the 100 and the 130 groups, occasionally it might but when this happens the 100 person might not notice all of the time but they can catch on pretty quick.

7/29/2008 11:42:15 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » A question about IQs and perception Page [1]  
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