damosyangsta Suspended 2940 Posts user info edit post |
So I found out either my mom or dad watched some of my porno on my computer, by looking through file history. Not only is this creepy, but it's ironic, because that's how they used to catch me viewing porn when I was 13. 8/3/2008 12:53:55 AM
cddweller All American 20699 Posts user info edit post |
What is junior up to?????
 8/3/2008 12:57:04 AM
umbrellaman All American 10892 Posts user info edit post |
This is why you set you browser to always clear the history, download history, cache, etc.  8/3/2008 1:01:14 AM
cddweller All American 20699 Posts user info edit post |
I live with mum and dad and am constantly clearing this shit out. >.< 8/3/2008 1:01:38 AM
mcfluffle All American 11291 Posts user info edit post |
^^] 8/3/2008 1:01:41 AM
Walls1441 All American 10000 Posts user info edit post |
let me tell you, its definitely better than watching one of your parents watch porn or finding porn in the DVD player. 8/3/2008 1:02:12 AM
umbrellaman All American 10892 Posts user info edit post |
Another safety tip: don't keep the porn on your computer where others might stumble upon it. That might not work for everyone, in which case you need a damn good place to hide it. Some really obscure place hidden deep down in your directory where others would not normally snoop, maybe hidden somewhere among the more obscure folders that house files necessary to run the computer. Either that, or just keep all your porn on removable drives, then find somewhere to hide that away.
Is there any way to password protect a folder or file?
[Edited on August 3, 2008 at 1:08 AM. Reason : don't know why the hell I spelled it "pass-word" ] 8/3/2008 1:07:13 AM
AxlBonBach All American 45553 Posts user info edit post |
C:/program files/common files/support/redux/
yea dude. 8/3/2008 1:14:28 AM
LaserSoup All American 5503 Posts user info edit post |
Not only do I leave porn links in my browser history I have it categorized to save people time.
My Porn: > Regular > Lesbian > Group Sex > Fisting > Tribadism (the best of the best) 8/3/2008 1:15:30 AM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
i thought you meant your parents watched a porno you made
that would suck way harder 8/3/2008 1:20:17 AM
Fermat All American 47007 Posts user info edit post |
i thought that too
my dad's wife found me DLing hot wet action on their computer once and flipped a fucking valve. all like "HOW DARE YOU BRING THAT FILTH INTO MY HOUSE"
I didn't mention how I found her homemade porn by accident when i was about twelve 8/3/2008 1:35:27 AM
Walls1441 All American 10000 Posts user info edit post |
lol i meant to say finding one of your parents watching porn. 8/3/2008 1:36:17 AM
damosyangsta Suspended 2940 Posts user info edit post |
it was def my dad. my mom was at the mall/cheesecake factory all day, she brought me back a cake as proof, lol. 8/3/2008 1:39:26 AM
Fermat All American 47007 Posts user info edit post |
when i was like 10 i was all like "YAY MY DAD'S PLAYBOY"
now when i find his porn it's by accident and it always makes me swear off sex for a while. *where as normally it is unintentional* 8/3/2008 1:47:48 AM
cddweller All American 20699 Posts user info edit post |
This is why http://www.redtube.com / http://www.pornotube.com / http://youporn.com are invaluable. You go, you seek, you conquer. Clear your temporary internet files, your history, and your cookies, and you're good. 8/3/2008 2:40:04 AM
Walls1441 All American 10000 Posts user info edit post |
i can't get off unless i know i'm hiding that porn in a sketchy folder on my computer. 8/3/2008 2:41:24 AM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
I use Safari to look at porn.
Then I remove the desktop and start menu shortcut and bury it in the quick links, so nobody ever uses it or even knows it's on my computer. 8/3/2008 2:52:11 AM
damosyangsta Suspended 2940 Posts user info edit post |
Me: I don't care. I just lock my computer when I'm living with roommates. this allows me to be lazy and just dl everything to the desktop. 8/3/2008 6:43:38 AM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
they probably had a sex-a-long session to the porn 8/3/2008 9:29:12 AM
BEU All American 12512 Posts user info edit post |
C:\Program Files\Entertainment
nobody suspects anything!
[Edited on August 3, 2008 at 9:33 AM. Reason : sfdf] 8/3/2008 9:33:11 AM
ambrosia1231 eeeeeeeeeevil 76471 Posts user info edit post |
Once upon a time, eahanhan got on the computer her and her brothers share at their parents' house.
Youngest brother left open a download status for Latex Divas 3. Yes, I remember the name of my friend's brother's porn  8/3/2008 9:34:13 AM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
 Look over there at those titties!

 God damn, look at those titties!
8/3/2008 9:39:41 AM
craptastic All American 6116 Posts user info edit post |
right click> properties> hidden 8/3/2008 11:31:41 AM
Kiwi All American 38546 Posts user info edit post |
xtube.com ftw 8/3/2008 11:33:47 AM
XSMP All American 16674 Posts user info edit post |
rename your bookmarks to really boring titles when you initially make them
no one clicks the Buy TurboTax Now! link 8/3/2008 11:40:02 AM
Metricula Squishie Enthusiast 4040 Posts user info edit post |
Parents never change.  8/3/2008 11:41:15 AM
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit post |
moms not knowing how to turn on a computer FTW
+ not living with a parent FTW 8/3/2008 11:46:05 AM
XSMP All American 16674 Posts user info edit post |
being the resident guru helps a bunch btw
"oh, my porn is bothering you? woops, there goes your internet!" 8/3/2008 11:47:18 AM
MunkeyMuck All American 4427 Posts user info edit post |
I like hiding my porn in a file on my desktop labeled NOT PORNO. It's genius. 8/3/2008 11:49:42 AM
Ragged All American 23473 Posts user info edit post |
links to your cool shit or no care 8/3/2008 12:16:36 PM