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 Message Boards » » Gov. Spitzers Prostitute's Myspace Blog Page [1]  
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8/11/2008 11:05:03 PM

All American
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Last Post: Saturday, June 21, 2008

8/11/2008 11:08:12 PM

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Current mood: thankful

Hey everyone...Let me just start by saying THANK YOU ALL, for your support!! I have not had the time to be on myspace that much...BUT I have been trying to get on here to approve pending friend requests and catch up on e-mails & comments. Sorry it is taking me so long!! All of my pending friend requests from 3/12 through now were deleted by myspace (if you do not approve them within a certain number of days, they get deleted) so...please please please re-send and you should be approved automatically. Again, thank you all so much for taking the time to send me a bit of strength and inspiration via email or comment, your words have touched me and I thank you for that...with all my heart, I love you guys!!! ...and to all the not so kind words...I love you too, because it makes me push myself and want it even more. "Hard times don't last...only strong people".


Inspirational mail from you all...(here are SOME that really stood out, some made me laugh, some made me cry, some just made me stop for a bit and think...but they all made me smile)...Thank-You again. ps. no last names are included below so you will know if it is your story, but the rest of the world will not know it is you.

"When you are destined to be a star, life has a way of taking you there...even when it doesn't at first appear to be a good thing."

"Regardless of your decision, always remember: others may hate you. But those who hate you don't win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself. Greatness comes not when things go always good for you, but the greatness comes and you are really tested, when you take some knocks, some disappointments, when sadness comes, because only if you have been in the deepest valley can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain.
My very best wishes to you,
Secret Agent Man :-)"

"Remember, like Eleanor Roosevelt said: "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent." Hope everything goes well and that you had a wonderful Easter! Janna"

"Music makes us stronger. It also makes us feel warm when we are vulnerable. So, when you say "what destroys me, makes me stronger", oh yes i understand...Life is Full of That Sure U Know That..! So, Keep it up. Just keep being you...San"

"hey i just wanted to say to you, that you truely are the most beautiful women i have ever seen. i am just a nobody in this world and knowing that you might just read this has really made my day. stay on the up an up and chase after your musical career. well good luck"

"Hey Ashley......Well I guess it would be a miracle for you to sift through your thousands of emails and find this one. Girlfriend you keep rockin and continue to climb that ladder of success. I know the media is driving you nuts, but keep the head high and positive. Always continue to follow your dream and don't settle for less. I am from North Carolina in the Charlotte area and have some great contacts down here as well as Los Angeles. So if you find that needle in the in my email, give me a shout. Hope is all well with you and hope to hear from you soon! From one musician to another.....rock on baby!!! Kevin Drummer (rockafellas) Charlotte, NC "

8/11/2008 11:15:34 PM

All American
8570 Posts
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I thought this was funny

"Keep your head up. Don't let others make you suffer for what isn't your fault."


8/11/2008 11:18:30 PM

All American
6839 Posts
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what's the story on this skeezer?

8/11/2008 11:18:36 PM

All American
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noodz or ban

8/11/2008 11:18:53 PM

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I thought she deleted her shit but I guess after the initial shock she put it back and started adding the 50,000 friend requests she was getting.

8/11/2008 11:22:30 PM

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