Seotaji All American 34244 Posts user info edit post |
Entry Level Agent Systems Engineer
Prepare correspondence and reports as directed, using computer word processing program. May work from handwritten draft, notes, or transcribing machine. May prepare routine correspondence directly for signature. Receive and direct telephone calls for assigned managers, answering routine questions directly. Maintain manager's calendar, schedule meetings, remind manager of schedule. Set-up and maintain files. Plan, coordinate, and manage Company events. Coordinate use of conference room, arrange food and beverages when necessary. Greet visitors and provide refreshments as necessary. Copy, assemble and bind reports and proposals. Assist or back-up other clerical positions as needed. * Location: Raleigh / Durham / Ch * Compensation: $13.84-$46.78 per hour plus benefits
What exactly are you engineering with this job? 8/6/2008 2:08:07 PM
bmdurham All American 2668 Posts user info edit post |
wolf in sheeps clothing 8/6/2008 2:08:45 PM
RSXTypeS Suspended 12280 Posts user info edit post |
that is a fucking HUGE pay range. 8/6/2008 2:08:48 PM
dbmcknight All American 4030 Posts user info edit post |

[Edited on August 6, 2008 at 2:11 PM. Reason : better]
8/6/2008 2:08:54 PM
dgspencer All American 4474 Posts user info edit post |
Agent systems it seems 8/6/2008 2:10:56 PM
clayguevara All American 604 Posts user info edit post |
If you look on CL they have that exact same add more or less for almost every category. 8/6/2008 2:16:06 PM
sd2nc All American 9963 Posts user info edit post |
$13.84-$46.78 per hour plus benefits
It's like that Cutco deal where you can make $13.84 per appointment or go commission only 8/6/2008 2:16:26 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
that's like the definition of secretary 8/6/2008 2:17:25 PM
darkone (\/) (;,,,;) (\/) 11612 Posts user info edit post |
that's like the definition of secretary 8/6/2008 2:18:20 PM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
i hate when people use the term engineer for jobs that arent engineering 8/6/2008 2:41:44 PM
IMStoned420 All American 15485 Posts user info edit post |
i hear they're hiring sandwich engineers at Jimmy John's 8/6/2008 2:46:15 PM