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 Message Boards » » The air in Beijing Page [1]  
All American
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Are the windows in the TV studios tinted, or is the smog really that bad there?

Holy shit, thats embarassing and disgraceful. I wonder if its as bad as the London "fog" of the late 1800s

8/13/2008 12:24:20 AM

All American
4270 Posts
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it's very polluted there. and there is trash all over the place. service raleigh would be overwhelmed. i'm sure they've got lots of staff keeping things cleaner for the olympics, but this was the state of things when i was there 2 years ago.

8/13/2008 12:25:46 AM

All American
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i don't know what windows you're talkin' about, but yeah, it really is that bad

8/13/2008 12:26:08 AM

All American
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^just the background in the TV studios.

For Christ's sake it looks like its snowing!

8/13/2008 12:27:03 AM

All American
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8/13/2008 12:28:30 AM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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Looks like 10 blocks from Ground Zero

8/13/2008 12:29:07 AM

1080 Posts
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its not pollution. most of it at least. its mainly dust from the gobi and humidity.

8/13/2008 12:30:48 AM

All American
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Interesting, b/c it hasn't always looked like that...

8/13/2008 12:32:22 AM

All American
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hey, if your air was that bad you'd be squinting all the time too!

8/13/2008 12:35:22 AM

All American
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8/13/2008 12:35:38 AM

All American
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Quote :
"its not pollution. most of it at least. its mainly dust from the gobi and humidity."

no. it's pollution.

also, the athletes shouldn't have apologized for wearing masks when they stepped off the plane. fuck polluted air.

[Edited on August 13, 2008 at 12:58 AM. Reason : china is dirty as fuck.]

8/13/2008 12:57:49 AM

50085 Posts
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The coal plants near some cities are what contribute a lot to the pollution...

I had to do a Business Ethics presentation on that last semester... Some of the pictures and results were sick...

8/13/2008 12:58:51 AM

1080 Posts
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theres pollution there but its not like thats "what you're looking at". they have shutdown all factories and construction and most cars in the province for weeks in advacne. some pollution is coming in from other provinces but the winds are coming off the gobi desert and there are mountains on 3 sides so it gets stuck. there has been really high humidity lately and its mainly just cloud haze and droplets forming from the dust. its like that in the morning and in the late afternoon the sun comes out.

people want to act like its smoke or smog

8/13/2008 1:02:30 AM

All American
31924 Posts
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Quote :
"hey, if your air was that bad you'd be squinting all the time too!"


8/13/2008 1:02:44 AM

All American
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Quote :


8/13/2008 2:56:25 AM

All American
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There is no doubt that they have a lot of smog, but most of what you see on tv is mist that burns off if it gets sunny. A lot of the events we see are in the morning, so there's going to be a lot of morning mist mixed in anyway. Athletes wearing masks and shit is sensationalism.

There have been shots of clear days during these olympics.

8/13/2008 3:11:34 AM

All American
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Don't kid yourself. Maybe they're slightly biased, but in every news article I've read about the Olympics where the author has commented on the weather says that at most they see the sun 20 minutes a day. And that what the Chinese call "clear and sunny" is "most cloudy" over here.

8/13/2008 9:45:34 AM

All American
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This made me laugh

Quote :
"service raleigh would be overwhelmed."

8/13/2008 9:56:41 AM

Art Vandelay
45180 Posts
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Quote :
"people want to act like its smoke or smog"

IT IS SMOG.... shit they talk about how shitty the air still is even though they did reduce the number of operating factories and such around the city. the air quality is still terrible. one journalist in the midst of the cutbacks on pollution talked about having CINDERS on there clothing after walking around outside.

dust my ass...

8/13/2008 9:57:14 AM

63151 Posts
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yeah it's weird.

where i was over there a month ago, it comes and goes..

the plant i was working at was square in the center of downtown in the city too, it used to be well outside the city but the city grew up around it in the last 25 years. fucking weird being on a chemical plant with sky scrapers on all four sides of the property.

(not beijing)

however, there were days where you couldnt see across the harbor to hong kong, at all... and it was ~3 miles, other days perfectly clear.

they call it "fog"

seems to be a function of the rain and cloud cover.

on bad days, yeah normal breathing felt laboured and quasi-athsma-y

i think beijing is much worse than where i was, just outside of hk and macau in shenzhen.. across the border into mainland.

as for cleanliness it was polar.

places that were sorta westernized and high traffic were spotless, but getting down into primarily local and more middle/lower class... fucking damn near a third world still.

Some places there'd be herds of people stooping over picking up trash by hand or pulling weeds by hand. I guess with a billion people there's people to do even the most menial jobs.

Other places there was trash everywhere and people holding children over the gutter to piss and shit in the street.

it's a stark contrast.

edit: the weirdest part though was looking out the hotel room at night on bad days, sometimes the "fog" had distinct pieces you could see near the lights, similar to very tiny flake snowfall.

[Edited on August 13, 2008 at 10:16 AM. Reason : e]

8/13/2008 10:14:17 AM

102 Posts
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we get it; you went to china

8/13/2008 10:17:10 AM

63151 Posts
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great, im getting trolled by an alias

8/13/2008 10:22:17 AM

All American
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i wore a mask the entire time there, except when indoors. the mask filters would clog if i spent too much time outside. these are nice 3M particulate masks, it takes quite a bit to clog them.

if i didn't have the air purifiers running on high when sleeping, i'd wake up with asthma like symptoms.

my parents were like "OMG don't insult them", screw that. their ruling elite spends very little time outside and live in hospital grade type cleanroom environments. so fuck'em.

china is still a third world country. it might have pockets of modern living, but not many.

you still need papers to access certain cities. the chinese dislike people from other cities and won't let some/most of them in.

people don't bathe frequently, if at all. i worked for a few corporations and when stepping into those gleaming office buildings (where you are frequently the tallest person on the elevator), you can see dandruff and other debris in the employees matted down hair.

the water quality, hell what water quality.

you can't trust anything you buy at the store. the toothpaste might be mint flavored nuclear waste.

i was happy to go anywhere but there. hell even vietnam was better in some parts and that's saying a lot.

[Edited on August 13, 2008 at 10:26 AM. Reason : eh]

8/13/2008 10:25:40 AM

Art Vandelay
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8/13/2008 10:26:34 AM

102 Posts
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^^^Don't flatter yourself

8/13/2008 10:29:33 AM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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semichub's jockin on them strollers, mang.

8/13/2008 10:48:18 AM

35780 Posts
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Quote :
"great, im getting trolled by an alias "

i read and liked what you had to offer!

8/13/2008 10:59:27 AM

All American
10570 Posts
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He owns all of the air south of Beijing...

Let me put it to you this way: try building something taller than three stories in the Tiangjin province, and see if his name comes up.

8/13/2008 11:15:32 AM

Art Vandelay
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nicely played

8/13/2008 11:16:49 AM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
11612 Posts
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Quote :
"some pollution is coming in from other provinces but the winds are coming off the gobi desert and there are mountains on 3 sides so it gets stuck"

According to the HYSPLIT backwards trajectories, the winds have been coming from the coast, not the Gobi Desert.

8/13/2008 11:50:52 AM

Art Vandelay
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exactly why that explanation is a total load

8/13/2008 11:51:36 AM

All American
43429 Posts
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The air quality there is embarassing. One can only wonder what it would look like if they hadn't forced all those restrictions to make the air cleaner less nasty.

8/13/2008 11:56:43 AM

Art Vandelay
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it would be slightly worse than 2+ years ago

remember this is their "cleaned up for the olympics" pollution levels, shits gonna go right back up if not worse after they are over...

8/13/2008 12:19:39 PM

1080 Posts
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it just comes off as jealous when they put on the best olympic games ever and all we can talk about is air quality age of gymnists and tibet.

8/13/2008 12:22:02 PM

45208 Posts
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The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.

8/13/2008 12:22:15 PM

All American
2950 Posts
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No Earl, you're the best.

8/13/2008 12:24:05 PM

All American
18941 Posts
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Quote :
"CINDERS on there clothing"


8/13/2008 12:34:13 PM

Art Vandelay
45180 Posts
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Quote :
"the best olympic games ever "

just wait till "athletics" the best marathoners won't even be running it due to health concerns... that's pretty fucking awful

^most cities don't have a light shower of ash raining down over them.....

[Edited on August 13, 2008 at 12:35 PM. Reason : thanks for pointing out the there their they're thing though, i really need someone to stay on me]

8/13/2008 12:34:27 PM

68205 Posts
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Quote :
New Recruit
22 Posts
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^^^Don't flatter yourself"

do you want me to call you out since i can see the session list

8/13/2008 12:34:36 PM

All American
18941 Posts
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I think you should, gunzz

8/13/2008 12:35:56 PM

All American
2950 Posts
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do it!

8/13/2008 12:36:41 PM

All American
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8/13/2008 12:38:11 PM

All American
2668 Posts
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hha gunzz you are a trip. flexing on the internet.

8/14/2008 10:24:39 AM

1080 Posts
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people never heard of fog. go to san francisco. OMG MORNING POLLUTION. CAN. NOT. BREATHE.

8/14/2008 10:32:39 AM

148891 Posts
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8/14/2008 10:38:13 AM

All American
12966 Posts
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my best friend is in beijing visiting her boyfriend who is living there for work right now

she was sleeping and the maid came and woke her up with some serious excitement and pointed outside

she woke her up because you could see the sun and thats a big fucking deal there apparently


8/14/2008 10:44:51 AM

All American
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8/14/2008 10:49:45 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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i'll take 110 degree heat indexes and 90% humidity anyday

8/14/2008 10:58:01 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » The air in Beijing Page [1]  
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