z0sO Veteran 163 Posts user info edit post |
So some friends and I submitted an entry to the Klondike Video Contest where the grand prize winner is partially determined by popular vote. Our video has been submitted into three categories, so if you could click on each of the three links below and vote three different times, I would be truly grateful.
What's the incentive? Well, just for registering and voting, you'll have a chance at winning $25,000. That and you'd be helping out an NCSU alum. 
So, without further ado, here are the links:
Category 1 - Laughs - http://www.klondikecontest.com/videos.aspx?ftaf=1370 Category 2 - Did You See That? - http://www.klondikecontest.com/videos.aspx?ftaf=1382 Category 3 - Flaunt It - http://www.klondikecontest.com/videos.aspx?ftaf=1391
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