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hates 4 lokos
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What are some good ideas for a guy to get back in good graces with the gf?


7/29/2008 4:22:15 PM

All American
9012 Posts
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convince her shes at fault

7/29/2008 4:22:43 PM

All American
41128 Posts
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cook for her

rub her down with oil

7/29/2008 4:22:49 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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spend money

7/29/2008 4:22:50 PM

32613 Posts
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Quote :
"spend money


and obligatory "god should know this already"

7/29/2008 4:23:31 PM

19447 Posts
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Quote :
"cook for her

rub her down with oil"

Those could actually work.

7/29/2008 4:23:47 PM

All American
10527 Posts
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my x used to bring me popcorn when he really fucked up

i <3 cheddar popcorn

[Edited on July 29, 2008 at 4:25 PM. Reason : a]

7/29/2008 4:25:23 PM

All American
1340 Posts
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convince her shes at fault

7/29/2008 4:26:06 PM

All American
961 Posts
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CRY.....a mans tears are a womens kryptonite....use them sparingly, wisely, and only at desperate times for the over-use of them will label thee as a "faker"

7/29/2008 4:27:15 PM

45912 Posts
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it's impossible

7/29/2008 4:28:31 PM

All American
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guys that cry gotta go with the quickness. Unless its your dog or you mama

7/29/2008 4:28:43 PM

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7/29/2008 4:29:18 PM

All American
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^^hey its worked for me on twice, of course i was drunk, but still....i mean when your locked out of her north hall dorm room in the middle of gotta shed some tears, she'd never seen me show that much worked despite the fact that her BFF, told her to dump me and lock me out...and you know if the tears made her forget that advice, they are a powerful secret weapon

[Edited on July 29, 2008 at 4:32 PM. Reason : 6]

7/29/2008 4:31:50 PM

Double Entendre
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Quote :
"CRY.....a mans tears are a womens kryptonite....use them sparingly, wisely, and only at desperate times for the over-use of them will label thee as a "faker""

well put. works for me.

7/29/2008 4:46:43 PM

23634 Posts
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7/29/2008 4:48:02 PM

45208 Posts
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Quote :
"spend money"

Mr. Joshua....


7/29/2008 4:49:33 PM

All American
49373 Posts
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try to stick it in her butt...

she'll forget all about whatever else it was you did that pissed her off

7/29/2008 4:49:58 PM

68205 Posts
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i read this, this way

Quote :
"rub her down with DNL"

7/29/2008 4:51:08 PM

63151 Posts
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Quote :
"cook for her

rub her down with oil"

fresh out of the pan!

7/29/2008 4:52:23 PM

45912 Posts
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stick your penis up her butt

7/29/2008 4:52:48 PM

All American
49373 Posts
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i already said that!

7/29/2008 4:55:35 PM

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but I said penis you didn't

7/29/2008 4:56:40 PM

All American
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7/29/2008 4:57:09 PM

All American
8217 Posts
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find out what you did by asking - ask her how she feels about it and whether she can forgive you for whatever it is.

she'll talk for a long time and she'll answer yes to the last question.

this is the easiest way to get over issues b/c once she says that she can forgive you, she'll feel silly about still acting pissed.

of course, you actually have to listen and try not to do whatever it was again.

7/29/2008 4:57:42 PM

All American
10527 Posts
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Quote :
of course, you actually have to listen and try not to do whatever it was again."

lets just try something a lil bit more reasonable shall we

7/29/2008 4:59:30 PM

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7/29/2008 5:00:16 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18195 Posts
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You have to be angry right back at her. This is a fight for dominance, man. Whoever manages not to break down will get to dictate the rest of the relationship with an iron fist.

Scream, "You never care about what I'M feeling!" right into her face, then storm off and punch the wall. Take a minute to catch your breath, turn your head back around to face her, and say, very softly and very angrily, "You know, if this kind of thing is such a big fucking deal to you, maybe we should just end this." Then walk out of the room with your head high, and wait for her to come crying after you.


If you don't like this method, there is only one other. Whenever she accuses you of anything, no matter how good her evidence or how strong her argument, you look her right in the face and say, "I don't know what you're talking about." Just repeat that every single time. Do not change it in any way. Don't say, "I have no idea what you're talking about" -- that's some rookie shit, and I'll be ashamed to have talked to yo u. "I don't know what you're talking about," over and over, until your stony resolution convinces her she must be mistaken.

7/29/2008 5:03:19 PM

32613 Posts
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first method works..and makes them horny.

7/29/2008 5:04:07 PM

63151 Posts
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god i miss the "i hate you so much so let's have the best sex of our lives" make ups

7/29/2008 5:14:28 PM

All American
1027 Posts
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More details plz. It depends on what crime you commited to put yourself in the dog house.

7/29/2008 5:45:18 PM

All American
8888 Posts
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talk to her and apologize for whatever you did. oh, and give her chocolate.

7/29/2008 5:51:58 PM

hates 4 lokos
4694 Posts
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she doesn't like choclate

7/29/2008 6:34:59 PM

All American
17209 Posts
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Quote :
"This is a fight for dominance, man. Whoever manages not to break down will get to dictate the rest of the relationship with an iron fist."

truth (minus the drama)

7/29/2008 6:41:25 PM

hates 4 lokos
4694 Posts
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kinda in deep shit here, got cuaght emailing another chic for a bj

7/29/2008 6:44:42 PM

All American
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it was a joke, dur

7/29/2008 6:45:51 PM

76471 Posts
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Facefuck her.

At the very least, she can't bitch at you, and you'll get off (assuming she doesn't bite)

7/29/2008 6:47:16 PM

All American
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why isn't the gf giving you bj's? that's what they're for...

7/29/2008 6:48:23 PM

All American
4169 Posts
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Quote :
"she doesn't like choclate"

Well, you're fucked then.

You could try roses but, don't just get a dozen. I forgot my GF's birthday once. She called me the day after and was understandably PISSED. I send her two dozen roses and try as she might, she couldn't stay mad at me.

[Edited on July 29, 2008 at 6:52 PM. Reason : .]

7/29/2008 6:52:18 PM

12921 Posts
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quit fucking up

7/29/2008 6:52:53 PM

All American
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buying her shit when she gets pissed is a slippery slope

7/29/2008 6:55:44 PM

32613 Posts
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Quote :
"kinda in deep shit here, got cuaght emailing another chic for a bj"

this can only end in an extremely violent blow job followed by her asking if she was better than the other slut

you say yes

she says good, you'll never get it again

you say no

she says fuck you youre an asshole, leave

(youre fucked)

7/29/2008 6:57:08 PM

376 Posts
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Quote :
"convince her shes at fault"

Quote :
"You have to be angry right back at her. This is a fight for dominance, man. Whoever manages not to break down will get to dictate the rest of the relationship with an iron fist."

tell her it was a joke and if she wasn't such a stuck up jealous bitch you would have included her in on the joke. be sure to throw in that if she gave you some brain every once in a while, you wouldnt have to act out by soliciting other girls. make it her fault that youre a dumbass. then...

Quote :
"Scream, "You never care about what I'M feeling!" right into her face, then storm off and punch the wall. Take a minute to catch your breath, turn your head back around to face her, and say, very softly and very angrily, "You know, if this kind of thing is such a big fucking deal to you, maybe we should just end this." Then walk out of the room with your head high, and wait for her to come crying after you."

6/10 chance it'll work.

7/29/2008 7:03:00 PM

All American
26690 Posts
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got caught emailing another chick for a bj?

that's not 'deep'

Why the fuck are you still in this relationship if you are seeking out bj's from other bitches? why do you care what she thinks? this is your out.

7/29/2008 7:06:20 PM

All American
4809 Posts
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Who emails for bj's? Are you picking up hookers from craigslist or what?

7/29/2008 7:08:04 PM

All American
4169 Posts
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honestly, if everything else is going well in the relationship, I don't think she'll leave ya over that. You're going to have to re-establish your trust with her which is probably going to be agonizing but you fucked it up to begin with.

You fucked up. Come clean, don't pull any BS and be super sweet to her. Think about what she likes and do that shit for her without her having to ask but don't lose too much leverage over it.

7/29/2008 7:09:43 PM

All American
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7/29/2008 7:16:09 PM

hates 4 lokos
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Quote :
"Who emails for bj's? Are you picking up hookers from craigslist or what?"

old fuck buddy

7/29/2008 9:32:00 PM

376 Posts
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does she know that?

[Edited on July 29, 2008 at 9:33 PM. Reason : ]

7/29/2008 9:33:29 PM

All American
10527 Posts
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^ lol

actually most women i know only do it when they really like a guy or want something

[Edited on July 29, 2008 at 9:37 PM. Reason : actually]

7/29/2008 9:35:34 PM

376 Posts
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eh i meant does his current gf know the other girl was an old fuck buddy, cuz if she does, that makes shit 10x worse

7/29/2008 9:39:27 PM

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