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 Message Boards » » I think my pistol may have been stolen Page [1]  
All American
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As I've mentioned on here, I just moved back to NC, into a house in Morehead City owned by a friend who's deployed at the moment. When I got there, I brought my travel bag inside (which contained my pistol, a Springfield stainless loaded 1911).

Well, the first morning I woke up there, I heard a loud thud and felt the house shudder...I grabbed the .45 and went downstairs and outside to check things out. Everything was fine, so I came back inside, put it back in the case, and placed it on the floor beside my bag. Since then, I've unpacked things and moved some more stuff inside, and it's somewhat of a haphazard mess right now.

Well, yesterday, I was leaving to come up to Raleigh and unload the stuff I don't need down there, and I thought "Hey, I think I'll go grab my 1911 and drop it off at PDHSC to have the trigger slicked up." I went back inside to grab it, and it wasn't there. I looked around the house and looked around the garage a couple of times...couldn't find it.

Over the last few days, a plumber, and exterminator, and a hardwood flooring guy have been in the house. The plumber was with me the entire time, I'm fairly certain. I jumped in the shower while the exterminator was there, and he was gone when I got out--then he went to spray a neighbor's house.

I haven't filed a police report just yet, because I'm going back down there this afternoon, and I'll look around much more carefully (I was in a hurry the first time). Any advice? I have renter's insurance, but it has a $500 deductable. I don't have the serial numbers of the gun anymore, but I do know where I bought it (Quantico Arms in VA), although I'm not sure anyone keeps a record of that.

Finally, I'm no longer a NC resident (changed it to FL). Is it gonna be an asspain to buy another gun up here? I can do it in FL, I guess, but that's sort of an asspain, too.

[Edited on August 3, 2008 at 10:35 AM. Reason : i don't know how that happened...didn't even mean to hit post message, and it made 2 THREADS!]

[Edited on August 3, 2008 at 10:42 AM. Reason : asdfadss]

8/3/2008 10:35:03 AM

All American
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first thing is to call the police and file a report. call up to the store you purchased the gun from, they should have the serial. give that info to the police too.

let them know who was around (the exterminator) and their contact info.

i JUST had a friend get his pistol stolen too.

Quote :
"Is it gonna be an asspain to buy another gun up here?"

I thought as long as you had ID with a local address, you were golden?

8/3/2008 11:24:01 AM

All American
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I don't. I have a FL driver's license.

8/3/2008 11:26:32 AM

All American
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on second thought, have the police call and get your serial for you.

call up the businesses that you suspect and ask them too. let them know that you won't file charges if the gun is returned. then file charges anyway.

Call the sheriff at 252-504-4800 to confirm, but I believe it's really easy and like $5 and a 10 day waiting period.

how much is your 1911? is the deductible worth it?

[Edited on August 3, 2008 at 11:35 AM. Reason : i see, if you are a permanent resident of FL, then yeah it might be a problem.]

[Edited on August 3, 2008 at 11:35 AM. Reason : can you purchase a pistol with an out of state CCH? that might be an option.]

8/3/2008 11:33:09 AM

All American
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don't have a CCP...since i can't take it with me on base (even in my car), it just isn't worth the trouble.

why do you say have the cops call and get the serial?

8/3/2008 11:42:35 AM

All American
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i just say that b/c i don't know how out of state gun stores work. will they give you the serial to your own gun just by calling? sounds sketchy to me.

8/3/2008 11:46:33 AM

All American
21806 Posts
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Quote :
"let them know that you won't file charges if the gun is returned. then file charges anyway."

Quote :
"sounds sketchy to me."

8/3/2008 3:25:35 PM

1538 Posts
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You shouldn't have a problem getting another handgun permit since you have already gotten one in the past. Now you said you purchased the 1911 in VA is that where you got your permit? If so since your in Morehead City just shoot over to the the Sheriffs Dept in Beaufort and apply for another permit, letting them know that you have already had a permit is such and such county of such and such state. Chances are Asa Buck will contact the sheriffs dept of the county you obtained your permit in and your good to go, that's the worse case scenario. He will probably just do a background check and in a day or so you will have a new permit.

8/3/2008 4:15:57 PM

All American
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you dont have the serial number? filing a police report without the serial number makes it very tough becuase the gun cant be entered as stolen in NCIC, which means it cant be tracked.

8/3/2008 4:17:44 PM

All American
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^ yeah, hopefully i can get the serial # from Quantico Arms

i had a pistol permit for Wake County...bought a SIG P226 with it, then sold it and bought the 1911 in VA.

however, I am no longer a NC resident.

8/3/2008 4:56:03 PM

1538 Posts
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Sorry that's my dumb ass fault I failed to remember that part. It's still worth a try to go and see...better yet with gas prices fuck it and just call the sheriffs department and see if its even worth it. But since you have already had a perming in NC it should be a problem I wouldn't think.

[Edited on August 3, 2008 at 5:00 PM. Reason : more info]

8/3/2008 4:59:46 PM

All American
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you have, what, 60 days to change your license.....and you know you get pulled over every other week.....

8/3/2008 7:25:23 PM

All American
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^he's active duty, he doesn't have to change it unless he just feels like it. or gets the urge to pay state income tax for some reason.

hope you find it and all this is moot...not looking good this late in the game though.

8/3/2008 9:58:23 PM

All American
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just got home...

i've been up in raleigh all weekend, so i hadn't been able to look for it over the weekend (i only looked for about 15 minutes before leaving for raleigh...i was kind of in a hurry). I was thinking today about places I hadn't looked, and I could only think of one place it might be...sure enough, I found it there as soon as I got home.

8/4/2008 12:09:03 AM

All American
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you should probably take this opportunity to record the serial numbers for your weapons in case they do get stolen.

8/4/2008 12:16:19 AM

Not suspended
24374 Posts
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oh shit nigga.

8/4/2008 3:35:13 AM

1227 Posts
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good thing you found it

fyi, if you purchased the gun from a dealer, the cops can look up the serial number, thats the reason i have all but 1 of my guns registered, so i dont really have to keep up with all that

You may want to check your insurance company about getting supplemental insurance on that stuff, i have renters insurance, and full coverage on the vehicles, but the deductable is high. I have insurance just on my GPS (the $600 waterproof motorcycle one), my guns, laptop, and some of my more expensive power tools, with a $30 deductable through nationwide.

8/4/2008 8:37:36 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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lol, why was this moved to Chit Chat? Because it was found?

8/4/2008 8:40:21 AM

All American
23473 Posts
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thats no good dude

8/4/2008 8:40:32 AM

Tom Joad
72868 Posts
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did you put it in the fridge by mistake?

one time i did that to my keys

8/4/2008 8:43:02 AM

All American
4852 Posts
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Great now somebody's gonna be committing robberies with your shit.

8/4/2008 8:45:20 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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uh, no they won't.

8/4/2008 8:47:05 AM

All American
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8/4/2008 8:51:17 AM

147487 Posts
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why or why not?

8/4/2008 8:51:20 AM

no u
103356 Posts
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responsible gun ownership

8/4/2008 8:54:40 AM

All American
31058 Posts
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i want someone to give the marine with a gun the ol' anonymous internet treatment

but seriously, it was the exterminator in the bedroom with the gun

8/4/2008 8:56:12 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » I think my pistol may have been stolen Page [1]  
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