IMStoned420 All American 15485 Posts user info edit post |
Warning: This thread will deliver. 7/30/2008 12:39:23 AM
lmnop All American 4809 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Don’t Put Dog Condom™ on Dog Balls." |
7/30/2008 12:40:22 AM
Mindstorm All American 15858 Posts user info edit post |
Yep, this is getting forwarded to some people.
I have to admit, I was not expecting this to actually exist. This is some furry shit right here, wtf. 7/30/2008 12:51:40 AM
ThePeter TWW CHAMPION 37709 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "X(12:51:50 AM): i'm pretty sure this girl is telling me that she would neuter her dog just so its nuts didn't rub on her TheNCPeter (12:52:09 AM): that sounds reasonable X(12:52:12 AM): and because they'd piss on everything to mark their territory if they still have their balls X(12:52:21 AM): <.< TheNCPeter (12:52:43 AM): well the second reason is more why dogs are neutered, but she should go with the first X(12:53:26 AM): i dunno...i think it's wrong unless there is a medical issue" |
7/30/2008 1:04:26 AM
arcgreek All American 26690 Posts user info edit post |
WTF PETA? 7/30/2008 1:05:31 AM
Rat Soup All American 7669 Posts user info edit post |
that website is a joke 7/30/2008 1:06:56 AM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
^ I hope so 7/30/2008 5:51:56 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
lol the thought of trying to put a dog on a condom is disturbing 7/30/2008 5:53:05 AM
Cyphr_Sonic All American 815 Posts user info edit post |
^ teach the dog how to load it himself and it'll be fine 7/30/2008 5:58:30 AM
damosyangsta Suspended 2940 Posts user info edit post |
tell him to leave room at the tip.
and also, LOL pet owners 7/30/2008 6:36:03 AM
puppy All American 8888 Posts user info edit post |
pretty cool. I once wrote an essay for an animal science class about alternatives to neutering/spaying and this was not one of them.
By the way, PETA is all for spaying/neuter. So this has nothing to do with them. PETA wants you to mutilate your animals so they can't make any more kittens and eventually there will be no more cats and dogs in the world. Its true. 7/30/2008 7:58:24 AM
Amsterdam718 All American 15134 Posts user info edit post |
ball condom. 7/30/2008 7:59:13 AM
MunkeyMuck All American 4427 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "If all you had left in your life was poetry and I bashed you in the head with a rock, thus damaging your brain to the point you could never again muster a natural sonnet, what would you have left to live for? Now imagine that you’re a dog and it’s your genitals. Now you might just understand the benefits of Dog Condoms™ over neutering." |
seriously, one of my major drives in life is humping too. Equating removing your balls with removing a dogs balls seems like it would get the idea across.
also ^^ that's bullshit 7/30/2008 8:45:41 AM
evan All American 27701 Posts user info edit post |
okay, this made me rofl:
Health Tip: Canine Prostate Massage 7/30/2008 8:48:01 AM
buttseks Suspended 1227 Posts user info edit post |

Don’t Apply by Mouth. Many dogs resist their owners putting their hands down in the business sector, so you may need to get creative to earn compliance. If Fido resists, consider rolling it down with gentle, tender stroking motions. Don’t use your mouth to apply it. Although that may have served you well in college (regardless of gender), dogs find interspecies contact of this sort demoralizing, and even those that accept it find their regret so great they’re three-times as likely to wander into traffic thereafter.
7/30/2008 9:05:33 AM