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 Message Boards » » best way to fill a watermelon with vodka. Page [1]  
DJ Lauren
All American
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Should I make like a carb or something? I've tried to just cut a hole in the top and flip a bottle of vodka upside down in it, but i feel like some air needs to be let out or something from an alternate ventilation hole.

8/9/2008 11:09:15 AM

New Recruit
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cut a hole and dump in

its porous enough where thats all you have to do

[Edited on August 9, 2008 at 11:12 AM. Reason : p.s. now im def coming]

8/9/2008 11:11:38 AM

DJ Lauren
All American
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p.s- great. bring some of your hot democrat friends too.

8/9/2008 11:23:21 AM

All American
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why are you putting it in a watermelon? is watermelon flavored vodka any good?

8/9/2008 11:57:57 AM

All American
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probably better than vodka flavored vodka

plus its easier to carry over state lines!

8/9/2008 12:42:09 PM

All American
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Popo give you issues about liquor crossing state lines?

8/9/2008 12:46:01 PM

All American
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Not if you drive a charger they dont

8/9/2008 12:48:56 PM

2019 Egg Champ
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If you're driving a charger, you probably are a cop.

8/9/2008 12:50:31 PM

135 Posts
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You could always just buy watermelon flavored vodka at the ABC store. Although this way might be more fun.

8/9/2008 12:50:34 PM

All American
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Damn it, knew the caprice (retired popo car) would not be good enough.

8/9/2008 12:51:06 PM

All American
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Watermelon is full of water, so it seems to me like you would probably have to take something out to get something else in. Do you have a tap like in the pic?

I am imagining the end of the melon cut like a jackolantern top with enough of the insides scooped out to fit the contents of the vodka bottle. Then replace the top and make sure it stays upright while the fluids mingle.

8/9/2008 1:02:42 PM

All American
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yeah those new chargers are fucking radical

i was talking about real chargers though. the ones with confederate flags painted on the hood and the doors welded shut

[Edited on August 9, 2008 at 1:06 PM. Reason : 1 SONG=1 TRACK ]

8/9/2008 1:04:41 PM

220 Posts
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lol 'radical' google up radical sr8

8/9/2008 1:52:02 PM

All American
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use a funnel, it lets air out as it spirals in

8/9/2008 2:40:59 PM

All American
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8/9/2008 2:59:57 PM

All American
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What you'll need:
• 10-pound seedless watermelon
• Sharp knife
• Big spoon
• Big bowl
• Drill with a 1/2-inch drill bit
• 3/4-inch ball-valve faucet with a handle that's easy to turn with one hand
• PVC-to-faucet adapter that will screw into the back of the faucet
• Rubber O-ring that fits the back of the faucet
• Blender
• Sieve
• Pitcher
• 1 1/2 cups rum
• 4 limes
• About 90 minutes of your time

1. If your watermelon is wobbly when standing on one end, use a knife to trim off the stem end of your watermelon rind just enough that the melon sits flat. Then decide which side of your melon looks best — that'll be your front. Cut the top jack-o'-lantern style, big enough to fit your hand through, but center the cut more toward the back of the melon so you can't see the seam from the front.


2. Use a big spoon to scoop out the fruit into a large bowl. Eat some of the watermelon as you're scooping it out to make sure it doesn't poison your guests. Pour any juice in the bottom of the melon into your pitcher.


3. Drill a hole a few inches from the bottom of the melon for your faucet. Then use a knife to slightly widen the hole till it's just a little smaller than the diameter of the back of the faucet.


4. Gently screw the faucet into the hole, putting your other hand inside the melon for leverage. Don't jam it in or you'll bruise the outside of the rind and compromise your seal. Inside the melon, carve away a little more fruit from around the back of the faucet (don't go through the rind) to make room for screwing on the adapter.


5. Slide the O-ring onto the back of the faucet, then screw on the adapter. To test for leaks, fill the melon halfway with water, then turn on the faucet. Once you've confirmed that your watermelon is indeed operational, pour out the water through the top.


6. Reserve some watermelon to eat tomorrow for breakfast, then throw the rest into a blender and puree. Use the back of a spoon to push the puree through a sieve placed over your pitcher so you're left with just juice. Discard any solids. You should have about 6 cups of juice. Mix the juice with 1 1/2 cups of rum and 1/2 cup of fresh lime juice (about four limes' worth).


7. Pour the mixture back into the watermelon. Put the top back on the melon and set it on the edge of a counter or table to serve.


8/9/2008 3:00:29 PM

All American
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How did i end up reading about illegal numbers after searching for something on this page

8/9/2008 3:07:07 PM

DJ Lauren
All American
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i went straight to the farmer's market and asked the watermelon lady herself.

done and done. it's in the fridge. also making jello shots. 30 hours-o-fun starts in about 2 hours.

8/9/2008 5:44:27 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Cut a plug out and then let it sit out for a day or so and it will dry out a bit. Then you don't have to worry about the vodka displacing the water.

8/9/2008 5:48:14 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » best way to fill a watermelon with vodka. Page [1]  
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